It feels that way doesn’t it. So many of us continue to live in perpetual anger with a dose of depression over the 2020 election and the many filth filled events that have followed. Today is January 6th which for millions upon millions of Americans represents the day our evil, corrupt government turned a peaceful protest into a staged ANTIFA/BLM like shit show. We’ve all witnessed hundreds of Trump rallies throughout the entire country with hundreds of thousands attending without any riots, any damage to buildings, no fights, no lawlessness just people showing their support for a man who stood up for them and for their patriotic love of country. To be clear, those folks on January 6th, each and every one of them were true patriots. And no, I’m not talking about the paid fakers.
Suddenly however this communist like government and all their evil players want us to believe these very same folks went to DC with intentions to storm the capitol in some sort of hostile takeover. You know, with their red hats and flags… Sadly, and this only adds to our anger and depression, many Americans have bought this “big lie” just as they believe everything else they are fed by these filthy people in government and the media. These are the people that watch the View, CNN and evidently find a billionaire telling them the government is corrupt more offensive than their broken brain dictator showering with his daughter and stealing their wealth. Not to mention the hundreds of American ideals he’s thrown out the window in the name of power and greed.

God Bless those folks sitting in prison. The country owes them a lot, starting with their freedom. The best way we can help them is by doing everything in our power to get President Trump back in office where he belongs. These folks turned out on January 6, 2020. We by God better do the same in 2024.
As for this big speech given by broken brain, all I can say is “really?” This idiot can’t talk about anything he’s accomplished because it’s all bad. The only thing he can do is spew lies (he’s really good at that) about President Trump and this bullshit about their staged insurrection. As I said, his brain dead supporters buy it and the media is happy to promote it.
Biden yesterday: Today I make this sacred pledge to you. The defense of American democracy will remain the central cause of my presidency. Democracy is on the ballot. Your freedom is on the ballot.
This might very well be the first truth that idiot has ever told because never in my lifetime has the defense of our democracy (republic) been so important, and he’s absolutely right when he says it’s on the ballot. If we don’t take this country back, if they rig (not much of an “if”) this next election again we, my friends, might as well kiss this country goodbye. To see what the country will look like look no further than these past three years and then triple it as all you will hear is “the people have spoken!” “They’ve given us a mandate.” As we talk this very minute thousands of illegals are storming the border, billions of our dollars are being planned for things we don’t want and didn’t ask for. Those we’ve elected have done nothing to combat any of it and instead just the opposite, they’ve funded it all and there is no reason to believe they ever will do anything to help. Oh in this election year you’ll hear more of what they are “going” to do but results will remain void.

You can certainly tell the election year has begun can’t you. The media would have us believe Nikki has all but won. Notice how broken brain didn’t spend two seconds talking about her or DeSantis? Wonder why? When you hear the Democrats want another Trump/Biden match up don’t you believe it for a minute. They fear that man like no other and they should. While they work double time trying to get him off the ballot around the country this piece of work puppet in the White House is trying to sell the country that he is the savior of democracy. Man, you really have to be some kind of stupid to believe that. These evil creeps are all in though. There is no amount of our money they’ll spend to damage Trump and no lengths they will travel to shut our voices down. January 6th was a ploy to put fear in all of us. These lawsuits against the President are designed to paint the President as some evil doer that will bring the end to America as we know it. It is crazy how true that they accuse others for what they actually do. The lies are so transparent to those of us with eyes & ears. The morons who buy all this democracy bullshit are the very same who don’t think anything of a dictator who mandates what kind of car they can buy or what stove they can have. Man oh man we are surrounded by so many lame people in this country. They want the illegals to vote, their all for it and why? I can only assume they want to be told what to do, what to buy, how much to pay. Let us remember, as Nikki said, these people (illegals) aren’t criminals. They’re just families looking for a better life… And let us remember pudding brain says America is about people being who they want to be. I took that as; “if you want to be a girl, be a girl, if you want to be a man, be a man. You know the American dream and stuff… #WeAreANationInDecline

I am starting to ramble now. That’s always my clue to call an end to my rant. Y’all know how much I appreciate you taking your valuable time to read these and share your comments. I often hear from you thanking me for saying what y’all are thinking. Well, please know, you give me hope in knowing someone out there thinks the same way, and believes in the same things as I. You’ve heard me say we are on our own. It’s true and I personally remain so grateful to be on my own with each of you. Y’all are good, honest folks who care about the truth, you care about justice. You proudly display our flag and like me, you just want to be left alone to enjoy your life, your families and friends. We can get back there but boy howdy do we have our work cut out for us. I think it’s worth it though and I know you do too. So my friends I’ll finish as I almost always do by saying; call out the lies, spread the truth and keep fighting for our country, for our President. Beat that drum of liberty and don’t stop! Never give up, never give in. This is our country, our time and by the good grace of God we’re gonna take it back. #Trump2024 he’s our only choice, our only hope, our pathway to that very liberty we all desperately want back.
By the way, another good thing about Trump, he doesn’t yell at us and call us terrorists. I kinda like that in a President, don’t you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends!