There’s no way what I am experiencing is real. I must be on an LSD trip because my vision is blurred, my hearing is off, something stinks to high heaven and no matter what I do or how hard I try, it doesn’t go away. In fact, it keeps getting worse…
It wasn’t all that long ago where my hearing was crystal clear. Then a few years back everything went haywire. We went from a President whose every move was for the benefit of the people in “this” country to one that by all accounts and I mean “all” accounts goes out of his way to hurt the people. And just exactly when did we go from having a President to a King who is a babbling, slobbering, finger pointing, diaper wearing one at that? A few years back, our President couldn’t rustle up enough money from Congress to build a wall. Today the king pays off student loans, sends a gazillion dollars to another country, sells oil from our reserve to China, and mandates what kind of car I drive, how I heat or cool my home and doesn’t build any wall at the border but instead hangs a “come one, come all” sign on the split rail fence he and Obama built back in the day. Am I dizzy from all this “out of nowhere” nonsense or seriously, did someone put LSD in my coffee?
For the better part of my life, I kept hearing that natural gas was the cleanest of all fuels and it was cheap too! Then a few years back, again, out of nowhere, according to the king, it is awful. It went from the cheapest, cleanest fuel to the cause of the demise of the entire world as we know it. Really? At first I just thought it was the idiot playing King but when I turned on the television even the media says it’s bad and that our only way forward if we are to save the planet (honestly, from what I don’t know) is electricity. See I told you, my hearing has gone to hell, there’s no way I heard this right, right? What a trip! For as long as I’ve been alive, for as long as my father lived, his father and his father before him the earth has gladly supplied us with the natural fuels we’ve needed to survive, prosper and become the great Nation we are, or were. Nope, all of us are on notice to get that gas stove out of our homes and replace it with electric and the same with that old hot water heater! And don’t even think about keeping that gas powered generator! No, no, no! Sure you need that when the power goes out but the King has spoken! Besides, under the King’s rule our power will never go out again! Oops, hold on a minute, the power just flickered. I have to go reset my router. And another thing, what about the folks that make and sell those generators, stoves and hot water heaters? Oh I remember they will be trained to make solar panels or something. You know, if they don’t mind moving to China.
Did I see the leader of the Senate stand at the microphone in front of the world and lose his ability to speak? I told you, this LSD is messing with my vision. On Thursday I swore I saw an old lady during a vote in the Senate ramble on about a bill until an aide leaned over and told her “just say Aye” of which she stopped, smiled and said “Aye.” I’m tripping out friends!
The last time I felt normal was in November of 2020. With a hop and skip in my step I headed to the polls to cast my vote for President Trump. Having watched thousands upon thousands of American patriots attend his rallies. Seeing all the boats honoring him with flags and Trump 2020 flags and just knowing of all the great things he had accomplished and accomplished no less while the enemy worked over time to take him down. I had no doubt I was voting for the right guy and zero concern that he wouldn’t win. Especially as I watched the other guy basically do nothing to campaign and on the rare occasion he did come out from his basement no one was coming out to hear him speak. If that’s what you want to call what he did… most Americans to this day don’t have a clue what he is saying as he trips over every other word and his own two feet.
I have determined it was on that night after I voted that someone had begun slipping LSD into my coffee because every day since then nothing, I mean nothing, has made any sense. I woke up in a haze being told the Borken Brain King had received more votes than any President in the history of the country. Wait, what? From there, as y’all well know, it’s only gotten worse.
The border went from the most secure ever to the most unsecured ever. Gasoline, nearly over night went from under two dollars a gallon to over four. Pipelines were canceled, and I was told I could not go anywhere without wearing a mask. I couldn’t fly, I couldn’t take a cruise and suddenly it was okay to count votes days and weeks after Election Day. As the days went on I’ve heard that men can have babies, chest feeding is normal and the fastest woman swimmer in the Nation is a guy. My favorite local hardware store was closed but Home Depot was open. My favorite little butcher shop on the corner was forced to close but Walmart remained open. It’s been and still is a crazy ride my friends. I watched a bunch of buildings set on fire, police cars overturned, windows being broken, statues being toppled, churches set a blaze only to be told it was all, mostly peaceful.
If all of this and so, so much more isn’t enough, now I am having to sit here and watch as the King sicks his lapdogs after the guy who did so much to make my life better. In a constant frustrated state, my mind continues to be blown away (the LSD is strong) as I watch the King lie, cheat and steal without consequence. There doesn’t appear to be a day that goes by where these evil rulers of the castle don’t pile on more lies about the guy I voted for. Even members of his own party have bowed to the King and his communist style rule but, While the King and all his merry men (speaking of LSD, I’m not supposed to use the word “him”, I’m told to use “they” instead. Far out man…) surround him keeping him safe and keep people high on lies, promises and threats my President keeps fighting forward refusing to give up, refusing to give in. A stronger more determined man I do not know. He doesn’t have his party backing him, certainly the news networks are under the King’s rule and without question half the country must be on heavier doses of LSD than I if they support the idiot-n-chief while our true President stands tall.

I know my head won’t clear, my vision won’t return, nor will my hearing be pure until such time as justice returns and my President is vindicated. Until then I don’t have to tell you that all that garbage we are fed, weather from the media or the King and his merry (weird ass friends) men is nothing but lies designed to remove the guy who did right by us. Somebody may have very well been pouring LSD in my coffee but over time I’ve become immune. I see the truth. They stole our election and with that, they stole our way of life. They don’t get to tell us what is right or wrong nor what words we can and cannot use. Still to this day, this is our country and our time to start acting like it has arrived. Stand up alongside our real President. Call out the lies when you hear them and preach the truth at every turn. One way or another, we will be heard. How they get our message is up to them but the message will be delivered.

I know this week’s blog was a bit off the normal track friends but as I look for different ways to send the same message. I sometimes find myself looking back and wondering just how we allowed all of this to occur. This country is off the rails and we cannot afford to allow it to go on for much longer.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and your backup generator, gas stove and air conditioning! And remember, you always have this government standing ready to give you buckets of white paint for your roofs if it gets too hot… wow, we’ve gone from a stable genius to an utter moron all in one rigged blink of an eye of an election. Fight on brothers and sisters and God Bless you all!