Good afternoon friends! Another week is about to pass us by. It was certainly filled with more of the same. The justice system is still rotten to the core. The Liberals are still hanging on to broken brain despite the complete and utter nightmare he’s caused here at home and around the world. And our President is still working his rear end off despite all that they throw at him. That putrid judge that wouldn’t delay a hearing so the President could attend Melania’s Mother’s funeral service is just another example of the ugliness inside and out of these Leftist Democrats. Seriously, they are filled with ugly, hate. Their soul reeks of filth. Good on the President for going anyway.
I see Fat Fani has got herself in hot water due to her filth, cheating with a married man who she’s paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go after Trump. As I heard it, the guy is like the used car salesman (no offense to used car salesmen) of attorneys and what does that Fulton County DA do? She hires him to go after the President of the United States. Give me a freaking break. Someone needs to kick her and lover boy to curb. It sounds like the lover boy’s wife is up to the task. Go for it! Good Lord these people make me sick. And throw that stupid witch hunt case out the window!
Then there’s that weirdo woman who claimed Trump assaulted her in a department store. How stupid does a person have to be to believe that freakazoid? Totally believable right? A billionaire who can have about any woman he wants walks into a department store, sees an ugly women in a dressing room and says to himself, “Hey, I’m gonna get me some of that.” The whole thing is stupid. She’s stupid, the judge is stupid and the jury is stupid. It’s just more of the get Trump bullshit and do we dare think the country has had enough of it? Do we? Seems like it, feels like the tide is turning and more and more folks are finally rubbing the filth out of their eyes and seeing all this for what it is, election interference designed to damage Trump and keep him off the ballot. Anyone who doesn’t see that is, well, so stupid they’re still supporting Biden the blundering idiot.

It just boggles the mind to think of all the damage that grumpy old man has been able to get away with in such a short period of time. It has certainly highlighted just how useless Congress is and how much they don’t care about the country or taxpayers. These idiots have funded every single one of the hair sniffer’s programs and even after all the failures and his ability through weakness to re-stir up the Middle East they’re still writing him checks. And I don’t even want to talk about the Republicans. Like Trump always says, they’re all talk and no action. A bunch of lip flapper letter writers is what they are. Maddening.
Another thing I’ve had enough of is this “dictator” narrative that the left and their media pals are pushing. Between the word dictator and democracy I’m about to pop a cork. “Trump said he would be a dictator” “Our democracy won’t survive”… Shut up! To be honest I wouldn’t care what these evil SOBs have to say if it weren’t for the fact the slow learners with their hands out believe all of it. The BS that spews out of these people’s mouths on a daily basis is enough to make a junkyard dog break his chain.

The evil goings on over these past six plus years cannot, must not, be allowed to stand. In all of these cases those involved and there are many, must be brought to their knees and have the long arm of the law shoved down their filthy, lying throats. There is no moving on without justice being served.

Do we dare start believing the people have woken up? I swear I about fell out of my chair. The polls were right! Again, The. Polls. Were. Right. Do we dare start believing in the polls? I’ll be honest, I’m too afraid to but holy molly batman, they showed him in a commanding lead and he finished in a commanding lead. Whoa! That’s a first… I’m so damn proud of the good folks in Iowa I’d buy them all a beer if I could. Well played Iowa, well played.
Of course let’s be clear, Nikki won right? LOL. What in the hell was that? “I can honestly say after tonight this is now a two person race” What? These politicians are something else. She’d have her supporters and the dumbasses who keep funding her believe she won in Iowa. Oh my God, I told you, I’ve said it a hundred times friends, we are surrounded by idiots.

Things got better for her on Friday when Tim Scott announced his support for President Trump. I mean, if she wants everyone to believe she won the race in Iowa after spending a gazillion dollars and taking third place I assume she feels the Tim Scott endorsement for Trump is another win for her. Right? Gotta love a politician. And trust me, that is all she is.
New Hampshire is next and again the polls have him in a commanding lead. Do we dare believe them? New Hampshire where they let Democrats vote in a Republican primary? If he wins that I’ll be tickled pink as they say. And that’s an understatement! What does tickled pink even mean? Whatever, I’ll be a happy camper!
Nothing however, as this race goes anyway, will make me smile more, jump up and down more than watching the President wipe Nikki off the map in South Carolina, my home state. I don’t want to over use the word delicious but YUM! Just the thought of watching the media melt down into a slithering pile of dung is enough to make a grown man cry with glee. And then there’s ole build back better, borders open, three wars, student loan vote buyer himself, between him and his party coming unglued well zippidy do dang dah. I see the chatter about them throwing Michele Obama in the race has picked up. To that I have two things to say. First, who cares and second, she ain’t going to run, she hates the flag and the country. Besides, she’s lazy.
And there you have it friends. We’ve arrived at that point again where it’s time to wrap up this rant for the week. May y’all stay warm, may your teams win this weekend, and may our quest to re-elect President Trump become just a little bit closer this coming week. We’ve got the votes, the energy and momentum. By the grace of God and a fair election, do we dare think we are going to fix this mess? What do we have to lose! Beat that drum of liberty friends, call out the lies and shout out the truth. Remember, this is our country, our time. Winning is the only option. Not Nikki winning, real winning. Maybe even the biggest win ever!