The Democrats and all their paid actors and actresses love this word. They spend their waking days and nights accusing those “extreme” Republicans for their inability to get anything done. But that’s not all. They accuse us of being extreme too. Remember, we are extreme MAGAs who are out to destroy the country and human life as we know it. Sadly, their bedwetting, thumb sucking, purple hair, angry at life itself supporters go alone with it. The news media as you know is also more than happy to oblige and the Hollywood weirdoes are so on board that they threaten to move out of the country, which is hilarious. These idiots actually think that we extreme people would give a flying squirrel turd what the self absorbed me, me, me’s are doing.
Y’all know the song (dating myself) “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right?” Well, if being extreme is bad, I don’t wanna be good.

You have to hand it to the evil-doers, they’ve done a pretty good job convincing a large swath of the population (albeit the ones that never had functioning brain cells to begin with) that our ideals are somehow bad for them and the country. You’ve heard me rant about it before, about how disgusted I am with our fellow Americans who continue to live on the dark side. The reality is I probably shouldn’t be so hard on them. The entire government, nearly every media outlet and university has been beating them over the head for a very long time with their outright leftist/communist nonsense.
You tell me, is our wanting a closed border extreme? If the answer is yes you’ve got a lot of explaining to do before I believe that. There is simply no fuzzy area here. The open border has killed thousands of our citizens, many of which are the very zombies who remain in line with the rest of the libtards. Also not fuzzy is the fact that terror cells have found their way in, leaving only a matter of time until another 911-like act occurs. This week, the moron in New York announced that the city will be cutting back on law enforcement and first responders in order to transfer dollars to care for the illegals. Speaking of extreme, that should help lower the crime in the city and hey, if y’all are going to have a heart attack, just do it slowly so the EMTs have the time they need to get to you. The fact is, our law enforcement and first responders now have millions more to respond to thanks to the open border and not just in New York but throughout the country. Trust me, when the 911 operator gets a call they don’t first ask, “are you an American citizen?” Despite what the evil doers say, I am fairly certain that wanting/demanding a closed border isn’t extreme. Allowing it to remain open however is.
How about our stance on energy? Evidently it is extreme to want low energy costs & energy independence. Because of our extremeness we are accused of being climate deniers right? Hell to hear them tell it, we don’t care about clean water either, to hell with the environment, build skyscrapers everywhere! Kill the animals, pollute the oceans, remove all the trees and for God’s sake man, don’t take away the smog in our cities! I’m not kidding, these are the very things the evil climate hoaxsters, better known as money grabbers have beat into the heads of their mindless fools, better known as Democrat voters. These people are good at what they do though. They know their supporters are so freaking stupid that they can continue to buy oil, coal, natural gas and tear holes in the earth the size of most American cities to mine the cobalt they need to make a battery and the sheep will not only stay in line but praise them at the same time. You know, after they pay their taxes.
How about wars? Is it extreme for us to not want war? Are we radical for falling on the side of peace? What part about not wishing anyone to be killed is extreme? Well, we know our desire to not have the babies killed is considered extreme so, there’s simply no pleasing these evil SOB’s is there. I’ll tell you what we don’t care about, them! They can all just piss off. Whoa, now that was extreme. Lol. God forbid we are ever attacked and (hide the children) we support fighting back! These are some really dumb-ass times we are living in friends. You heard about the guy who fired off a shot in the air to scare off a mugger saving the woman from who knows what. Yeah, he was arrested and the lady was upset he fired his gun. I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty darn extreme to me.

In all seriousness, these are some dark times and yes some of it is being exposed albeit slowly and in all cases a day late and a dollar short. It is maddening when you think all of this filth, corruption and waste could have been avoided with one fair and honest election. You want to talk “extreme” just look around you. Everyday it’s something else. Here we sit with an installed puppet overseeing arguably an installed government from top to bottom with a thousand installed judges and prosecutors and a weaponized justice department who follow orders based on the very evil we have shoved down our throats on a daily basis. Forget about the Left and Right, there’s no difference between the two anymore. We live in a time where a past President is being charged for taking documents he was entitled to and doing nothing about a guy who wasn’t President taking documents he wasn’t entitled to. Talk about extreme and in your face. And what do the bedwetters do? They cheer. Mind boggling is too weak in describing this bullshit. This group of evil-doers have no fear and therefore are emboldened to do as they please when they please.
If you don’t think the election was fair, too damn bad. You don’t like the border being left open, tough. You think it’s outrageous to kill a baby in the ninth month? Piss off, you hater of women. You can’t afford to buy gas? Good, you shouldn’t be driving a gas vehicle anyway. You don’t support the Ukraine war? Of course you don’t, you like Putin. All you extreme MAGA cult deplorables have been brainwashed by Trump. All you people want to do is to be left alone and all you want us to do is follow the stupid, out of date United States Constitution. You think you’re entitled to protect yourself by owning a gun? Just who the hell do you think you are? Have you not seen all the deaths that guns have caused? You are the people who refused to take our vaccine. You know the one that wasn’t a vaccine. You are the same people who refused to wear a mask even though they don’t work. YOU are extreme and we are coming for you. So I suggest you pay your taxes and shut up. CC: FBI, DOJ, All judges under the Soros payroll.
Sorry, I got on quite a little rant there but, this is exactly how they look at us. They aren’t playing games, they are setting the rules and anyone not following them is on their hit list and by the way, don’t even think about protesting. Hitler would be so proud…
I better wrap this thing up friends before my blood vessels pop. Needless to say, there isn’t anything “extreme” about us or our beliefs. We are a simple group only interested in good ole common sense. We love our country, proudly fly our flag and want desperately to have our President back. You know him, he’s the one that kept the border secure, gave us energy independence, three conservative (most of the time) judges, kept us out of wars, kept interest rates down, gave us a tax breaks and nearly doubled our retirement savings. We will stand with him through thick (and boy is it ever thick right now) and thin for without him we have only more of the same to look forward to and I don’t know (actually I do) about you but, I’ve had my fill of the same evil, nightmare filth we’ve been made to endure these past three years. It’s Trump or bust and should it end up being bust we’ll have another bridge to cross & to talk about. For the record, I don’t EVEN want to think about it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends! Thanks for putting up with my ranting. Y’all rock!!