Good Saturday afternoon friends! Hope this week’s DG rambling rant finds y’all in the midst of having a great Labor Day weekend. Lord knows y’all have labored enough. Now do what ‘you’ want to do. First though, bookmark this rant and circle back after your long weekend is over. I don’t want to be accused of putting you in a bad mood… I am quite good at that you know. Yeah me…
There’s no denying it. In this case, it is everything this dirty, rotten, scum sucking, underhanded, lying, cheating, stinking government of ours does. Seriously, can anyone tell me a good hearted story about anything these evil bastards have done, or are doing, or are gonna do?
It is undeniable that this clown with four different names is a crook and his brain is fried beyond repair. And you know damn well that Obama knew all about this idiot’s thievery as vice president. You’d like to think the money changers/evil doers would have at least respected us enough to install someone who could walk, talk and pretend to care about the country. Nope, they are so emboldened they don’t give a hoot about how it all looks or what we think. They’ve got a plan and by God they are plowing full steam ahead. Either get on board or get out of the way, cause they ain’t slowing down to listen to your nonsense. You know, nonsense like close the damn border, or quit sending our money to corrupt Ukraine, or hell, small things like, stop these assholes from robbing stores, killing people, burning shit down or cutting up our children. You know if they are allowed to be born. Yeah, there’s no denying it, we are living in some pretty screwed up times under some pretty evil ass people who truly are, the scum of earth.

So what’s this “asking” the archives for the correspondence coming from broken brain’s alias emails? I don’t know about the rest of you but I am done with this “asking” bullshit. Who died and made the National Archive ass-hats king of the hill? I tell you who, this dirty government of ours. They make laws to protect themselves. Surprise, surprise right… So do I have this right? The pukes at the archives have to get Obama’s permission to release the emails? You’ve got to be joking! That would be like asking a scum sucking Soros paid judge to preside over a fair trial or expecting a bunch of Obama phone carrying, welfare sucking DC citizens to be impartial when hearing the case of Government vs. Donald J Trump. Not happening. Not ever.

Well, heck, at least we have the GOP in our corner right? WRONG! Republican Comer gathers up all these receipts clearly showing pudding head has had his ass up Hunter’s butt all along and what is Comer concerned about? How it will look if they start impeachment hearings. Translation; we might not get elected if we do the right thing for the country. Yeah because you know, it’s all about them. I swear my head is going to explode.
I know damn well the freaking Senate under Mr. Brain Freeze (there’s another one that needs to be put out to pasture or treated with the same respect you treat a horse with a broken leg) isn’t going to impeach this corrupt POS but we’ve got millions of citizens in this country that need to hear and see just how filthy corrupt this idiot and not chief is. Although I don’t know who I am kidding, if brain dead citizens don’t know by now, raking the ice cream brain over the coals ain’t gonna matter either. Geez! One minute we are celebrating growth in our retirement account, outright laughing about the low gas prices and loving the new wall going up and the next, this spit bucket Bidenomic mess. “We’re gonna need a hell of a lot more money” abnormal brain says talking about fixing this fake climate crisis we’re not in. Meanwhile the Maui folks are still trying to find their dead and wondering how $700 is going to help them do that. The media has all but dropped the story and it all must be just fine because our weak-kneed puss of a fake President is back on the beach sleeping. Hey Democrats, you vote for this shit, wake the hell up! It reminds me of the black women we saw this week screaming about all the illegals in Chicago taking their jobs. Hello, anyone home, stupid, stupid people. What about the jackass who is suing the car manufacturers because too many of their cars are being stolen? These people who vote for stupid over and over and over again can go suck on a grease trap. Knock-knock, who’s there? Gimme. Gimme who? Gimme one of those Obama phones. Idiots.
Can y’all tell I’ve had my fill with stupid? Oh and buckle up friends, COVID 2.0 is on its way back! I reckon it will make a full recovery come about election time. It’s bad enough we have to endure that bullshit again but almost worse is our having to watch all the sheep run to comply. They’ve learned nothing and how could they? They’re still watching the same fake news, listening to the same lying “not” doctors and for that matter, still wearing the same stupid masks. You know, when they’re not watching the View or tuning in to Keith Olbermann. Home of the brave? Try home of the stupid.

Okay I’ve got to calm the hell down. LOL. It’s just so damn hard to sit back and watch all of this insanity. The proud boy dude gets 17 years in prison because he was at the capitol on January 6th. Evidently he knocked over one of the temporary barriers that look like bicycle racks. Meanwhile the BLM dudes cause a billion dollars in damages to cities, stores, cars and the like get… well, nothing. Y’all realize I can go on for days giving examples of the one sided insane, in your face unequal justice we are made to endure right? Like you, I don’t have to Google any of it for it’s all ingrained in my pea brain for the rest of my life. There simply is no denying it, this time we find ourselves living in will go down as one of the darkest times in American history.
I’ll keep beating the 2020 drum as if someone is going to get the message. I’ll keep promoting President Trump for 2024 knowing damn well they’ve fixed none of the corruption in our elections. I’ll continue to yell at the mountain tops to throw this broken brain of a failed man off his made up pedestal. I’ll call the Republican “big government” business as usual ass-hats out at every opportunity. I’ll fight for our kids, our rights, our country and I’ll stand for our flag but I have be the only person I know how to be, honest, this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into ain’t gonna get fixed without a whole lot of (millions) common sense, family first, country loving patriots. There isn’t anyone responding to the bat signal… Trump tries the best he can but these mother suckers are keeping him busy aren’t they. Nope, this ain’t a one man job, friends. This is an “all hands on deck” deal. Do you hear the bells tolling? #WeAreOnOurOwn which is the bad news. The good news? There are a lot of us!

Enough is enough for this week. Y’all enjoy the rest of your holiday. Have fun, enjoy your family and be safe. And speaking of no denying it, remember, good always wins over evil. Always! I hope… It better… It has too! #Fix2020 🙂