Good Saturday afternoon friends. Before you get your panties in a wad, I do believe in God. Don’t let any stupid headline that I might come up with make you ever think differently. I am however a “non” believer in all things put before me by this government, the world order money exchanging suck faces, the media and the many morons out there who carry water for these same evil bastards who are bound and determined to take this planet full of people and turn it up-side-down until they have complete and total power over us all. I don’t like them, I don’t trust them and you can bet I damn well won’t surrender to them.
How’s that for starting this week’s rant with an attitude? Oh I’ve got an attitude alright and how can I not? How many weeks, now years, must I face this computer screen without having a single good thing to say about those who rule over our lives? If anyone thinks I somehow find pleasure in these weekly puke fests, think again. It is taking everything I have to even make my fingers move today. I have wanted to open a can of whoop-ass since the rigged election but the home of the brave (what a freaking joke that has become) insists on waiting until “someone” else fixes this world order garbage. Friday was supposed to be the day of Jihad. Hell, I was half looking forward to it. I don’t need some bullshit headline to be on high alert. I’ve been there for a long time now. I sound tough don’t I? One never really knows how one will react until confronted by evil at your doorstep. My goal is to keep the evil the hell off my porch. Too bad our government doesn’t feel the same.

I can’t put my finger on it but the attack on Israel smells to high heaven if you ask me. For my entire life I’ve been made to understand that the Israel intelligence folks are among the best in the world. But, then again, I’ve been told a lot of things. Like the FBI is “the” elite law enforcement agency in the world and that the CIA remains way ahead of the curve. You know, in the “intelligence” business. Yet, here we are, bomb, bomb, bomb away into Israel. Hundreds of armed Jihadists gliding down from the sky killing at will. Bullshit! This smells like more global war on humanity, more de-population, more push toward a third world war, more power grabbing to me. I’d guess that if we knew all the players involved in this evil take over we’d all fall out of our chairs and off the damn porch. Thanks to President Trump we’ve learned so much. Hells bells friends, BT (before Trump) we all voted for George Bush and Mitt Romney… let that sink it.
In fairness to our stupidity, what was the alternative, Obama? 300 plus million folks and these were the choices we had. The filth and destruction of this nation didn’t start yesterday…

Enough of that for now, if things go as they normally do, the goings on in Israel will be a distant memory soon and all the innocent lives will be all but forgotten by everyone except those that mattered most to them. In the meantime don’t y’all worry, broken brain is building America from the bottom up and middle out… We are living in a very sad and sick time my friends.

things you do. “Pal”
So I’ll wrap up this week’s ranting and raving by hitting on this Speaker of the House thing. First and foremost, I don’t know what the hissy fit is about. We’ve not had a leader in the house for as far back as I can remember. Not one who works on behalf of the American people anyway. They call it “the people’s house”, why? What exactly has the House of idiots done for the people? I wanted the wall built, they refused to fund it. I don’t want to fund the Ukraine war so what do they do, they fund it. I want them to get to the bottom of the 2020 rigged election so what do they do, nothing. Hell, they won’t even talk about it. I wanted them to drag Nancy Pelosi’s silicone face into hearings over the fake January 6th hoax. Nope. Bring in Hunter Biden, nah. Stop funding the FBI, no sir. Instead they give them funds for a brand new, fancy building. Well shit, at least stop funding that treasonous, global warming bull-shitter John Kerry. You can at least see your way to do that right? Wrong. Hey, what about all those CIA intelligence people that signed the letter saying the laptop was Russian disinformation? Their response, “who?”
Here’s the deal my friends, it doesn’t make a bit of difference who these idiots decide to have as “their” speaker because none of them, none have the balls, desire, skill, or love of country to do what is right for the country and her people. Until such time we have President Trump back in the White House to take the heat, all of these idiots will continue to play in their government sandbox. Most will remain under their desks hoping they are not seen again until they’re re-elected to serve their 50th term. They’ll continue to work with the other side while cutting their self enrichment deals. And right there is why none of them ever want to see another Trump Presidency. If any of them were true America First people they would have been screaming day in and day out about the rigged election, about the January 6th set-up but, you don’t hear any of that do you? The people’s house? I’m a non-believer. I think it’s the government’s house. All flag waivers not allowed.
Well there you have it friends. Another week of ranting… reading back over it I probably should have kept my fingers still this week. At least I stayed on the porch right? LOL Man oh man, what a mess this country finds itself in nowadays. We all think things couldn’t get worse only to be met with a new challenge. Here we all sit in a big beautiful country filled with millions upon millions of people (and sadly growing by leaps and bounds with the unknowns) and what do we have one guy, just one guy out of millions that stands up and fights for us every day. Just one guy who tells us the truth even when he knows it will ruffle the evil doers and the Leftist Lame’s feathers. Let us all be thankful there is at least one, let us all stand in line next November and cast our votes for President Trump. If they cheat us out of our voice and vote again we’ll have a decision to make. If they don’t, he’ll make the decisions for us and you can rest assured, those decisions will put America first, you and me first and well, wouldn’t that be the best gift of all. It’s Trump or bust for me. I just pray we still have a country to fight for come 2024.

Y’all have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Something tells me we’ll talk again soon and who knows maybe something good will happen by then. #Maybe #Trump2024