Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s edition of The Rant finds y’all enjoying yourselves despite the completely insane goings on around the country and the world for that matter.
God forbid we have what you call a “slow week” in the insanity clown filth circus. Every single week there are more things for me to rant about than I could possibly put in one blog. This once a week bitch session is enough to drive a sane man to the loony bin. I mean, there’s just no end to this, is there? Answer: Nope. Not for as long as we are being led around by a perpetual liar willing to read off of a script apparently developed by people who think we are all complete morons. Seriously, who believes this crap? Somebody needs to open a can of whoop-ass on these people while we still have at least the knowledge of what our country can be or once was. Good grief.

It was only a few short weeks ago that we had some trans-dude exposing his fake boobs on the White House Lawn and now this week they stumble upon cocaine inside the people’s house. These Democrats huh, from blow jobs to titties to coke, what a group! Well yeah but Trump called the MS 13 gang members animals…
To be perfectly honest, I’m blown (pun not intended) away that they even told us they found the coke in the first place. I certainly have no expectations we will get the straight scoop on who left it there and speaking of being honest, we all know who left it there anyway. Mr. “I left my laptop” did. Besides remember this is a story about a father and his love for his son… the one he’s proud of, the smartest guy he knows. Right, wrong! This is a story of a privileged drug addict who has made a career out of selling secrets worldwide thanks to his daddy the career politician who points his son in the direction he wants him to go in order for the family to cash in. We truly have a crime family occupying the White House and an entire corrupt government, along with their paid media lackeys, covering their every move. It’s obvious. It’s disgusting and shouldn’t be allowed to continue even for one more minute. But, here we are standing on the sidelines watching the biggest shit show on earth. Drives me out of my mind!
How about the CDC coming out with guidelines for men who want to “chest” feed their babies? Did I miss read that story? Something about taking a certain drug that will turn a man’s chest fluid into a consumable product for a baby? CDC “Center for Disease Control” makes perfect sense they’d be involved with chest-feeding. All I can say is I hope and pray God forgives us for all these insane acts against humanity. Personally, I don’t know why He would. I don’t. Makes me sick to my stomach the level of filth being thrown at us and the kids.

Oh hell no! This Governor ranks right up there with ole Hitler himself. If you ever have a constipation problem, just Google ol’ Gretchy. The pictures alone will clear the problem right up. Wrong pronouns, give me a freaking break! No one is fooling me, there are aliens from outer space and they’ve landed a long time ago and she’s one of them. If you pull that ugly mask off her face no telling what’s behind it. The movie “men in black” should have been on the history channel not in the theaters… Good golly miss molly this woman is awful and anyone celebrating this crap is awful too. Awfully stupid, gross and weird.
Then we have Mr. Letter Writer Lindsey Graham tweeting out this week how he intends on doing everything in his power (which I assume means he’ll be writing letters) to work both sides of the aisle to make Ukraine a member of NATO. This of course is right on the heels of Broken Brain sending illegal cluster bombs to Ukraine. Admittedly, I am no expert on matters of war but can anyone explain to me why there is never any talk about, I know, talking… you know, coming to the table and figuring out a way to stop the killing and destruction and wasting of taxpayer dollars. No way, there’s no money in that. Let the killings continue! Russia, Russia, Russia… You want to start WWIII, bring corrupt Ukraine into NATO, that’ll get the job done. One can only imagine the amount of dollars lining the evil-doers pockets in this fiasco. As for the lives lost, ah, just the price of war folks… Russia, Russia, Russia. I’m sick of it. All I know is that Russia ain’t no saint that’s for sure but old Vladimir hasn’t left my border wide open, he hasn’t sent my tax dollars to some other corrupt country to waste, he isn’t forcing me to accept a man as a woman, nor has he emptied my oil reserves, closed down our energy sector and he’s yet to call me a terrorist…

I’ll wrap this week’s rant up with Bidenomics. I’ve never heard so many lies come out of this lame White House and this pretend Broken Brain President than these last few weeks and that, as you know, is a mouth full. The greatest jobs president ever! Unemployment at the lowest level in 50 years! Putting America back to work! Great paying jobs! Inflation down for the 11th month in a row! Lies, lies and more lies. That is the only thing we can count on with these SOBs. And the media, oh the media, they push it out there for the lame to consume and what the flying bat-shit for brains is wrong with those people? Do they not see their own credit card debt or their own savings account? Do they not buy gas or eggs, or you name it? The Biden twitter account and the White House twitter account have to be the two biggest misinformation accounts on Twitter and that’s another mouth full. They must have an entire team of paid liars working those accounts. Talk about election interference… Between those two accounts and the mainstream media, I don’t know how half the population gathers enough brain power to get out of bed on their own. Mommy must help them…

So friends, I don’t need to tell you but, there simply appears to be no end to the on-going lies, deception, cheating, hiding, money laundering, war mongering, child abusing, freak show. Well, there is a way to fix it and you know where I’m headed with that. Yep – #Fix2020. As these evil sons-a-bitches continue to pour more and more on top of their “get Trump” shit show, our support only grows. These evil election riggers, these American wealth takers, these professional liars will do whatever it takes to take this man down. They fear him because they know that he knows what they’ve done to the country, to us and to the world. They also know he will expose them all for what they are and they want no part of that. The filth is so wide spread, so deep even the most ardent conspiracy theorist would have a heart attack if it were all to come out. Trump is just like our founding fathers, he is fighting for the country, fighting for us and I for one will not turn my back on him and I know for a fact you won’t either. If all of government is out to get the man it can only mean one thing, he’s the right guy for the job! And oh what a job he’ll have in cleaning this pigsty up. It will be a stone cold miracle if we get President Trump back in office. It will be the greatest victory ever to be had if we get the opportunity to have that man back in a position to blow this whole corrupt nightmare up. Please Lord, please help us help him, help us. Another mouth full. Try saying that five times fast on your knees!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and as always, THANK YOU for giving me your ear to release at least some of the frustrations I have with this insane government. There is simply no doubt about it, the only way this ends is with Trump at the helm and at times that feels like a steep mountain to climb. But climb we will. Call out the lies when you hear them, preach the truth at every turn and never say never, friends! This ain’t over until the fat lady sings.