Good Saturday afternoon friends! It sure would be nice to finish a week, just one week, where the insanity of our country took a break. This on-going, seemingly never-ending insane train can really wear a person down can’t it? I no sooner finish this weekly rant and before I hit send these awful people running this country into a ditch start up with some more government nonsense. When the time nears where it’s time to rant again my brain is fried, mood has gone from bad to worse setting me up by mid-week to check out for my own self preservation. If you were to track my X posts (still a stupid name) you’d find I am a pretty decent guy at the start of the week. By the time mid-week rolls around my posts end up being reduced to one four letter word always followed with the word you.. I’ll let your imagination decide which word that might be…
Real class act huh… here’s the thing, after only a few days, sometimes minutes, listening to these idiots in Washington, or the repeaters in the news or all the moron Trump haters on social media a normal every day, freedom loving, common sense guy can lose his ever lovin’ mind. So, it’s either take a break or break. If ya know what I mean.
So yeah, “I’m not playing that game. What game you ask, the game of running me all over the place with their latest and greatest fake crisis in the hope that I lose focus on the real crisis. That’s what they do, you know. OMG the House has no speaker! This has never happened in all of history! The House of Representatives is in complete disarray. It’s leaderless! Eight MAGA extreme terrorists have caused an utter disaster to befall upon the people’s house! Just shut the (that four letter word I was talking about earlier) up.

First off, the House has been a complete disaster for years! Certainly during the eight years of the divider-n-chief, you know, Mr. Fundamentally change America, racist, married to the line backer dude. The four years during Trump’s time in office sure as hell was a complete hate America shit show as are these last three years under dirty diaper, broken brain, I never talked to my son about his business, can’t ride a bike, walk up stairs or stop lying, liar-n-stalled chief.
So these “the sky is falling” people can spare me the nonsense.
Who should be the next Speaker? Don’t care, doesn’t matter. Until such time as President Trump is back in the White House it really doesn’t matter because these Republicans without the cover of bold President Trump are weak pukes afraid of their own shadows who spend most of their time hiding under their desks hoping not to be seen or heard of until and after they are re-elected. You know, for their 220th term. As for the eight reps who saw to the kicking to the curb of McCarthy, good for them. I found it hysterical when the talking heads complained the gang of eight had to team up with 200 democrats to oust the Speaker. Idiots, where were they when it took 200 Democrats to pass the stop gap spending bill? As for all the pretend “drain the swamp people” they sure showed us who they are. I’m no genius but, if you truly want to drain the swamp you have to actually start by, well, draining the swamp. One down, many, way too many, more to go. Next!
At the same time it was a week filled with the real President spending his time dealing with what has to be one of the most idiotic Judges on the planet along with one of the most corrupt, filthy attorneys general in the country. Anyone with even a brain the size of a pea can see this is nothing more than election interference all designed to make the President out to be some criminal, in other words, the continuation of the “get Trump” operation. It’s disgusting, it’s wrong, it’s dangerous and somehow, some way has to stop and cannot ever be tolerated.

I can’t help it. I get so damn mad watching what this country is doing to President Trump I find it near impossible to breathe sometimes. This is just another reason why I have to walk away from time to time. What they are doing to him is beyond the beyond. The man spends 70 plus years of his life without being charged for anything and the minute he ran for President and every day since all these filthy lying sons-a-bitches make him out to be worse than Al Capone. So freaking ridiculous that any of this bullshit is allowed. And these people who cheer it on… (That four letter word followed by) YOU!

So again, I’m not playing this game. I don’t care about the House nonsense, Ukraine, these corrupt prosecutors, Judges and Attorneys General. I don’t care about Biden pretending he’s going to build 20 miles of wall, or if they send a million illegals to New York. The idiots on the Left can spew their stupidity all they want, I don’t care.
What I care about is the 2020 election. I want it fixed. None of this bullshit goes away until such time we get our voices back. I will never be able to get over the fact they rigged a U.S. election and worse that nothing was ever done about it. This and this alone is the demise of this country. We wouldn’t be watching the nonsense in Washington, or the flow of illegals crossing into the country, or billions of our tax dollars going to corrupt Ukraine, or broken brain trying to walk, talk, or poop, or any of the other hundred stupid idiotic going-ons in the country right now had they fixed 2020. They don’t like us, they’re out to get us, and the only way to fix it is to stand up, speak up, and get fed up with it all. But, y’all already knew that. It’s the other brainless fools we’ve got to turn around. While they play the destroy America game the rest of us better figure out how to call time out, re-group, and take this country back.
As Forest Gump once said; “And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.” For now, I shall call it quits for this week before I start using that four letter word again.
In the meantime dear friends, y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and let us all cross our fingers, stand on one foot with a rabbit’s foot in our pocket hoping for a better week ahead.

We stand with President Trump. 100%, now and forever. We will not waiver,
will not bend, break nor give up. #Trump2024