Good afternoon friends. It’s hard to believe it is December. Where did the year go? It has been one big ugly blur as far as I’m concerned. As I was thinking about the rant today, I spent some time attempting to come up with some positive things that we experienced this year, key word “attempting.” If y’all have some (positive things) please let me know what they are because I’ve got nothing. How sad is that?
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of positives when I focus on my inner circle, my family and friends. The birthdays, holiday gatherings, visiting new sights, playing with the grandkids, bantering on the golf course, on X with some of you close friends and even playing with the doggo in the backyard. All brought a smile and a sense of good feelings throughout the year. Surely, as you look back over the year y’all can relate.
I was just thinking how good life could be if it weren’t for the fact we have this evil empire to put up with. These rat bastards have a real knack for keeping us in a never ending state of pissed-offness. These folks on the Left who tout all the good things this broken brain old man has done aren’t really participating in real life are they? Nope, instead they are towing the evil empire line gladly repeating the lies and doing so while they themselves wallow in the filth, struggle to pay their bills, lock their doors and take a pass on a midnight stroll down main street. There appears to be no end to their ability to hear no evil, see no evil or speak no evil. Well, except when talking about those red hat white supremacist people… you know, the ones on the listless vessel. Or as I like to describe them, those people who have their eyes and ears wide open and do what they can each and every day to speak the truth. They call them MAGOTS, I call them patriots.
This week has been no different than every week before it for the last three years. Seriously though, what exactly is the good news this week? Is it that the January 6th communist committee videos have vanished?

Gee, I wonder why they would destroy all that testimony. Surely they want the people to see President Trump’s guilt right? Well, not exactly, they destroyed the videos for the opposite reason, they didn’t want the people to see that their committee was a one sided shit show that proved the President didn’t do anything wrong. They’ve accomplished their goal though, they got their headline and that’s all the sheep will remember and stupidly believe. As for the listless vessels, all we remember is the President saying “I know you will be going over to the capitol to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard” #Peacefully. You see, we actually heard him say that, most of us watched him say that so we don’t need the media or the evil spinsters telling us what to think or what to believe. If the idiots on the Left spent two minutes away from CNN maybe they’d know the truth too.
Dicky Dumbass Durbin stopped the release of Epstein’s flight logs. How about that? Is that good news? Whatcha think, why wouldn’t he want the American people to see who took trips to filth island? We know why, don’t we? I bet we’d fall out of our chairs if we were to learn who all the big wig filth masters are. Hell, who’s kidding who, the only way that log would be released is if Trump’s name was on it and if that were the case, it would have been released years ago. These people are beyond disgusting. They need to be weeded out and removed.
Still in search of the good news… but hey, at least they kicked that weirdo George Santos out of congress! That’s good news. Right? I mean sure the slim majority the Republicans already have becomes even slimmer now but hey look at the bright side, that filth, communist New York Governor Kathy “woo I can’t stand her” Hochul gets to appoint his replacement. Certainly she will do the right thing and appoint another republican right? LOL Pretty amazing when you think about this nobody getting thrown out the door while the likes of Schiff, Swalwell, Menendez, Waters, Omar, Tlaib, Mayorkas, Pelosi and Broken Brain to just mention a few get to keep their jobs… it is unconscionable that we have a guy pretending to be President absolutely ruining this country and putting all of us in grave danger yet the Republicans focus in on some dumbass that doesn’t make a difference to anyone or anything. Idiots!
And the search goes on… These awful people pretending to be serving justice for the people in New York including that moron leftist, Soros owned judge with the Trump hating wife who put a gag order on the President only to have it over ruled and now put back on… what a clown show that whole thing has been.

I know I’ve harped on these court hearings over and over and I apologize for it but they make me crazy. When I think about what they are putting our President through it makes me want to open a can of whoopass on all these scum sucking SOBs. It’s awful. It’s wrong. It’s completely unacceptable.
By all accounts it appears to me that about the only “good” thing I can think of this week was Musk telling these woke, climate, Hamas loving, American hating companies to F-off. It must be nice to have FU money! LOL

While I wasn’t able to come up with anything positive to report I will on the other hand keep my eyes focused on winning the war. There must come a time when true justice is served and as the picture states, the list of evil doers will be huge but, between you and mean, I doubt it will be at all surprising. The evil Left and their pals in the media have been pushing the lie that Trump, if re-elected will throw everyone into detention camps. While the trained seals find this idea horrifying and even worse, true, those of us floating on our vessel can’t wait to see all these people who played their roles in undermining our President and our country face a true and honest justice. May they each get what they deserve and may it be painful. I don’t care what side of the aisle they’re on, what color they are nor what sex they claim. Let justice be blind, swift and unforgiving.
And that’s all I’ve got to say for this week my friends. I didn’t bother discussing the DeSantis/Newsom debate, if that’s what you want to call it. They got 10 minutes of my time and its 10 minutes I’ll never get back. DeSantis did fine. I mean a monkey could have won that debate against that filthy idiot. Short of Biden himself, who else has such a horrid record? Trump would have wiped the floor with that commie and that I would have paid to watch! I do like to be entertained you know. LOL
Have a good week ahead friends, we are on a fast pace to Christmas now. As you’re out in the mess of the holiday season remember to be kind to those having to put up with all the crazies out there. A bottle of water to the UPS worker, a thank you and a “hang in there” now and then to the cashiers goes a long ways. If they’re grumpy remember it could be worse, you could be them. Finally, be safe, be aware and in case you are wondering, all I want for Christmas is justice.