Good Saturday afternoon friends! Another week filled with complete and utter nonsense. The American people (ones with functioning brain cells) must be going out of their minds watching these stupid, stupid people in government. Seriously, its one cluster ____ after another.
I wasted my time this week watching most of the hearings with the IRS Whistleblowers. I have always known these Democrat congress people are nut jobs. This week their ability to reach new heights of filth and stupidity was once again reached. Here you have these two brave guys willing to come forward and fight for truth and justice and what do these morons Democrats do? What they always do, babble on about Trump and racism of all things, both of which have zero to do with anything in the hearing. One of the idiots rambled on about Trump and when it was the whistleblower’s turn to respond he just shook his head and said; “I don’t know ma’am this isn’t why we are here.” Ding, ding! When it came turn for the black representatives to talk they went on and on about how black people are audited more often than white people and oh the injustice of it all. Of course I, in the calm demeanor I always maintain yelled at the TV screen “You dumb racist SOB, they (whistleblowers) are there trying to investigate an elite WHITE guy!
I don’t know why the Republicans even bother with these hearings anyway. I reckon it’s good in the sense that more people learn about the corruption and goings on of the Biden filth but it’s hard to watch knowing none of it goes anywhere until such time they impeach that piece of human waste Garland.

Impeachment won’t go anywhere due to the unity party filled Senate. This, my friends is what you call “being in a pickle” as well as, “rigged elections have consequences”. They’ve got all of the government wrapped up in one tightly wrapped box of stink. Never has it been so obvious that we have a guy pretending to be President who should be impeached and thrown in prison. But, then again, the idiot shouldn’t be there in the first place. They made this jackass President while knowing damn well he is little more than a cheap suit gangster who has sold the country out over and over. Obama and the whole Washington gang of thieves have no problem with this ass selling the country out and making a complete mockery of the office and the country. And then there’s Congress. Talk about a bunch of do-nothing hot air. It’s maddening. The truth of the matter is we probably have less than a dozen congress people who truly want to make a difference and what chance do they have? They, like all of us, are surrounded by sewer rats out for personal gain. And we’re back to the “in a pickle” thing again.
When it comes to the installed “big guy” it’s not just the corruption that drives me mad and trust me it does, but the stupidity, the lack of brain power, the 24/7 embarrassment he brings to this Nation that simply makes me want to do some of the things these idiots claim we are doing. Maybe that’s their plan, accuse us of shit we’ve never done to the point we get so pissed off we actually do them. You know, like holding an insurrection or something. I’ll tell you what, someone needs to take a hold of this nightmare and fix it because the people in DC sure as hell aren’t.
Can you just feel my frustration? LOL – man, these people will drive a feller to take up full time drinking…
As for these whistle blowers, God Bless them. Evidently they are both Democrats. One wonders if that is still the case after seeing what their fellow Democrats put them through…

On another insane topic, what is this crap about New York paying $10,000 to each BLM thug who burnt down a church, set police cars on fire, broke windows, defaced statues and other such low life thuggery? Just another day at the office for these Democrat run cities I guess. Tell me again why anyone on planet earth would live in New York City? I can’t wait to hear it. Good Lord. These BLM thugs who, let’s face it, are bought and paid for by the same Leftist communist bastards who rigged our election and are pushing us to become a part of the NWO are going to get rewarded with cash while folks who went to Washington to protest peacefully rot in prison? Yeah, nothing makes me want to pay my taxes more than watching this kind of bullshit going on.
Y’all heard the saying “if you want something done, do it yourself?” Well… I am afraid to say it but, that’s exactly where we find ourselves today related to fixing this lame commie run government of “theirs”. Trust me when I tell you, this government sure as hell ain’t ours anymore. We all want to get excited when we see little cracks in the communist controlled filth brigade dam like Broken Brain being exposed for what he is or Bud Light getting their wokeness stuck up their ass or a great movie exposing the government controlled human trafficking or even a good home town country song bringing the truth to light in an entertaining yet sobering way. I know I do but the fact remains that for as long as the people’s voices remain silenced via the media and for as long as they promote 24/7 Leftist-communist narratives the vast majority in this country will remain in their clueless state with voices that are unheard and in the eyes of the evil doers, voices that matter not. Remember the evil doers have it all! Government, media, judges and prosecutors alike.

Here we are operating in a completely lawless manner in a country founded on laws. A country with over 300 million people and only one guy willing to speak the cold hard truth, only one guy willing to fight tooth and nail for our Liberty. And look what they are doing to him… I’d like to think, out of 300 million plus a few million of us would be willing to stand up and via a nationwide peaceful protest make our voices heard. By all accounts it appears we’ve let the government put the fear of God in us all as we’ve done little to nothing to really get in their faces to let them know we’ve had our fill. I wish Trump would quit beating around the bush and just come right out and say “Friends, the time has come to take our country back. I need all of you who care about this country, your families, your friends and our way of life to peacefully protest on every street corner in every town across this once great Nation.” Maybe, just maybe then we would unite in this great cause of our time to take our country back, restoring the sanity we all know is needed.
Am I over reacting? Maybe but I’ve got to tell you, this mess we endure everyday ain’t getting better and by “all” indications, will only get worse. So if not now, when, when do we stand and say, enough? I don’t know about the rest of you but, I ain’t getting any younger so let’s get this show on the road!
I’ll wrap this up by saying #Fix2020 but trust me, I have zero faith the evil doers are going to allow that to happen. At this point I only say it because they don’t want me to and I don’t want any of us to forget what they did. They took our voices away. And you know what I say about that. No voice, no country. #FixIt
Y’all have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead!! Maybe next week will be different. “WRONG!” lol