Good Saturday afternoon friends! Where did September go? It’s all one big blur to me and just as the months before it, it was certainly filled with plenty of filth, lies and downright deception, wasn’t it? It’s pretty darn sad when you think about how used to it we’ve become. No matter what these evil morons throw at us we hardly even blink anymore and that’s because they’ve gone so far off the reservation any tiny bit of credibility they might have had has long since been dead and buried by those of us who continue to pay attention. Today, they open their mouths and we close our ears. They paint a picture and we close our eyes. And why not, they do nothing but lie as they continue their attempt to mold the weak minded and mostly clueless public.

So, how about that debate? I didn’t watch it so in fairness I’ll spend little time on it but I heard viewership was dismal. I heard praise for DeSantis because he came out against President Trump which is about the dumbest, albeit predictable, thing ever. All these idiots who are running have zero chance of winning and so what do they do? They go after Trump. You know, the guy with some 80 million loyal (there’s something they know nothing about) supporters. Let’s be real, there is no path to the White House without us evil MAGA people, none. And just to say it, when any of these idiots slam Trump they slam us and that my friends make them no better than these stupid, STUPID Democrats.
I did however (surprise, surprise) watch the President speak to the auto workers and just as he always does, he spoke the truth. Also, like he always does he thinks beyond the obvious and gets to the heart of the problem. He told them they shouldn’t be striking about more pay. They should be striking about losing their jobs due to pudding head mandating all electric vehicles. Everyone on the planet knows that’s right up China’s alley. “Why do these car companies agree to this anyway?” he said. That’s the question I’ve been asking from the start. I reckon the answer lies in the taxpayer grants, just another word for “Payoff.” God forbid these CEOs at the big three tell poopy diapers to fly a kite! As always, the President is completely reasonable when it comes to this electric vehicle sandwich. “People who want to own an electric car should own an electric car. Just as those who want to drive a gas car can own a gas car. People shouldn’t be told what they can and cannot buy. #CommonSense #TheAmericanWay #FreeMarket
The contrast between corrupt old bedwetter spending twelve minutes on the picket line and Trump, on his dime, flying to Michigan in his own plane and spending hours sharing with them what he would do and what they should be concerned about is the difference between a real President and a guy that truly needs the corn cob pulled out of his rear end. One mumbles and bumbles the other speaks clearing and in a manner all can understand. One yells at you and the other yells with you.

Now, “That Dog Don’t Hunt”. The corrupt justice system keeps rolling along down their filthy path of lies and one sided politic “in” justice. This week they accused the President of over valuing his assets in order to gain favorable loans. Gee, I bet no developer except Trump ever did that. Then they accused him of devaluing the same assets come tax time. Again, who ever heard of such a thing! Finally, they really drove off the cliff when they announced that Mar-a-largo had a net worth of 18 million dollars. Why you stupid sons-of-bitches. 18 million dollars? Really? You idiots do realize we aren’t all democrats right? We didn’t just fall off the turnip truck…

Mar-a-largo is a National landmark sitting on 17 acres & containing some 60,000 square feet of only the finest materials. Forbes valued the property at a low of $300M and a high of $700M. It has 58 bedrooms, 12 fireplaces and three bomb shelters. Not to mention the pools, tennis courts, spa and a minor thing called “beach front.” 18M dollars… see, these people don’t care how they look or what they say or what they do. They know the majority of idiots we share air with will read the headline, believe it and then get back in line for the next COVID shot…
Needless to say, this one really pissed me off. What these bastards are doing to this man blows my mind and to think he’s fighting this all alone makes me pop an artery. All I can do is throw him a buck now and then, stick up for him at every turn, slam the idiots that side with the most corrupt government on the plant which by the way includes those pieces of work running against him… frustrated much and yeah, that dog won’t hunt. Mar-a-largo is worth twenty times that amount. They know it and we damn well we know it.
I’ll wrap this up for this week. I’ll spend no time talking about Feinstein’s passing. Mom said if I don’t have anything good to say then shut up. Boy how she must be tapping her foot right about now. As for the budget talks, please, theater and I’ve seen the show too many times to even begin to think anyone in DC wants to actually do anything about anything. Leave the border open, keep sending our depleting dollars to Ukraine, watch our police go hand to hand combat with a bunch of robbing thugs in Philadelphia as the idiots on the hill say they care about crime and pretend dumb fuck is our President… Again, that dog don’t hunt. They’re all in it together and this boy’s cup overflows.
To end I’ll share with you the one highlight of my week. I attended the Trump rally in South Carolina this week. My first one and really, there was no way I could pass it up as it was within 10 miles of my home. The traffic was horrible and yet somehow, that put a smile on my face. Not being a big fan of crowds I told myself to get over it, suck it up anyway. After nearly a mile walk to get to the rally, then standing in line for another hour to get in, I found myself a shady spot near one of the buildings. The rally began with a prayer, a PRAYER! This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance! How dare they right! LOL. As for the crowd, wow, just wow! I cannot even begin to express how wonderful it was to be among so many (thousands) of like minded, America loving folks, young and old, black and white, and everything in-between. America was everywhere, on our heads, our shirts, our pants, in our hands and on our minds. It was beautiful. A local gal, a soldier sang God Bless America and I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you a drop or two fell from my eyes. The whole experience was so uplifting for me, so hopeful to see that I’m not the only one supporting this man who’s given his all for this country, a man whose entire life is in peril as he fights with one hand against an all powerful government out to put him away while also connecting with the people to drive home his love of country. Being there is way different than watching it on television. While I knew just about everything he was going to say, it was if I was hearing it for the first time. He made me laugh, he made me mad and as always, he left me proud and hopeful for a better day. He said we have to swamp them at the ballot box, our turn out has to be so strong, so great, we overwhelm them. I hope he’s right, I’ll certainly do my part as I know you will too.
How we turn out more votes to beat fake ballots, cheating counters, and illegal votes is beyond me but if he thinks we can do it, well, what the hell do I have to lose?

One other quick story at the rally. As I was walking to the event an elderly man pushing his walker was slowly making his way to the rally. He had to stop often and sit for a bit to catch his breath but he continued. As folks made their way around him many asked, what appeared to be his daughter, if they needed anything. Isn’t that the true MAGA way. I was beyond impressed to see this man inside the gates, he made it, he wasn’t going to be denied. I share this for two reasons. First, I was so taken back by this mans determination and obvious love of the President. Secondly, let this be a reminder for us all. If this man can bare the heat, line, walking and crowds, so can we.
Should you ever have the opportunity to go to a rally, to lay your eyes on the President and just as important, stand shoulder-n-shoulder with people who get it, who care, who want our country back, I highly recommend it. It was good stuff, America stuff! #MAGA
Okay, enough already! I wish each and every one of you, my friends, a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Whatever the nonsense will be in October we shall throw stones at it and continue our quest to get the one man, the only man, back at the helm to steer this ship we call America out of these rough seas that we each continue to endure#Trump2024