Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s rendition of the rant finds y’all doing well and enjoying those leftover Turkey sammiches. I’ve yet to determine whether it’s the turkey I like so much or just all that mayonnaise. The missus loves her cranberries. Me? Not so much. I reckon I’m the outcast on that one. What else is new? LOL
As we leave Thanksgiving behind there is no getting around the fact that as Americans we have much to be thankful for. When you look around the world you’d have to live under a rock not to realize being American is a blessing. We dodged a bullet on that one my friends. Even with all the evil that our government (well, ought to be ours anyway) puts us through, these United States remains one of the best, most prosperous places on earth in which to live.
This isn’t however your father’s America is it? Even as I looked around the table with all the wonderful dishes of delight I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about the current condition of this country. We’ve always had crooked politicians and no one distrusted the money changers more than my old man but, what we endure today is different. It certainly is more “in your face” than it ever has been. You know the saying “ignorance is bliss?” I think back to the days before 24/7 mass media, folks mostly read the newspaper over breakfast and went on about their day. Now we are inundated with the likes of the media which wouldn’t all be bad if it weren’t for the fact they’re on the money changer, government, one world order payroll spinning everything as they are told rather than standing with the people to expose the evil workings of the regime. Lord knows there are enough stupid people walking around, we certainly don’t need the media making matters worse and oh how they do.
For me, when the 2020 election was stolen, it was the end-all of corruption and this “in your face” constant drip of lies coming out of Washington. There are days when I simply don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get over it. We’ve heard all the catch phrases, hell I’ve got a few of my own (No fair elections, no voice, no voice, country) but none change the fact we are living is the most dishonest times the country has ever seen. Those who play leaders in DC are worse than common thieves. The common thug might have stolen your watch (for the younger readers, a watch is something everyone used to wear on their wrists or held in their pocket) but these thugs in DC steal the very soul of the country, her wealth and in doing so our liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I often catch myself wondering what my father would have to say about what is going on today. Knowing that he kept one eye closed on these government tit suckers, my guess is he’d just be laughing out loud at all the pure filth and complete nonsense. You know, as stuffed more funny money in the mattress. I also suspect the “in your face” corruption wouldn’t even make him blink. When Nixon went down the old man said “The only thing different Nixon did was he got caught.” Meaning, they (politicians) all break the law. Even the very ones they themselves write. When President Kennedy was shot, Dad said I’d hear about and learn about everything but the truth. Um, maybe things aren’t all that different today after all. In fact, just maybe the only thing that’s changed is my age. I swear, the older I get the more distrusting and disgusted I become. I can honestly say that today, there isn’t anything I believe coming out of the mouths of these politicians and their unelected shit shovelers (FBI, CIA, DOJ, Department of whatever and the fake news media.)
“A System that has no problem printing currency without wealth will have no problem printing ballots without voters”
By all accounts this appears to be true. I now find myself wondering if we ever elected our Presidents. It felt like we did in 2016 when Trump was elected but now, having seen all the dirty dealings since, it appears the only thing that happened in 2016 was that the evil doers screwed up. They did what they’ve always been doing except this time, like Nixon, they got caught. They had all their cheating in place; they just under estimated the amount of cheating it was going to take to win. They (the cheaters, the evil doers, the money changers and the rest of the filth) were so confident that Hillary (possibly the most unlikeable, most distrusted politician of our time) would win in a landslide that they figured there was no need to turn the fake ballot printers on and they’ve been spinning her loss ever since. Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine Call and the hate Trump movement hasn’t missed a beat. The American people accidentally got to choose their President and wholly hell has been launched against us ever since.
Now, as we approach another election year we’ve all got our eyes open and live in fear that they’ll do what they did in 2020 again and if (personally, I don’t see the if, I see the “for sure”) they do it again what will “we the people” do about it? Sadly I suspect the same thing we did in 2020. Bitch, moan, scream, cry followed by the proverbial “nothing.” There is no doubt in my pea brain that if the election is fair, we win. And there’s that “if” again…

Well, other than getting lucky in 2016, the ballot box thing doesn’t seem to be much of a right anymore. As you’ve heard me say a gazillion times, no amount of turn-out can beat cheating (another one of those little catch phrases). As for the jury box I would turn your attention to those January 6th folks rotting in prison without even having their day in court and let us not forget what they are putting our President through. To say that our government is weaponized is an understatement. The jury box today reports to the Judge who reports to the evil doers. Good luck. Finally we arrive at our last and only box left and reaching into it is not something I or you want to even think about but, unless something changes and if we intend on keeping this country then what’s left for us to do? We won’t, or haven’t anyway, gotten out in the streets so you tell me, what’s left? We either fight for this country or we do what we’ve been doing, bowing to the evil Left and enduring more of the same. Talk about being on a fast track to hell. Geez. Something has to give! Let it not be us.

Well my friends, it’s that time. Nope, this ain’t your Dad’s America. We live in a time where our government makes their priority everything but us, wars, open borders, poverty, crime and all the filth in between. These are the times in which we are living. There’s only one man right now that I know of who has the determination, skill, courage and willingness to turn this mess around and turn it around he will if they don’t imprison him first. Can you even imagine we’d be thinking of such a thing? Well here we are and nothing is beyond belief anymore. My advice is to do what you can, correct the lies when you hear them, push the truth at every corner, vote like your life depends on it (another catchy phrase) and keep your loved ones close, keep all of those near and dear safe and remember, when you hear “what can one man do?” Just know there are 80 million or more of us asking the same thing. The answer, we can do a lot, all we need is the will.
Have a great rest of your weekend and now we plow forward toward Christmas and the election year of all years. God Bless y’all and this land we still call our own. Sorta. 🙂