Good Saturday afternoon friends! Well poop… this week’s title sorta spells out how this weekly rant writer is feeling today. Y’all have probably been in the same spot more than once or twice over these past three stupid filled years. Today is just one of those days where I can’t seem to find the will to even engage in all the various, never ending, downright torturous goings on within this lame, corrupt bunch of taxpayer tit sucking, America hating government mouthpieces.

I reckon there comes a time in everyone’s life where the noise level gets to such a high pitch that you either shut the source down or get as far away from it as you can. The goings on in the country are at that high level of stupid right now and I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more than to “shut the source down” but how?

One wonders just how much longer and just what other filth, corruption and lies it will take until the people of this nation throw out the bullshit flag and make, in a big way, their voices heard. We all play our little roles in pointing out all the insanity but they’ve managed to walk away from us. Once they proved to themselves that they can rig the elections there became no reason to listen to us. Much less care what we have to say. At this point they can and do anything, say anything and no matter the degree of lie they tell, no matter the lives lost, the wars waged, they have nothing to fear. The media has their backs and sadly I must say, so do the courts. Where does that leave us? In nowhere land listening to ourselves bitch and moan as we try to figure out how to pay the bills, stay safe and raise our children to be good people.

The only thing that angers me more than seeing all the wrong that this broken brain has thrown upon us is looking back at the Trump years remembering all the good he gave to us. How hard he worked to make things right by the people while the Left picked a fight with him at every turn, while so many loved the man before he took office but turned bat-shit ugly on him once he was in and promising to end the government hold on the American peoples neck. It’s been eight years of complete and total bullshit.

I am going to cut this week’s rant short and bring it to an end right here and now because as I said at the onset, I am in one of those moods where the nonsense, the filth and the lies have gotten the better of me. Anything I say at this point will be filled with stuff none of you need or deserve to hear. Yep, “momma said there’d be days like this” and today is one of them.
My hope is that this finds each of you having a good day filled with all the things you most enjoy. My wife on the other hand hopes this mood I’m in goes away quickly! It will. It always does. I care so much about the country, you folks and my family. Watching the pure insanity being thrown at us leaves me with a strong desire to open a can of whip-ass on the evil ones to remind them just who this country belongs to. As you’ve heard me say, probably too often, this is our damn country and we by God ought to start acting like it. My desires are simple, give me the truth and give me justice. Both of those will give us President Trump back and from there the light begins to shine again.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead friends!
