I’m pretty sure if The Gipper were around today in this disgusting lying filled government he would change his famous words (Trust but Verify) to “Don’t Trust and Try to Verify”. When he said those words he was referring to Russia and all foreign adversaries. Today our biggest adversary is our very own government and all their paid (with our money) propaganda lie pushers, the media of course being the biggest. Today if you want to find the truth you’ve got your work cut out for you. In the end it boils down to trusting the few outlets or people you’re lucky enough to bump into. How do you know you can trust them? I listen to what they have to say and then wait to see if their words stand the test of time. The wait and see tactic was developed after being disappointed time and again. Remember when we all thought the congressman with the eye patch (Crenshaw) rocked? I waited, and I saw. Not good. Usually my tummy delivers the truth for me but, even it lets me down from time to time. The best, most honest information out there today comes from individual patriotic Americans.
This week certainly has been consistent with all those before it over the last “forever” it seems. Every week is filled with one stupid thing after another and I don’t know about y’all but I’ve long grown tired of it. Here are a few of the stupid things that especially riled that one hair on top of my head.
Gold Star Family Testimony: When I heard that dick-weed told the gold star mother that he knew how she felt because he experienced the same thing when their son (Bo) came home in a flagged draped casket I nearly came out of my skin. This guy is heartless, stupid, and simply a piece of shit. Not only is that a lie, one that the mother knew and the whole world knows, but he had to make this about him, disgusting beyond words. God forbid he would apologize and give her a hug.
Bidenomics: I am so damn sick and tired of hearing about Bidenomics and how great it is. On twit or X (good grief, dumbest name of all time) every other tweet is from broken brain or the White House touting pure lies about how much better off we all are thanks to Bidenomics which isn’t even a “thing”. Anyone alive knows everything is more expensive today than before they installed this prick. In fact, it’s somewhere around 16% higher. The cost of goods and services has outpaced wages every month since this idiot took (literally) office. What kills me, just like these morons in blue states who keep voting in the same people that keep them living under hellish conditions is that they will vote for this guy again. You know if he actually runs again. There’s a good chance the money changers will decide to go with someone else. Don’t worry, it won’t be Kami, even those robbers don’t like her. Hell, no one likes her.

Loyalty Pledge: President Trump refused to sign the GOP loyalty pledge. Nikki Haley and DeSantis signed it and couldn’t wait to post a picture of their signature followed with some lame post about how they stand with the party to beat Biden. The usual Trump haters and pretend Republicans jumped on the opportunity to slam Trump for refusing. My first thought was; why on God’s green earth would President Trump pledge to stand with the GOP when they’ve done nothing but stab him in the back as they all pretend the 2020 election wasn’t rigged. Here we stand (barely) two plus years later and they’ve done nothing except ignore the elephant in the room. The damn election was rigged, stolen, ripped right out of the hands of the voters. To disagree is to believe Pudding Brain got 81 million votes and to believe that, you have to be one stupid SOB. If I’ve offended anyone for saying that I can only ask, what the F are you doing reading my rant?! LOL
I’ve got a brilliant idea for the GOP, how about y’all sign a loyalty pledge to support President Trump. You know, the guy that brought us a safe and secure border, the guy that gave all Americans a tax cut, the man who placed three conservative justices on the bench, the one that kept us out of wars, the one that doubled our 401Ks, and gave us gas under two dollars. The guy that won in 2016, won in 2020 and will win again in 2024.

January 6th: The video of Tucker’s interview of the Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund hit social media like a storm. Oh not to worry, you won’t find it anywhere on the fake news. As I understand it, Tucker taped the original interview when he was still with Fox but, surprise, surprise, for some reason it never aired. Gee, I wonder why. If you happen to be one of the very few at this point that hasn’t watched it.
Please do so. https://twitter.com/i/status/1689783814594174976 I’d like to say I was surprised but really the only thing I am surprised about was that I got to see and hear it at all. This is another one of these “conspiracy theories” that turns out to be true. As most have at this point. January 6th was just what we thought it was. Another rigged up, set-up brought to you by Nasty Nancy, the FBI and the rest of the Washington filth. You tell me why that so called “January 6th commission” would go out of their way NOT to interview the Capitol Chief of Police and others who were “directly” involved… These people ought to be dragged by their hair to prison.

Like every week under this insane government led by Mr. Corruption there are simply too many things to cover in one rant. How about the special counsel, David Weiss who was appointed in another joke of the not funny kind? The idiot POS DOJ appoints the very guy that the IRS whistleblower testified stopped him from further investigation of Hunter. He appoints the very asshat who was working to give Hunter the sweetheart deal. And besides, we don’t need a special anything! All we need is for people to do their jobs. And one other “besides” we don’t give a rats ass about Hunter dumbass Biden, it’s his corrupt filthy father we care about. He is the one that sold America out. Nasty Nancy would have impeached Biden ten times by now.
But, hey, let’s pledge our loyalty to the GOP…
I’ll wrap this up by saying how fast people forget. I keep running into people saying Trump didn’t do squat when he was President. “Did he build the wall?” “Did Mexico pay for it?” Shit like that.
People conveniently forget that the man was under assault from day one. While everyone and their ugly government insiders were throwing crap at the man who by the way had never held office before, it’s downright amazing that he got anything done. My favorite is when people like fat ass Christy tout that Trump only built 50 miles of “new” wall. Evidently replacing the hundreds of miles of the Bush/Obama split rail fence doesn’t count. Trump requests, what today sounds like pennies, 5B to build the total wall and he is denied. This week that idiot mayor in New York is requesting 12 billion just to house and feed the illegals broken brian let in. Gee, you don’t have to be an economist to see that building the wall is a hell of a lot cheaper than housing, educating, feeding, etc millions of illegals invading our border. You know, the border that’s secure…And I don’t know what Adams is bitching about anyway, doesn’t he know via Bidenomics everything is great!
The other favorite is that Trump pledged to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone just magically forgets it was, again, the GOP that missed that field goal thanks to the great John McCain and others. Nope, it’s Trump’s fault! So, so beyond sick of it all friends. My tummy tells me, history tells me, facts, true facts, tell me. Trump is the one and only one to run the kind of country I want to live in. For these reasons and a hundred more I remain a Trump boy and the GOP can take their pledge and stick up there where it’s very dark and stinky. I’ll stand with the guy the entire government is against. I’ll stand with the guy, the only guy, who hasn’t lied to me. I’ll stand with the guy who made my life better, not worse. I refuse to take a “chance” on anyone else. Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that? They ain’t going to #Fix2020 and I ain’t going to stop calling for them to #Fix2020. They want us to forget it all. Forget Russia, Russia, Russia, forget Ukraine phone call impeachment hoax, forget the rigged election, forget the January 6th Federal set-up, forget all these bullshit indictments, forget the Biden lies, forget his bragging about hustling Ukraine, forget about the 50 intel people who lied, the FBI lies, the media lies. Nope. It ain’t happening, not now, not ever. They’ve screwed the pooch and in the end, the dog will bite back. I hope. LOL. Thought I’d throw that in you know, because I don’t want the FBI breaking down my down with guns a blazing, another banana republic maneuver. You can’t make this crap up.
Wishing y’all a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. Lord only knows what we’ll be talking about next week… Don’t Trust, Try To Verify #Fix2020