Good Saturday afternoon friends! It is pretty frustrating knowing darn well there are millions of like minded patriots among us, all thinking the same thing(s) as it relates to this government that no longer resembles anything the founders envisioned all while we find ourselves stuck in the mud apparently with no cell service, no winch, not even a shovel to get us out of this mud filled rut commonly referred to nowadays as the DC swamp. It’s deep, it’s ugly, it’s corrupt, it’s dangerous and it’s completely out of control. While millions of us are ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes to regain control and bring the evil doers to their knees we lack the know-how to even begin. All this propaganda about Trump supporters being a cult is, well, Leftist propaganda. As each of you well know, all that the Trump supporters really want is fair elections and equal justice. Unlike the Left and their media mind controllers, we don’t care what side of the political barbwire you graze on. If you are corrupt, you are corrupt and the law must remain blind when judgment day arrives.
These two, very basic American rights (equal justice and fair elections) so frighten the DC crowd that there is no end to what they have done and will do to ensure that neither is ever granted to the people again. We understand now why this is the case. Fair elections give the people their voice back, something they want nothing to do with. Between them and their propaganda pushers, the Media, “they” decide who sits in what office and who decides what direction the country goes. This is why you always hear me say; “No voice, no country.” When our voice becomes mute, meaningless, unimportant (which is what happens when our votes don’t count) there is no fear among the evil doers. They are free to do as they please. Then comes the second demand, equal justice and I certainly don’t have to spell out what that means to the evil doers do I? We have always been told we are a Nation of laws which is true. However, when those laws are not applied evenly, justly, then what we have is what we all find ourselves enduring today. The stink makes a bucket of rotten fish that’s been out in the sun for a week smell good.
So picture this if you will, you or I are out in the middle of nowhere 100 miles from home. It’s almost dark, it’s raining hard, and the wind is blowing the rain sideways. I’m standing in the mud knee deep staring at the pickup with its axle buried in the mud. I’ve got no cell coverage, no winch and no shovel. That, my friends is about how I am feeling right now when it comes to this filthy corrupt government. As the saying goes, I love the country but hate this government and the media.

Enough of the DG commentary, on to some of the filth we endured just this week starting of course with Mr. Tom, Dick or Harry. Or whatever fake name he is using today. So now they learned that Mr. Prickface, while VP used aliases while communicating with the Ukraine President and Burisma. Gee, I wonder why? What about cc’ing Hunter on his communications?
All seems perfectly normal, all on the up and up right? WRONG! Just WTF else do these Republican worms need in order to get impeachment hearings started? Good Lord! Let the entire country hear what this crooked, stumbling, old worthless SOB has been up to. At this point one must truly be living under a rock if they don’t see this corrupt old fool with an attitude should be thrown in a wheelchair and pushed out of our White House.
Well at least ice cream boy, days after the fact has devoted a whopping $700 to those poor folks on Maui. And things are really looking up for them because (after being raked through the coals) he’s going to go visit them on Monday. I’ll bet they’re jumping for joy. First though, he’s got to ship those F-16’s over to Ukraine… multi-million dollar fighter jets to Ukraine, $700 to Americans in desperate need… sounds about right with this idiot-n-chief. Not to worry though because as you well know, Bidenomics has made everyone’s life better. What? Don’t yell at me. That is what he said, that’s what the media says and that’s what Ms. Mop Head says. Hells bells my friends we all know that none of these people ever lie. And I give you another, WRONG!

What’s most important for us all to focus on is that the racist Nazi in Georgia has added her filth to the Trump indictment camp. Never, you mind about Maui, the open border, thousands dying from Fentanyl or $4 gasoline. Trump, Trump, Trump! I read somewhere, probably from one of our friend Rip’s posts that these evil sons-a-bitches don’t really care one way or the other if their cases are thrown out. Their goal is to drain Trump’s war chest and humiliate him up to the point where he either pulls out of the race or they convince as many of the sheep and RINOs as possible not to even nominate him. Should even one of these indictments stand, that would just be a cherry on top of the corrupt pie for these bastards. Like you I am guessing, I am so damn sick and tired of this get Trump crap. Talk about stuck in the mud…
There are few things in life that I am certain of right now. One of them is that Trump ain’t gonna give up and the second is he ain’t gonna run out of fighting money because his supporters, me included, will gladly continue to donate what we can for this fight. After all, this isn’t just his fight, this is our fight! Remember, if he loses we all lose. Sadly we cannot fix 2020, we cannot bring the evil doers to justice and I was thinking the other day, even if we all got out in the streets the first thing these pricks would do is arrest Trump for attempting to overthrow the government even if it was our idea to get in the streets in the first place. These A-holes have really rigged this whole takeover haven’t they? We may very well have to hit the streets anyway. Somehow, someway, we’ve got to be heard! And we absolutely have to keep doing whatever we can to turn the wrongs into the rights. Up needs to mean up again and 2+2 still equals four damn it!
Okay friends, now that I’ve managed to get myself in another bad mood I reckon it’s time to call it a day (so to speak). While there are signs of good things to come, most of the time, thanks to the onslaught of rotten news. Let’s figure out how to get out of that muddy rut we’re in. Lots of praying, lots of yelling, lots of hope and a mountain full of determination ought to get us there. We may not make it but, it won’t be for lack of trying friends. And just think, if they #Fix2020 it would be over, all this filthy rotten “stuff” would come to a glorious halt overnight. Excuse me now as I go install a winch and throw a shovel in the back of the truck. 🙂

Have a nice rest of your weekend and week ahead friends. Thanks for lending me your ear.