Good Saturday afternoon friends! Yeah, “when you think about it” and “it” is everything including the kitchen sink. Here we are, where we simply wish to live our lives and deal with the challenges that life throws at us inside our own little world which at times can be a lot and instead we are made to take on a government who for lack of another explanation, has gone completely rouge.
Every one of you has things that you have to deal with on a personal level, whether it is the health of a loved one or dear friend, your job, your home, your kids, your bills, the weather, a beloved pet, a mom, dad or grandparent. From the car that won’t start, to the credit card bill, from trying to get an appointment with your doctor to dead batteries in the smoke detector, something inside our own world is always going on and always needs to be attended to.
If all that and many things not even mentioned including those we don’t yet know of weren’t enough, we are made to endure this completely, rotten to the core and way out of control, government filth.
I’ve got a new thing I say to myself when I find myself frustrated over one of these life challenges. I’ll say; “It could be worse, I could be Trump.” How sad but true is that?

You know shit has hit the proverbial fan when I’m thankful I am not a billionaire married. I’m guessing this latest BS indictment of Trump left you feeling the same as it did me, sad, mad, and frustrated. Those of us who spend probably too much time on social media make matters worse on ourselves because we also endure the complete insane remarks of these bed-wetting Libtards who we don’t dare give a piece of our minds to out of fear of being banned for life on one of the not free speech sites Meta or X. Wonder what the two jackasses paid to have someone come up with those brilliant names. I don’t know but, I do know I would have done it for less. Of course I don’t know as if re-branding them Hitler’s Corner and Castro Boulevard would have made the cut. More appropriate though.
Back to our President. It pains me to see what these evil bastards put this man through. With each new indictment comes the “we got him now” crowd. Even many who are running for the Republican Party Presidential spot are jumping on the “get Trump” bandwagon which only adds fuel to the fire that burns inside me. Inside all of us I suspect.

I’ll never understand those who to this day associate themselves with the Democrat Party, those that have TDS and continue to spew the most insane, downright stupid things about the man and quite frankly his supporters, you and me. We’re a cult right? I’ve never heard of a cult with 80M plus members but, okay.
How is it even possible for these people not to see the downright corruption and pure filth coming from their anti-everything party? Is it all the media’s fault or are these people just that stupid? “I told them to fire the prosecutor or they would not get the billion dollars. Well son of bitch, they fired him.” That was okay but Trump making a phone call is cause for impeachment? To quote John McEnroe, “You can’t be serious!”

This last indictment is all about how Trump was the cause for the January 6th riot (protest). How he led the crowd in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government. You know, with flags and Great America hats… I guess the dick-weed prosecutor has convinced a bunch of those libtards in DC and an Obama appointed leftist judge that when Trump said he knows we’ll be marching to the Capitol to peacefully and patriotically have our voices heard he meant, burn the place down and take over the government… Again, “You can’t be serious!” (So y’all know, I am trying not to use the F word).

The installed prick is vacationing on the beach because, well, he’s worked so hard. Meanwhile the border remains open, thousands of Americans continue to die from fentanyl, gas is racing toward $4 a gallon, billions to Ukraine keep flowing with zero positive effects or receipts, groceries are unaffordable for many, savings accounts are drained, and despite all the BBB bullshit manufacturing is down and the roads still suck and trains still keep falling off the tracks. Forget all that and about a hundred other disgusting things like hidden bank accounts secretly holding millions of bribed dollars from China, Ukraine and others. Don’t y’all worry your little minds for a minute that the puppet-n-chief has done nothing but lie to the world and make it a less safe to live. Let’s get Trump! Day in, day out, 24/7, get him! Orange man bad! I am so (don’t do it Dan) sick of it I can’t even begin to tell you. Not to worry, McCarthy is looking into it…
All these idiots including the government and most Republicans don’t get it and never will. This bullshit we are living with isn’t about Trump. It’s never been about Trump. It’s about right from wrong. It’s about free speech. It’s about equal justice under the law. It’s about the Constitution. You can replace the name Trump with anyone you want. Our concern and growing anger about these basic rights won’t change. The fact remains, we support Trump because he supports us and our concerns, our beliefs, our rights. For those that say “no he doesn’t, he’s just using you!” Well if that’s the case, use away Mr. President because my life and their life (they’ll never admit it) was far better when he was President, when he was “using” us. Which is pure bullshit but, then again, what isn’t now-a-days?

So there you have it friends. If you think about it, it’s hard enough to go through life and all the challenges it poses. The last thing we need is to have this scum of a government pile on their filthy corrupt nonsense. Endure we must, what choice do we have? We will continue to pray for justice to show itself and in the meantime let us continue to correct the lies and yell from the mountain tops the truth as we know it. Trump did nothing wrong, the government, the Left is in full lawless takeover mode and every day that passes without correction the correction becomes that much harder. Keep your head down friends, plow forward. Never give up, never give in, and never, ever, say never!
Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend. Together we will plow through the coming week. Remember, none of this, none! Would be happening if not for the rigged election. And trust me, it was rigged! #Fix2020