Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s version of the rant finds y’all enjoying your weekend which by the way is easy enough to do. Simply turn the television off, log out of social media and by all means, skip this week’s DG rant! Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Every day, week, month and year we are inundated with “breaking news!” or “News Alert!” which is always followed by a pre-planned story line designed to get your attention and pull you into the author’s planned direction. The Government is the biggest author of such matters. They have thousands of writers happy to push their narratives. What’s important don’t you know is that you follow along and by all means, agree with it all.
One minute it’s climate change, the next day it’s democracy as we know it. They have their go to lists. White supremacy, race relations, the dangerous treatment of the LGBTQABC community, those poor students with all those loans and certainly let’s not forget the two biggest threats to our very way of life, Trump and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Those are biggies! And millions of folks suck up these alerts like the best made margarita on a hot day.

In my humble opinion (not really all that humble, just so you know) we do have something that without any question is an Alert! I can’t say it’s “breaking news” though, if it is breaking news to you, you haven’t been paying attention or one of these folks that just thinks it will all go away on its own. It won’t. Just saying. What is it then? What is the #1 existential threat? What is “the” one thing that makes our lives more difficult than it needs to be? What is it that keeps us divided, unsure of our futures, fear for our safety, our security? What causes us to worry for our kids and their kids? Is it climate change? Hardly. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Always has been, always will be. Is it Russia? How about China, oh yeah, must be China right? No. Well I can play this game forever so I’ll stop because it has to be Trump. I mean everything since coming down the escalator back in 2015 according to the propaganda machine has been Trumps doing correct? Hell, just this week they even said Trump left the cocaine in the White House so yeah, our #1 existential threat must be Trump and all of the Trump cultists. Nope, not even close.
Tell me if I’m wrong but out #1 threat is our very own Government. And if you’re going to tell me I’m wrong I highly suggest you wear a helmet! Lol
Look, Russia didn’t leave our borders wide open. China didn’t shut down our energy independence. Iran and North Korea are not forcing me to pay for someone else’s student loan, climate change didn’t cut my retirement savings in half, the LGBTQ community or those pesky white supremacist people didn’t make the price of eggs double and baby formula hard to find. Trump isn’t going after our guns or gas stoves and he’s played no role in human trafficking, or what pronouns we are to use. Our Government did that. All of that and sadly a whole lot more.
They say elections have consequences which normally speaking I agree with but… when our elections are rigged and evil puppets are installed I’d hardly blame it on an election where votes didn’t count. The people have spoken! They’d have us believe. No, the people spoke but their voices (votes) were not heard (counted). This installed government of evil doers is literally tearing our country apart. The truth is not a part of their game plan, just the opposite. The American people are flooded day in and day out with pure lies and propaganda specifically designed to lead the people like cattle into the corral of their making. Like I keep saying, if our vote doesn’t count we have no voice. No voice, no country. When they no longer fear us at the ballot box the game is over.
So I encourage y’all, when you see “breaking news” just know, what you’re about to hear is 100% designed to hit you with a cattle prod to keep you in line.

These are some real pitiful times we are living through friends. This government has really, truly gone off the rails. Congressional hearings are about as useful as pouring salt on an open wound. While the Republicans spend their every waking moment trying to convince us they’re on our side, nothing is accomplished. The evil doer agenda continues to move forward all at the cost of the American taxpayer. Ukraine ain’t winning, China ain’t worried, and Biden is still wearing diapers while Americans continue to pretend he was duly elected.
The grandma who was arrested for attending the January 6th rally was released after doing her time. She tweeted how sorry she was for allowing Trump to brainwash her into becoming a part of the “Trump cult” as she put it. I reckon she was hit with that cattle prod once too many times. One of my followers responded by asking if she was planning on returning the $25,000 that the MAGA community donated for her defense. Grandma blocked her. LOL. I couldn’t help but to jump in. I asked her if she was talking about the cult that loves the country, honors the flag, believes in the constitution and kneels only to God. I also reminded her that Trump didn’t brainwash us. We’ve always maintained those ideals. He simply agrees with us, which probably is the main reason we love the guy so much. Imagine someone who agrees with the people… Frightening!
Okay friends, time to call it a day. You can indeed tell me if I am wrong but it seems pretty obvious to me that if you remove the filth out of this government we’ve had shoved down our throats our world and lives would get a whole hell of a lot better. The only way I know how to do that is to #Fix2020. For if somehow, someway that gets done suddenly our voices are heard again and fear at the ballot box is once again, well, a thing!
Beat those drums of Liberty friends! Call out the lies, and at your own peril, keep promoting the truth! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Oh and;