Greetings, fellow patriots!
As we gather here today, on the precipice of a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, we cannot ignore the significance of the upcoming 2024 election. The future of America hangs in the balance, and it is up to us, the true defenders of liberty, to rise and reclaim our beloved nation.
After enduring years of turmoil, deceit, and the relentless assault on our values, the time has come to take a stand. The political Left, with their insidious agenda, continues to push for a complete overhaul of our constitutional principles. They crave a One World Order, where individual freedoms are sacrificed at the altar of global governance. But we won’t let that happen, will we?
The past four years have been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. From the deranged obsession with transgender issues to the demonization of law enforcement, we have witnessed the erosion of common sense and traditional values. Our children are being subjected to indoctrination camps masked as public schools, while courageous parents seek refuge in Christian institutions, fighting tooth and nail to provide their offspring with an education rooted in morality and academic excellence.
Yet, despite our struggles, our resolve remains unyielding. We mourn the lives lost in tragic incidents, like the one that unfolded at a Tennessee Christian school. Innocent children and valiant adults lost their lives at the hands of a deranged individual, whose mental illness was tragically ignored. Instead of offering solace and compassion, our government exploited this tragedy to push their favorite political agenda: gun control. It is a familiar refrain, aiming to disarm law-abiding citizens under the guise of “saving the children.” We see through their ploy and our hearts ache for the families affected.
Moreover, the biased media’s silence on the violent actions of the trans community during their takeover of the Tennessee State Capitol speaks volumes. Had the tables been turned, had it been conservatives engaging in such behavior, the outrage would be deafening. The double standard is clear, and it is designed to oppress the majority while granting free rein to the radicals.
But amidst the chaos, there is hope. Our beloved freedom fighter who fearlessly stands against the deep state and their globalist agenda, has been indicted. It is the first indictment of a former
President and political opponent in American history, and for what, petty accusations that pale in comparison to the real crimes committed by others. It is a blatant attempt to undermine his popularity, to prevent him from ever assuming the presidency again. Yet, the more they attack him, the stronger his support grows. We, the people, refuse to be swayed by their relentless assaults. Our loyalty to this leader, with his unshakable love for our country and his unwavering determination to win, remains unwavering.
While battles may be lost along the way, the war is far from over. We must keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate prize: fair elections. The evil doers, who control the judges, the media, and the printing presses, seek to silence our voices and install their chosen puppets. But we will not surrender. This is our country, and it’s time we reclaim it. Freedom, liberty, justice, and the well-being of our children and families are at stake.
As we embark on the journey towards the 2024 election, let us unite, shoulder to shoulder, and march forward with unwavering determination. Our destiny as a nation is in our hands. We have the power to shape the course of history and restore American greatness.
So, my fellow warriors-for-truth, let us beat the drums of freedom and let freedom ring throughout this great land. The battle may be fierce, but together, we shall overcome all obstacles and win!
HARD STOP! What you’ve just read is a “small” example of what Artificial Intelligence can do. Yep, AI wrote all of the above. Including the title. My son sent an AI program the last three blogs I wrote and asked it to write a new blog based on those. The words above are the result. Not bad huh? A number of things stood out to me. First, notice there are no Dan-isms. No ass-hat, no broken brain, not even one cuss word. How un-human… second, AI didn’t name names. No Trump, no Biden, no Obama, no Schiff, no Hunter, etc. Weird. The most shocking is the lack of misspellings, poor punctuation and over use of exclamation points! LOL I mean, if you’re going to pretend to be DG, come on. Get it together!
For me AI is going to be, or is, just another tool that will further degrade the minds of the American people. Translation: Make them more stupid than they already are. Cashiers no longer know how to make change because they don’t have to. The register tells them what to give back to you. Get them away from the register and look out! You’ll be staring at one dumbfounded face when it comes to getting your one dollar and twelve cents back. There are so many examples where technology has allowed the dummying down of America. People often ask if anyone can write in cursive anymore. Soon you’ll ask if they can hand write anything anymore. There’s no arguing that many of these things have made life easier. Can you drive a stick shift? I can, my kids can but will their kids be able to? Will they even make a stick shift anymore? When I was a youngin the old man was having a conversation with a guy who said, “They don’t make them like that anymore!” Dad replied; “Thank God.” LOL. The point being, progress is progress. Some of it is good and some probably not so good. It seems like with each passing year we as a people become softer and softer, and dumber to. Grandpa had to figure out how to get a log on the back of the trailer that was four feet off the ground. He had no front end loader, not even a tractor. He did it with mules and rope and his brain. Personally, I think brains will always out do no brains. Trump v. Biden is a perfect example of that.
Enough of all that, I could go on for days. We had a good week, friends! The Supreme Court decisions this week are a stark reminder of the good President Trump brought to our country. First Roe v. Wade is reversed, and long overdue then this week Affirmative Action bites the racist dust as it should have (although I remain pissed off that I was never drafted by the NBA) and on Friday those poor, poor students learned the loans they took out are, well, theirs to pay. The liberal tears have been a true joy to watch and brought to you by the one and only Donald J. Trump. The people’s President!

That will just about wrap it up for me this week. Just so y’all know, despite all the chatter about the Supreme Court rulings, the fires in Canada, and Bidenomics (whatever the hell that is), I remain focused on seeing the Biden crime family brought to justice and the fixing of the 2020 election. Do the latter and the Biden crime family along with every other disgusting shit show we endure nowadays gets fixed and quickly. No DeSantis, no “any” politician. It’s Trump all the way to the finish line for me.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and Happy Independence Day! Keep beating the drum of liberty friends so that we remain independent! Fly our beautiful flag high and proud friends, this is our country, our history, our America the beautiful.
Well good evening Mr Dan it’s been a bit since we last spoke. Wow honestly there isn’t any way people can get any stupider than they are now. With the abundance of information we have at our finger tips. There truly is no excuse or reason to be uneducated unless you just want to stay stupid.
My mother was a teacher she retired when they did away with math and phonics. She said when they gave the kids calculators and let them sound out a word and forget about teaching them everything else. And here we are today. Dad told us kids you want to drive you’ll drive a stick or go without. Today I prefer a stick over automatic. My first car was a 58 Buick skylark vomit green. I really hated that car. Today I wish I still had it. I hear people say things are more simple and easy nowadays. I call BS everything is made as thrown away. $3000 for a new dishwasher and I still have to wash the damn dishes to put them in the NEW dishwasher. Things were so much better in the past. FJB vs President Trump made us all laugh. Thanks we needed that.
Beautiful wins this past week for sure. It’s just sad we even have to have Courts lay down the hammer. Killing a full term baby. Allowing students to have to pay a loan back they got. We’ll take all the wins we can get. THANK YOU President Trump!!
Donald J Trump is the “ONLY” man for this job to get this country turned around. So much filth and destruction he’s got to clean. I have no doubt he will get her done.
Thank you for a great rant again this week. Gave us DG Table Talkers much to ponder and think about and share. Have a wonderful rest of this week. God Bless You and God Bless the USA.
#Fix2020 it’s truly the only way,
There you are! I know y’all have had your hands full with the weather beating up your area. Much clean-up I could see. So glad you’re all safe and sound. Obviously it goes without saying, it’s all Trumps fault…
As for the stupid people, yeah, no excuse. Sadly they don’t even know it. They just keep watching the same bullshit and go on in the tiny little lives standing in line for the next government mandate to follow. Dumb-asses seems more appropriate. As for education, what a mess. These are little more than indoctrination centers at this point. The department of education ought to at the top of the list to dismantle. Talk about a money hole with zero positive results.
You’re right, things today aren’t made with the long haul in mind. Everything is purposely made to dispose after the amount of time they so deem. My first car was a pick-up, an International Harvester. Baby blue! Three speed on the floor. Like you, wish I still had it too. It had a strait six in it. Even an idiot like me could work on it. I open the hood on my truck today and other than the washer fluid container I couldn’t tell you what the other stuff is… (dad and brothers laughing at me about now.) I don’t know though, I have to say “some” things are better. We had a front end loader than had crank on it to start the pony motor. The pony motor then started the main motor. That crank was dangerous. If you weren’t careful it would eat you for lunch! lol
Well that all said, as I always say, THANK YOU for staying in touch and fighting the fight dear friend(s). We will get back to a time where we can laugh again… just need our President back! All those so called “mean” tweets the small minds complain about are greatly missed! “MS13 are animals!” “San Salvador is a shit hole country” “That women is nasty” Oh how I miss all those and so many more “truths”. Hope y’all have a good rest of the week. Until then, hope to see you on the free speech (not) site now and then and for sure on Saturday. Have a good evening. #Fix2020