Good afternoon friends. Bill Clinton’s famous line, “It’s the economy stupid” like Reagan’s “Trust but verify” are quotes that stand up through the changing times and there is an obvious reason, they contain common sense and truth.
While both quotes hold true today, today “It’s the election stupid” that holds the key to our future. The country’s future. I don’t have to tell you, but without free and fair and secure elections America as we know it is dead and gone. All the things we endure today, “ALL” of them are without question a direct result of the rigged 2020 election. The Left have been honing their election cheating skills for decades. When you combine those skills with the planned pandemic the gates of cheating hell flew wide open, and we’ve suffered ever since.
The amount of pure nonsense, filth really, we endure today is down right mind numbing and it has a way of sucking the life right out of you. The fact is most can’t handle it, so they simply turn it off, hide from it and just pretend none of it exists. While on one hand you can’t blame anyone for that, you do begin to see why these evil doers feel so free to perform their never-ending acts of insanity.
You’d be hard pressed to convince me that most Americans don’t find the situation this government has created with the open border completely out of control, unacceptable and dangerous as hell.

Yet, where is the outrage? We are literally becoming the minority in our own country. It’s happening right before our eyes. The jackass-n-chief is so emboldened he even announced we horrible people of European descent would soon be the minority and he thinks it’s just great. And remember this one single act (open border) is all because of one rigged election.

Speaking of outrage, just what is it about life under this takeover we shouldn’t be outraged over? The economy? Please… We went from things are getting way better to holy shit, what in the name of bend over and take it all in a matter of one rigged election happened. The National average of gasoline is an eyelash away of being $4. I paid $78 for three bags of groceries yesterday and one of them just had a box of cereal in it. And none had a piece of beef, chicken or fish. These are just small examples of an economy that isn’t getting better, was never planned to get better and with this steady march towards communism it ain’t gonna get better. Unless you’re a banker collecting 17% interest on your plastic this economy down right sucks! So yeah, Bill Clinton it is the economy stupid but, if our vote doesn’t count what say do we have in how the economy is run? I’ll tell you, none!
How about this Ukraine nightmare? Where’s the outrage there? You cannot (well you could but I’d have to throw out the bullshit flag on ya) tell me the majority in this country are in love with our involvement in Ukraine. We are spending money like a fleet of drunken sailors inside a whore house and the house is open 24/7/365, meaning it’s never ending. Our oil reserves are all but gone, our military equipment is dwindling and hell, it took us three days to find an 80-million-dollar F-35 earlier this week. Speaking of and I admit I don’t know squat, why was the autopilot on before the pilot bailed? So that the plane knew where to crash? It was closer back to base where he took off than where it flew after he bailed? I don’t get it… I’m sure some smart ass will explain it to me though. Back to Ukraine, can anyone explain to me how the U.S. rigged an election, no wait, I know how they did that, explain to me though how they managed to install a King instead of a President? I mean they are pretending to fight over a budget in DC right now and according to most on the Left and the Right, as they always do, the world as we know it will come to an end if we don’t give them everything they want and, in the meantime, the installed U.S. King gives GI Sally over there another 300 million dollars? Really? Vets sleeping under bridges, citizens drowning in debt, illegals getting paid more than me on social security and hell, they don’t even have to pay someone else’s student loans like I have to and we’re over there footing the bill for this war that one could argue we started in the first place? Nonsense, dangerous nonsense at that. It gets worse right? We support Ukraine, well, the war machine does. Iran supports Russia. What do we do? Release 5 or 6 billion to Iran for some hostages. Gee, I wonder how they’ll put those billions to use. I’d say “what a clown show” but this is much worse, it’s a (pardon my French, I get it from my evil European descendants) it a cluster fuck. And we’re the ones being… enough Dan, they get the point. “Pun intended”

Then we move over to the Congress side of things and the story doesn’t get any better does it? Don’t let the media, the politicians or the guy next door fool you, these rat bastards are all in it together. They continue to approve nearly everything the “King” asks for and let’s be real, they installed him because they knew he’d do as he is told. As you well know, the squinty eyed, diaper wearing, mumbling moron doesn’t even know he’s alive. They hand him a script, he reads it, takes no questions, falls, gets helped up and walks away. One inch at a time. Rinse and repeat.

For those who say we need term limits I agree but again, I’d be happy at this point knowing my vote counted. Please don’t tell me there are enough people in these states that think people like those two or hoodie wearing Fetterman are good for leadership positions in Congress? The whole government is one big cluster filled time bomb if you ask me. None are following their oath of office and you can throw the military leadership into that pail of piss too. Protect and defend my white European ass. I get so pissed off when these idiots are elected and then when (if at all) I calm down I am left wondering if the people really elected them or not. Zero Trust in our elections anymore. ZERO!
And we’ve arrived at the point where anything else I have to say will only be filled with four letter words and spit all over my laptop screen. Translation: Time to stop.
Everything I spoke about today is indeed a direct result of the rigged election just as everything you hear from Washington and on the news is propaganda designed to keep the slow learners in their lane and us listless vessels too afraid to get out in the streets and pitch a Trump style, big league bitch. It’s maddening to say the least.
For going on three years now I’ve not missed a day preaching the importance of fixing 2020 even while knowing it ain’t ever gonna happen. Or if it does it will be too late to correct the wrong and jail the filth. I’ve said a gazillion times, if our vote doesn’t count we have no voice. No voice, no country. You’ve heard me say it right? Well damn it, it’s true and somehow, some way, through whatever means it takes, we by God better figure out how we fix this. We really, really are just one election away from full on get in line for food if we don’t. Never fear though, did you hear they are considering government run grocery stores now? How China of them. Wonder how much those gnat hamburgers will cost? Whoops, jumping back in again. Sorry.
Friends, I don’t know how we get through this mess, but I know one thing for sure, I am awfully glad you’re keeping me company. Without you, there is a good possibility of my going either completely crazy or so far underground you’d have to send one of those moles in my backyard to find me. And if you do, be careful cuz you don’t want to know what I do to moles in my back- yard.
Wishing you all most sincerely a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Remember no matter how bad things get you always can depend on me, like these phony Rinos, to point them out and do nothing to fix them. Grrrr #Fix2020 Yeah, do that and these blogs will turn into a love fest. 🙂 #ItsTheElectionStupid #FixIt