Good Saturday afternoon friends! It feels like the weeks are in overdrive to me as it was only the other day I was sitting in front of this screen trying to think about what I would say to y’all. As you might well have figured out, I don’t have a staff feeding me articles or telling me what the American people want to hear or filling my in-box with me latest trends. I know darn well you figured out I’m not the most educated feller. Well, unless y’all are kind enough to give me credits for walking down life’s winding roads the last, almost seventy years. Good or bad, I did learn a few things along the way. Big things too like how to be kind, respectful, work hard, be faithful, dependable and the value of honesty. Heck, somehow I even managed to figure out the difference between a man and woman and even better yet, and all on my own no less, I learned that’s all there is, “a” man and “a” woman. Don’t be trying to feed me anything in-between, that’s nonsense. In some ways I reckon you could consider me a regular genius. I mean, I’m no pretend President or anything but I know enough not to shower with my daughter and you ain’t going to find no video tape or diary showing me running down the hall naked trying to pull my damn dogs tail either. Nope, I’m just the guy around the corner that feels the need to release his penned up frustrations with this evil empire we are forced to fund. With me, it all boils down to this, I’m your friend and I’ll stand alongside you for as long as takes. To the bitter end some might say…
When it comes to boiling down the honest state of affairs in this country we can agree we aren’t gonna find those at Harvard and we’re certainly not going to get a correct understanding listening to these politicians and then of course there’s the script readers in the media. Nope, not gonna get them to boil down the facts for us either. Let’s face it, we have arrived at a moment in time (my Kami impression) in this country where you better be able to read between the lines, look under the covers and wear hip boots if you are going to get to the truth of any matter.
Take these Republicans for an example. What exactly have they “done” that they said they would do? Anyone? Not a doggone thing. That bunch gets an A+ for lip service and a flat out F for accomplishments. Unless you consider a yearlong “inquiry” to be an accomplishment these ass-hat cowards can’t seem to get out of their own way. Talk about tripping all over yourselves. These “pet rock salesmen” ass-hats have funded everything that’s come before them including this latest stamp of approval allowing the government to continue spying on us.

They worked with the Democrats to fund the new FBI building. They’ve put their stamp of approval on the billions we’ve sent to Ukraine, the DOJ has all the money they need to keep that border wide open and buses and airplanes running all over the country finding a home for the illegals. ATM cards and free hotel rooms to boot! FISA court is up and running as smooth as a porcupines butt, all these Leftist mind stealing educational institutions continue to receive their annual contributions. Even good ole John Kerry, you know, the guy nobody voted for, the one flying all over hell’s creation spewing climate lies got his billions and I reckon ole Joe’s mattress is nice and clumpy too.
When it comes to the Republicans it all boils down to this; I’ll say anything you want just as long as I get re-elected. Too bad they don’t at least have the courage to say it out loud. “Boo”
And then there are the Democrats or as I often find myself referring to as “the evil Left” – “the evil doers” – “the filth” – “the liars” – “the thieves” or my favorite (watch for my extensive vocabulary to get in now) “the sons-a-bitches.” The only things I can give them credit for is their openness. Unlike the Republicans, these SOBs are so empowered they don’t even bother to hide their dirty agenda. Nope, they’ve got no problem coming right out and telling you they hate America and guess what, they hate you too. Feelings mutual wouldn’t you agree?

Now when it comes to the Democrats it all boils down to this; “Pay your taxes and shut the hell up or else…” Or else=the entire weight of the Federal Government will knock down your door and haul your little American loving, flag waving ass off to the gallows. And don’t forget, as you rot in that dark, cold hole, the media will do one of two things, 1. Praise the Government for doing it or 2. Silence, not a peep. I reckon it will depend on what color you are and if you ever posted anything radical like #Trump2024 or worse #TrumpWon.
Many are screaming “don’t let them turn us into a communist state!” The uneducated me is screaming “they already have!”
I’ll wrap up this rant thing by talking just a little about the loving father of the poor, poor, pitiful me, my life has been so hard, son Hunter. Broken brain doesn’t love his son nor does he give a rat pellet care what happens to him. That pretend tough guy, pretend President, pretend blue collar good ole boy from Scranton, you know, the one who paid three million for “one” of his beach side homes in cash, the guy with three alias names (nothing weird about that), the guy who pointed his finger in your face and said he’s never discussed anything with Hunter.

It’s been a fun ride, all this Hunter BS. First the laptop wasn’t real and then it was. Then it was Hunter didn’t have any business ties with Ukraine or China or Russia and then this week he himself told us he did. The best and most predictable of it all was his blaming Trump for all his ills. “The President keeps saying where’s Hunter,” yeah, that’s why he’s a crack head, pedophile, filthy creep on two feet. When it comes to Hunter, it all boils down to his abusive, filthy, lying, cheating, selfish father. If the guy wants to blame someone, that’s who he should be pointing his finger at. Not Trump, not the Republicans or all us extreme MAGA’s. All that is wrong in that family begins and ends with blue collar Joe. Let it be said, let it be written, let it be so.
Alright friends, enough is enough! I hope y’all enjoy what’s left of your weekend. Let us all get the rest we need when we need it and then jump right back into the fire to fight for our rights, for our real President, for our kids and their kids too! Let us always remember, this is our damn country and we ought to take it back. #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica otherwise, we’re gonna have to save it ourselves & that won’t be pretty. Talk to y’all next week.