Good Saturday afternoon friends! I could use this title every week and it would be 100% right on because the days, weeks, months and years are a vicious cycle of repetitive filth filled with the never ending stupidity. My loving wife suggested I write something positive this week which I thought was a good idea. When I asked for ideas the room got quiet and as the week proceeded we both found ourselves in the same place we’ve been since they stole the election and forced broken brain down our throats. In the crappers pissing and moaning over the daily insanity they sling at us.
So this week the innocent people of Maine, MAINE! Suffer a mass shooting and the communists on the Left pull out their never ending “gun control” script. Their paid for media of course is happy to follow along. After all, they too already have a treasure trove of repetitive material they can pull out of their sack of bullshit.
So this government who has left the border wide open for every Tom, Dick and Terrorist to waltz in wants to leave us defenseless. You know, the government that wants fewer police officers, the one that doesn’t follow the very laws they themselves put in place but, don’t worry because they have the FBI who to hear them say it has the best criminal minds in the world to protect us. Never mind that they knew (as they always do) all about this criminal with a damaged brain long before the shooting occurred and did, well, nothing about it. The media, who just got done showing us videos of Hamas parachuting into Israel in order to kill as many citizens as possible including women and children and they too are on board with our turning in our guns. All this not to mention the idiot BLM people over turning cars and setting them on fire, robbing stores, tearing down statues and let us not forget the soy boys in ANTIFA taking over city blocks, halting traffic on the freeways and turning parks into dangerous shit zones. Oh and never mind all the college idiots standing with Hamas right here in our homeland. Did I forget anyone? Sure Iran chants “death to America” but certainly they don’t mean it, turn your guns in! And then the biggest threat of all to our way of life, our very own government who has citizens rotting in prison still to this day for trespassing on “their” capitol building. You know the one where the doors were unlocked and the police escorted them through. Finally, If you fear what could happen to you just remember, it could always be worse, you could be President Trump…

These idiots may have convinced their stupid ass sheep that the gun is the problem but they’ve yet to convince anyone with at least one functioning brain cell. It’s pretty ironic if you think about it. These idiots who scream for the disarmament of their fellow citizens will be the first ones begging us to protect them when all hell breaks loose, although that might be stretching the truth some. For all I know they will gladly bend their knees to whichever evil doer it is coming after them. What kind of moron do you have to be in order to think the gun loaded itself, walked out the door and started shooting itself? I’ll tell you what kind, the kind that thinks Bidenomics is working, the kind that thinks the economy is better because CNN said so, the kind that thinks men have periods and women with purple and pink hair, 12 pieces of metal stuck in their bodies wearing combat boots and a tattoo across their forehead that says “I’ve had ten abortions.” Oh and don’t forget the real brainiacs who think January 6th was an insurrection and Mr. “I’m going to the beach” broken brain got 81M votes. Yeah, those are the idiots who think the gun is the problem and jump for joy each day because Trump is no longer in office keeping us out of war, yeah, idiots all of them and a complete waste of perfectly good air. No mean tweets though!

& purple haired woman)
As we get closer and closer to the Bush/Obama years we are told it’s for our own safety. Sure it’s scary when a Chinese jet flies a few feet from one of our jets or when you hear we are back to dropping bombs in the Middle East we at least can have some comfort in knowing the guy in charge of all of this is incapable of speaking, riding a bike, using the big boy stairs on AF1 or changing his own diapers. Besides, don’t you ever forget, he said “his plan is working”…
As for the new Republican Speaker of the House: Whatever. I maintain that it doesn’t matter who the speaker is. Without President Trump in office to provide cover for these sissies it will continue to be “government as usual.” These Republicans have no stones to do what’s right and they sure as hell don’t listen to any of us. Just watch, the government will get their funding, Ukraine will too and the border will remain wide open. They won’t file articles of impeachment on dipshit nor any of his America last, China First staff. If I’am wrong we’ll celebrate my wrongness together!
Like every week, I really struggled to even publish a rant. The high pitch of pure nonsense has gotten so loud, so out of control I just want to polish my tools and wait for the “all go.” This sitting around waiting for the next stupid thing to fall is enough to make a guy go berserk. The things we are allowing to occur in this country fall well outside this boy’s ability to describe. My in depth vocabulary keeps bringing me back to the same four words, stupid, filthy, corrupt and the ever so popular, morons! I’ve got nothing else in my arsenal. Lol
All that said; my hope and gratitude and what strength remains inside of me lies with my family, friends like you and the fight inside our President. Let us all have his strength, his determination to fight on. Let’s not bend but stand, let’s not whisper but yell, let’s not give in nor give up. No sir, we will keep our eye on the ball, our heads about us as we call out the lies, shout out the truth and continue to beat those drums of liberty, truth and justice for all. This is after all, our country, our time. Let’s remain united and pull each other over the finish line, you, me and our President.

Wishing y’all nothing but the best for the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Let it be said, let it be written, “Here we go again!”