Good Saturday afternoon friends! Yeppers, it’s good to see that some of the filth are peaking their ugly heads up out of the hole enough to be exposed for who they really are.
While most of us didn’t learn a damn thing this week we did enjoy watching a few of the real deplorables get some air time as they were exposed for who they really are.
The Hunter indictment that popped up out of nowhere on Friday was delicious not because anything about it was surprising but because it actually happened. The first thing that went through my mind was, why? Why all of a sudden did this indictment show up? Was it due to the up-coming, behind closed doors Hunter congressional hearing? Is it the Left eating the Left? Meaning are the Democrats finally done with Broken Brain so they are going all in on Hunter so they have a reason (like there aren’t a hundred of them) to send him to a retirement home and run some other scumbag (coughing – Newsome) they have waiting in the pits of hell? Who knows and really, who cares. It’s at least good to see the slime ball gets some well deserved air time.

Another delightful (good to see) thing this week was watching those three Leftist liberal college presidents get exposed. What a shame to see the famous & respected (by who?) MIT, Penn and Harvard institutions being exposed for who they really are? Anti-Semitic, leftist whores who stand for everything that is bad about our so called higher learning institutes. What leaves my mouth watering is to see some of their big donors threatening to pull millions in donations if the pukes aren’t fired. Good on them.
If I were still in business today and about to conduct interviews for one of our management positions it would sound a lot like this;
Me calling my scheduler: I’m going through these applicants and see you’ve scheduled two with Harvard degrees, one from Penn and one from MIT. Are you out of your friggin’ mind? Cancel these ASAP and get me some applicants that actually have an idea of how the world works. You know, someone who can find the dipstick not be it.
Seriously though, with few exceptions I am sure, these kids spending all that money to attend these big name expensive colleges come out dumber than when they entered. I guess I should have said; these kids spending all “our” money to attend…
Finally there was the Republican debate this week. Having not watched any of them, the wife and I thought, what the heck, if just for giggles let’s see what these four people all running for last place are saying. I am here to report our decision was not of sound mind as we both ended up yelling at the television for the ten or so minutes we lasted. There were a few things I enjoyed though. One was that donut boy was given about 3.2 minutes of air time which was 3.2 more than he deserved and hearing Vivek call out Bird Brain (Nikki) for the RINO she is was quiet enjoyable. I also appreciated him proclaiming January 6th as an inside job and acknowledging the 2020 election was rigged. As you know, acknowledging both publicly is a rare thing to see and hear so kudos to him for that.

What really caused me to jump up out of my chair was during Haley’s closing statement when she said as President there would be no drama, no vendettas and no whining, clearly sending the message that she would not be like President Trump.
That little statement of hers says a lot, A LOT! It is further proof that she is indeed just another political, deep state, status quo politician. The no drama is what they all wish for, the no vendettas is precisely what they all fear and what she refers to as whining is really Trump refusing to allow the filth to go on without being exposed. There’s nothing more the DC government crowd wants than for everything and everyone to just settle down, just accept the 2020 election, just accept the lies, the government corruption, the fake news, the wrongful prosecution of the President & the wrongful prosecution of January 6th. They want us all to pretend none of it happened. It’s all good in love and war right? WRONG!

So for me it was a week where it was at least good to see some of the slime be exposed, albeit on a small scale. Why the stupid RNC would host a debate on a small little network that most of the population doesn’t even know about much less have the ability to find is beyond me. But then again, they keep fake lips on the payroll so that alone tells you how bright they are.
Having said that, the week was same song second verse. Broken Brain touting what a great economy we have, the FBI denying everything put before them and some loon shooting up a school so the other loons can blame it on guns. This on-going shit storm is getting old and that, my friends is an understatement.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. As we inch closer and closer to Christmas I hope y’all realize at the end of it all, it’s your family, your friends and your health that matter the most. Life is short. Let us be reminded of that as we go through each new day. Find your smile and feel free to spread it around my friends, a laugh here and there, with a hug or two thrown in for good measure. Oh and tell that ding dong liberal next door to, well, stop being a ding dong! 🙂