Good Saturday afternoon friends! With just a few more days until Christmas I’ve got to tell you, I’m having a hard time ranting. Not because there isn’t anything to rant about, good Lord, will that time ever come? No, it’s not that, it just doesn’t feel right in my tummy to spew such negativity during the one time of the year where only joy should be shared.
Having said that, trying to find joy during these troubling times is a tough nut to crack. There’s nothing I can think of more that would give us all the joy we seek than to report President Trump has been vindicated and “you know I would if I could.” I am certain if I could change the results of the 2020 election so that it was honest and all our votes had counted it would bring a smile to each of you and “you know I would if I could.” If I could lock up all the evil doers who have done us all so wrong, “You know I would if I could.” If I could bring back all the lives that have been lost over these past several years, those lost due the virus launched upon us, the kid’s deaths from fentanyl and school shootings because our government won’t protect them like they protect themselves, the 13 soldiers lost out of an incompetent disaster of an evacuation in Afganistan, poor Ashley Babbitt and officer Dorn trying to protect a friends pawn shop and so, so many more. You know I would if I could.
If I could wave a wand and close our borders, deport all the illegals and jail the human traffickers surely “you know I would if I could.”
If I had the ability to instill simple common sense among our fellow Americans who either refuse to open their eyes or sadly are just too far down the government rabbit hole to care about the truth, too willing to believe their own eye’s, or feel the rumbling in their stomachs when they are being lied to. You know I would if I could.

I know for a fact that each of you know that the so called “Bidenomics” scam is nothing more than a gimmick, nothing more than a money laundering scheme to enrich the Washington thieves. While the liars push it as being some great accomplishment designed for the betterment of the American people, you and I know it’s none of that. We don’t see it. We don’t feel it and therefore we don’t believe it. There is no new bridge, the roads still have pot holes in them, the airports are a nightmare and the trains can’t seem to stay on their tracks.

If I could stop the funding in Ukraine I would, if I could deliver peace in the Middle East, or stop the threats from around the globe I darn well would. If I could fire all the Leftist Judges I would, if I could make us energy independent again I most certainly would. If I could erase all of the disgusting Biden executive orders it would have been done long ago. If I could remove wokeness from our daily consumption, stop all the gender nonsense, make education, well, educational I would. If could re-erect all our statues or make our cities safe, if I could put our vets ahead of everyone else, or protect the unborn I would.
The simple truth is, during this season of joy and thankfulness we can have all of this and so much more. We can actually make America great again and not just in words but in reality. All we need to do is get our President back in office. That’s our only job. I’d do it all by myself and “you know I would if I could.” But;

Well there you go friends. How was that for a non-rant? LOL There is no possible way for me to more sincerely express my hope for you to have one amazing Christmas. If you have a roof over your head and a heater that works and food to eat and a family that loves you, you my friend are blessed. Have a very Merry Christmas and no opening presents early! No peeking either. Santa is watching. By the way, did you know all the reindeer were female? No wonder Santa never gets lost.