As it relates to government and politics, I suspect I’m not the only one who doesn’t like feeling the way we feel right now. It’s almost as though I’ve been in a constant state of anger all the way back to 2016 when the filth came up with the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax. To add insult to injury nothing or no one has been made to pay for that treasonous failed coup. Nope, we are to move on and just forget about it. You know, that was a pretty damn big deal and a whole lot of people, inside and outside this filthy, not to be trusted government ought to be sitting in a prison cell for it. Nikki would call this “drama” I call it “justice.”
Then came the complete fraud impeachments led by some of the most disgusting evil people on planet earth. And once again, none of that bullshit has been made right. The evil doers on the Left accomplished what they set out to accomplish, they made Trump out to be something he’s not or has never been, some kind of evil dictator working to take America down. And boy howdy was the media ever happy to oblige.
We no sooner get past that shit show & we’re/he is greeted with a worldwide pandemic which I’m convinced was nothing more than another planned attack to get rid of the President. Mail in ballots, drop boxes and the rest of the social distancing, mask wearing, vaccine that’s not a vaccine followed by the booster bullshit and once again, mission accomplished. The vast population bought it all hook, line and sinker. Left in its path was a beat up economy, a work from home mentality and a devoid education system that was never anything to brag about in the first place all while individual freedoms and rights were rounded up and put in a tidy little government basket.
Then came the final nail in the coffin, the blankety-blank 2020 election. There’s absolutely no reason for me to tell you how that made me feel because y’all damn well know how it made me feel, the exact same way it made you feel. PISSED OFF! Yeah, all caps!

I don’t like feeling this way, I don’t like that I can’t trust our government, can’t trust the media, have no faith in our justice system, the judges, the prosecutors, DAs, Attorneys General, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland (No) Security, the DOJ, the educators, these woke colleges, these filthy scum sucking politicians in both parties, I don’t even trust our own military brass and maybe the one group that keeps me in a constant state of anger the most are the damn American people who continue to walk around with their (excuse my french) heads up their ass. Good Lord forgive me but, we’ve got some dumb ass people in this country who are lazy as hell and just as happy as can be to flush the American dream down the toilet.
I want to be proud of this country, proud of our people and our institutions, I really do. I want a kick ass media that holds everyone’s feet to fire. I want these people in Washington to follow the constitution, not interpret it. I want us to actually be what we say we are a nation of laws. From all that I see, we are a nation of lawlessness. What in the name of Batman has happened and more importantly why in the name of Superman are we putting up with it. This government has so many of us scared we’ve all but become mute. In what world do we live today where there’s nothing, NOTHING good to report on? We’ve gone from a prosperous nation with no wars, to a broke nation involved in two wars and arguably an eyelash away from another world war. We went from a stable genius to an utter diaper wearing moron. I can’t even say that there is one Congressperson that I trust or one arm of this filthy machine that stands with the people. In many ways it feels like the takeover is a done deal.

My friends we’ve got to find our way through this thick fog of outright filth. We all have hope in this next election all while our guts are churning knowing the cheating hasn’t been corrected and the cheaters are still walking free. We are living in a time where trust is a rare bird very difficult to find much less hold on to. Take these primaries for an example. No one wants to believe these polls more than I do. They’ve had our President way ahead of these other ass-hats but I, like everything else nowadays don’t trust them, I never have. I am however down on my knees hoping they’re right this time. If they are, the President should come out a clear and obvious winner. If they aren’t and stupid bird brain wins any of these or back stabber wins then we know, the polls are what they’ve always been, a propaganda tool designed to lead the slow learner in the direction they want. You see, one can think that by showing Trump with big leads the polls are simply designed to get larger turnouts for the traders running against the President. Listen to me, Mr. No Trust in anything anymore. The only thing I know for sure is that no amount of cold or snow will stop a true Trump supporter from voting. We are a rugged group that won’t be held back when it comes to voting for our guy.
I guess that I’ve arrived at that rambling point in my weekly rant. So, the time has come to say goodbye. Somehow, someway, we’ve got to get our guy back at the helm to steer this sinking ship back to the dock where she can be renovated. Yep, only Trump can clean this mess up and put to bed, once and for all, these evil people who have worked so hard to get us in this place we are today. So beat those drums of liberty friends, call out the lies, preach the truth and don’t take no as an answer. It’s Trump or bust to the bitter end. Our country, our time, Take it back and remind everyone that;

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends, stay warm and safe! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica