Good Saturday afternoon friends! I can’t speak for anyone else but personally, I am more than happy to say goodbye to 2023. I’ve spent most of my life working hard to remember the good in my life and letting the bad go. In fact, I work extra hard at simply erasing it from my memory.
While there is plenty to be learned about the bad things we experience in our lives, holding on to them isn’t a healthy way to move forward. Learn what you can so as not to repeat and then move on to better times. Saying this is way easier than actually doing it… Boy is it ever.
When it comes to this dreadful year, at least from a political, governmental standpoint, forgetting the evil dealings we’ve all been made to endure is nearly impossible. The whole idea of forgive and forget just isn’t happening, not for me any-who. This, by the way, is exactly what every politician in our country would like us to do. Bird Brain Nikki touts that her administration would be drama free. And now you know why Trump labeled her a bird brain. DeSanctimonious claims the 2020 election wasn’t rigged, Trump simply lost. And now you know why his numbers are in a dead heat with the Michelin man. Remember, these are the two top tier republican politicians who are asking for our votes. When I hear them speak it’s like revisiting the days of Bush or McCain or Romney. A lot of lip flapping without an ounce of confidence they would or even could produce the results we need in this country. Some would say “I’ll take Haley or DeSantis over Biden any day” which is certainly true but we’ve long since moved beyond the whole idea of “hold your nose and vote” haven’t we. That is the very philosophy that has given us all of the useless, backstabbing politial ilk we see today in Congress. No, we don’t do that anymore. Today we vote for the person we best feel will do what he or she says they’ll do and that starts with America First and you’re auto disqualified if you deny the election was rigged or that the J-6 was an insurrection and sure as hell don’t get any points if your are of the belief the vaccine was, well, a vaccine.
I hope and pray the people in this country understand just how much trouble we are in, another subject which I have little confidence in. The depth of filth and destruction we are witnessing is beyond my ability to express. Needless to say, this is a complete takeover by the greedy, evil, world power money changers who are bound and determined to put an end to American greatness, American wealth and the American way of life. They are working double time to bring us down to the level of just another ordinary piss poor, down on our knees country filled with people who have their hands out begging for food and water. I sound extreme don’t I? I suppose this is what happens when you sit back and watch all that has come before us over this past year and those since we lost our voice in 2020.

One of the reasons I’ve never really taken the House seriously when it comes to their threat of impeaching this broken down old pudding for brains liar-and-thief is because they’ve slow rolled the whole thing but mostly because they are pretending to go after the hardest thing to prove. I have zero doubt that he used his name to sell us down the river while enriching himself. That’s easy to believe but hard to prove, especially when he has the entire justice system in his pocket throwing up roadblocks at every turn. If the Republicans were sincere, and if they truly cared about the country and us, they should have already impeached him for his unwillingness to protect and defend us. You know, the whole constitutionally responsible stuff he swore an oath (what a joke that is) to do.
The American people as a whole don’t have the brain power or willpower to “follow the money” but they sure as hell can see what’s going on at our borders. What borders? This act alone should have sent this senile old fool walking long ago. It’s all a part of the plan though isn’t it? Steal our wealth, remove affordable energy, shoot us up with a vaccine that’s not a vaccine and then replace us with illegals from every corner of the globe who will gladly bow before them and why not? You and I don’t get free anything, certainly not housing, education or healthcare. If allowing this invasion is not an impeachable offense then no such offense exists.
While our so-called justice system protects this idiot they work just as hard or harder going after the only man we the people can trust. It’s insane and damn maddening too.

The Left has all their operatives in a full scale swing to get their messaging out in the world don’t they? States threatening to take or actually taking Trump off the ballot are all using the planned talking point. He caused an insurrection. Yep, he and all of us were going to take on the government with our flags and red hats. The whole thing is so ridiculous and the only thing that makes it more ridiculous is the stupid, STUPID people who believe it. It angers me beyond your imagination. You know, assuming you have an imagination. LOL
All these Hollywood people threatening to leave the country if Trump gets re-elected and now even everyday Democrat voters. Golly, don’t leave… seriously?

I’ve had my fill of these Liberal morons. At this point I’m willing to take my chances with the illegals. Seriously, for every illegal allowed to enter the country can we at least deport a liberal. What the hell do we have to lose? And for the record, the liberals don’t speak English either so don’t let that be your argument. Boys can be girls, I shouldn’t have to pay off the loan I took out, the people robbing the stores are just hungry, our biggest threat is climate change, the economy is great, Biden has brought dignity back to the White House, Trump is a racist, we must pass it to see whats in it, you want your doctor you can keep your doctor, I never spoke to my son about his business dealings, the border is not open, gays for Palatine, say what? Men can have babies… it’s never ending. These people are insane and a negative force on society not to mention they have the morals of the devil himself. Or I guess “herself”, what’s the difference right? Idiots.
So there is little to be thankful for when it comes to 2023. Surely, if history is written truthfully, this year will go down as one of the worst ever, a year where everything in our lives was turned upside down and inside out. A year where we actually had to fight not to allow kids to be transitioned into a different gender without parent’s approval no less. As if that would somehow make it okay… A year where billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars were just handed over to other countries, no questions asked and no receipts either. A year where suddenly gas stoves are the problem and sending illegals to sanctuary states was unconscionable. Huh? A year where the woman of the year is a man and buying Advil requires an ID and someone to unlock the door to hand you a bottle. A year where a guy with fake boobs is showing them off on the white house lawn, during Easter no less. The list of ilk is quite honestly too long to name. Right here, right now, in America. It’s disgusting. It’s unacceptable and it by God cannot be allowed to continue.
2024 is going to be a year of all years my friends. The level of filth is going to heat up. As if it’s not already at a boiling point. It will take all we have to remain in this fight, keep our eye on the prize and forgo all the other nonsense thrown our way. President Trump has so many fires he’s being made to fight, let’s make sure we aren’t among them. Let us stand up for him at every turn. Denounce the idiots, call out their lies and keep pounding the drum of truth, liberty and the American way. You’ll have to dig deep to find and remember what the American way is as these people, the politicians and the state run media has all but erased what that means and what that was just a few short years ago. We cannot “Make America Great Again” without Trump. So pull up those trousers folks, put your gloves on, wear a hard hat and waders because we are in the fight of our lives. Look out for each other too because we need you all. We need you, you and you! To get this job done. If they rig the election again, and I don’t see why they won’t, we better have prepared ourselves for what may follow. Personally, I hope it’s all out hell because it seems these people will have it no other way. We will flood the voting booths as the President has asked but, we did that in 2020 and look at us now. We can only do so much and then we’ll have to decide what’s next. Hope, pray, beg, borrow and steal whatever it takes to get our man back. It’s that important.
I’ll stop now by wishing y’all a most sincere Happy New Year and tell you to enjoy the countdown because what comes after that ain’t gonna be no walk in the park. Which by the way, don’t do that alone at night… We’ll get through this mess my friends, what choice do we have? 2024 is all about TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. Without him the picture is dim. Stand up and speak up otherwise they evil doers will make you shut up. Forget walk softly and carry a big stick, it’s time to stomp loudly and carry two sticks!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends as we bring in the new year. Our country, our time. God Bless the USA, President Trump and each one of you. #UnitedWeMustStand