Good Saturday afternoon friends! These people on the Left and all those in-between are out of their ever loving minds if they think we are just going away. Every week they roll out more of their clown show nonsense, I guess, thinking that will be the one “thing” that makes us all suddenly just go away, walk away from Trump, walk away from our core beliefs which for the record, haven’t changed ever. We held these beliefs long before President Trump came into the picture. The fact a man did come into the picture that spoke like us, that thinks like us, that gets us was a glorious gift. Actually, one could argue it was and is, a long overdo miracle.
After decades of Washington insider bullshit Trump comes along and starts saying the things we’ve been thinking out loud. That’s his draw, that’s always been his draw. While we average citizens walk around talking among ourselves, bitching about all the waste, fraud and stupidity being forced down our throats, Trump comes along with his big name recognition and ability to draw lots of ears and joins us in our disgust, in our desire for change. From the little things like light bulbs and low flow shower heads to big things like foreign wars, open borders and our always having to pay the world’s bills. “Sir, would you like us to install an elevator in AF1?” Trump: “How much?” No President in my lifetime ever asked that question. That is the difference between a politician and a businessman. Although this moron pretending to be President certainly could use an elevator couldn’t he… you know, as long as someone pushes the up/down button… What a complete joke/embarrassment.
These indictments are pouring fuel on an already scolding hot fire. Anyone on planet earth celebrating this corrupt shit show is not a serious person and honestly, shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Anyone cheering on the ‘get Trump’ crowd has their head so far up the government’s ass that they don’t see what it means for the future of our country, for their very own future. These lawless acts are things we used to read about happening in communist countries not here in the once, good ole USA.

To make this man (And the others) fly to Atlanta to be booked on complete and utter bullshit charges is an act of terrorism as far as I’m concerned. The time, money and stress they are putting our President through pisses me off beyond words.
Thankfully with each new circus that comes to town his support grows. In his interview with Tucker he was asked where he finds the strength to keep going. His reply was heartwarming and just another example of why we stand with him. He said (roughly from memory) “It’s the people really, they’re so smart, they get it.” In his mind it’s unthinkable to walk away, not with the millions of American people supporting him. He won’t do it and like I said, we aren’t going away either.

I apologize as this week’s rant has to be cut short as I am out of town visiting my boy and his family out west. I am currently in the Denver airport awaiting my connecting flight while trying to throw this rant together so when I arrive they can be my only focus.
Isn’t that the way it ought to be? Instead of all the weekly filth we are made to endure shouldn’t we be able to focus on our own families, our own businesses, deal with our own trails and tribulations. We all have them and they don’t go away on there own do they? Nope. Instead we have to get pushed around week after week with this corrupt group in Washington DC and all their George Soros attorneys, prosecutors, and a bought and paid for state run media. To say it’s maddening is an understatement. Endure we shall, somehow, someway and get those things we need to get done in our own lives at the same time.
Friends I hope y’all have a really great rest of your weekend and I pray that next week is better for us all. That means you, me, President Trump and all those who are trying to help him and us too really. As for these disgusting people working overtime to keep the truth from coming out, working overtime to hide their dirty deeds they will get what’s coming to them all in good time. It will never be fast enough for us, but we remain focused, steady at the wheel and yep, we aren’t going anyway.