No matter what is thrown at us, I sure hope y’all have a method to find a way to laugh. I mean good Lord the stuff coming out of the Government and these Leftist nut jobs is enough to make a grown man cry or worse become a nut job himself. These people are so evil and corrupt I am amazed that someone hasn’t turned all looney-tunes and gone on all postal. Don’t misunderstand me I am not advocating such a thing, just surprised that it hasn’t happened. The lying scum are pushing the normal person over the cliff with their blatant lies and thievery and it’s in our face or to more accurately say, right up our asses and it never ends.
I talk all the time about the arbitrary “red line” that government will cross that causes the people to stand and while I continue to wait for that line (which for me and many others was crossed when the election was stolen) one of these days some individual who’s already teetering on “enough is enough” is going to lose his shit if these government villains don’t stop. And while one could make a good argument they had it coming, it’s the last thing we need right now. What’s my point? My point is that week after week and then some more, these people in DC, these Leftist Media morons, the Hollywood dipsticks, the woke freaks and now even these high and mighty DeSantis drones are leaving no evil leaf unturned to divide and conquer the people and doing so without any consideration as to the consequences it can and might cause.
So this week while the average Joe watched in horror at the submarine thing, old shifty shift got himself censured and then probably raised millions off it via the Leftist idiots that somehow and don’t ask me how, still think he is a champion of truth. Can you even imagine being one of those loons? Good grief. Anything less than fines and prison for that rat bastard is a disappointment in my book. Do y’all have any idea the damage he has caused this country? He makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot.
Meanwhile we are spoon fed the white elite “Hunter” privilege story. “I’m proud of my son” ole Broken Brain said when asked about his son’s “non” conviction. And what’s the message to everyday Americans? That his punishment (And what exactly would that be?) was ordinary and just. Seriously? I don’t know squat about much of anything but I’m pretty sure if I failed to pay my taxes and got caught lying on a gun application I wouldn’t be talking to you right now… just saying. The ass-hat and pretend chief is all about cracking down on guns and background checks and he is, but not on his crack-head, pedophile, money laundering son. You know, the one he’s proud of… Good thing it wasn’t Don Jr… oh my.
Finally the week wrapped up with the Hunter China “pay me our money or else and Dad is sitting right here” Whistleblower announcement. Social Media lit up, “now we got him!” (Laughing), What? The DOJ called Hunter’s lawyer and told him to move the files or worse, destroy them? No way, not the U.S. Department of Justice…And you mean the IRS Whistleblower of ten plus years was fired? Hell, I didn’t think anybody ever got fired in this fish guts rotting in the sun with flies all over it Government. This of course was all topped off with the announcement from McCarthy that the GOP would not stoop to the level of the Democrats by impeaching Broken Brain. Oh Hell’s Bells friends, shit like this will take the laughter right out of anyone with a single operating brain cell. Talk about pushing toward the loony bin… (growling). I’ll fall right out of my chair and require CPR if anything of substance comes out of this. These people have everybody in their pocket. DOJ, FBI, Prosecutors, Judges, Media and millions of some of the most ignorant people ever to breathe God’s air.

We did have the Durham hearing and wasn’t it so nice to see all the Democrats triple down on their lies and deception? I’ve got to hand it to them, give those whack jobs a shovel and stand back cuz they’ll never stop digging. You could have a video of them robbing a bank and running off with the money in their hands and they’d look you in the eye and say “that wasn’t me, it was Trump.”
So to wrap this up, what did the week bring? Nothing, a bunch more lips jabbering, a bunch more of the “we won’t stop until” bull poop and oh yeah, DeSantis is the man! Bite me you sons-a-wishes. Pretty stupid when the biggest news of the week was the fact some of the mainstream media/White House Correspondents actually asked questions about the Biden/China connection. Most of us nearly fell out of our chair. It’s understandable, after all, we’ve never seen such a thing…
Following every week and every new shiny object that is thrown in front of us, the simple truth remains the same. We either #Fix2020 or the shit show from hell never ceases. All that we endure today will continue and might I suggest, get worse. There is no topic, no talking point, no shiny object more important to the sustainability of this country than fixing our elections and that starts with 2020. Until this is done Americans will never trust that their vote matters and rightfully so. I got a few replies from so called fellow MAGAs this week saying “Come on, do you really think the election was rigged?” Out of pure frustration I simply replied, “Nah, I think Biden got 81M votes.” #StupidPeople
Breathe in, breathe out friends. The saying “this too shall pass” has got me wondering… Who in the hell came up with that? Lol
God Bless America, God protect our President Trump and for the Love of God and all that is good, Fix2020 and bring this common sense, America loving patriot back to our White House.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. May the storms calm down and the sun shine bright. Well, not too bright, you know, global warming and all…
Good Morning Mr Dan Hope your doing well under the circumstances of this great ONCE country. Yeah that was a very big eye roll.
WOW so much loony crap happening right now is more than mind boggling. It’s like going to the doctor with the rarest disease on the planet to find out what’s wrong with you. I think everyone of us has gone postal in mind only so many times now our head really hurts. But you’re right.
As far as we were concerned the red line was challenged so long ago now we question if we were ever coming back from all its filth? Everyday I talk to folks and the question they ask every time is.”how do we fix this mess were in?” And my reply is always the same. #Fix2020 then and only then will all this horror start to get repaired. Patriots have some fantastic ideas though here are some of their replies.
-stop paying our taxs (it would work if everyone did this)
-make appointments to see our appointed members? (they won’t even speak to us on the phone)
-protest the stolen election ( that happened J6th their still in jail)
-hire a lawyer to speak for us (look at our Justice system)
I say daily to tell the truth as many times as need be and scream from the roof tops. Billboards with #Fix2020.
Glad you mentioned the folks that lost their lives in that submarine. I was so disgusted at all the tasteless jokes about what happened to them. These people had families and friends that loved and cared about them that no longer have them in their lives. Sad that tragedy is now the brunt of some jokes. Prayers to their families and friends.
I agree totally that shifty shiff should at the very least get a nice cozy jail cell with Bubba. The idiots rallying around him including that old hag nasty nancy should join him. BUT one thing about a demokkkrat boy do they stick together no matter how ridiculous the situation. May their black hearts rot in eternal hell!!
The hunter horror laptop is so disgusting I want nothing to do with it or know about really all the evil in it UNLESS they’re willing to do something to him as severe as what’s on it. If not then shut up I don’t want to see children abused by this entire filthy family. I can’t express the HATE I feel for anyone that abuses children.
There is nothing I can say that you didn’t hit the target on china hunter. Perfection every single word you typed!! or is it long live the Queen? (my often used hand on head emoji)
When the demonkkrats get caught in another lie the first thing that falls out my mouth is “oh no, that was Trump” yeah another hand on head moment. But hell I can’t let those useless Rhino’s all of them but a handful of so called republicans (vomit emoji) I can’t even read what any of them tweet now because that’s all it is a usless do nothing tweet.
Another well thought out and written Rant this week MrDan. The ball never stops bouncing off the walls with this crew of evil doers. 100% right the only way to even begin to get a VOTE that counts and to get this country back to where it needs to be is #Fix2020. That’s it so singing dancing just get this wrong fixed.
God Bless you Patriot MrDan! God Bless this great once Country! I pray from Donald J Trump daily!!
Cant ever say it enough #Fix2020
I don’t need to say it Ms. Jan because you already know, will say it anyway, Thank you! Always great to get your feedback and know I’m not the only one about to lose his mind with all that we endure in Biden’s America… You know, it’s not his, it’s ours and at some point we’re gonna need to take it back. I vote (I know it doesn’t count) for sooner than later. I had a follower a while back push the idea of stop paying taxes which is a great idea. My response to him though was; You go first! LOL You know I am of the opinion we do need to protest, it just has to be by the millions. It needs to make the crowd on J6 look like a Sunday social. If we stood and didn’t leave on every street corner in America they’d get the message and have to react. Yes arrests will be made but if we stand our ground we win in the end. Not gonna happen. Most Americans can’t agree on anything much less agree to stop paying taxes or stop their lives to go stand on a corner with a #Fix2020 sign. We find ourselves in quiet the pickle and the evil doers damn well know it.
Thanks again for the continual dialog Ms. Jan, hi to Tucker!! Please place the necessary IOU’s in the jar for me.
Well DG, seems you’ve done it again my friend…that is wrapped another rising fastball around the foul pole and out of the park.
It literally boggles the mind the amount of rubbish put forth by this regime and their minions.
To touch on one point you mentioned that I found “amusing”, all the while Hunter the younger was pleading guilty and direct lines of communication were being established to Hunter & Joey and a shakedown of China…all that while, we were getting a daily countdown by the drive by media of the amount of hours of oxygen left to the passengers of the Titan. The very same Titan that the US Navy heard implode shortly after losing comes. But kept everyone talking around the water coolers and NOT about the Biden crime family.
So as the weekend wanes, I wish you all my best and am thankful for your wit and wisdom here and honored to call you friend. Till we meet again.
Two weeks in a row brother Jim! Great!! Yep, the media follows instruction well don’t they? They managed to drag the sub story out all week while Roam (DC) was burning up with more Hunter/Joe turthisms. Can’t let any of that get out now can we… I wonder if they did the same to the family members of those poor soles? Either way, if you think about it, they didn’t act in good faith for the families. If they told them up front when the knew and then played the game all week well hell… how awful. If they didn’t tell them up-front but they found out later like we did the Navy knew all along, again, awful. This is some times we are living in friend…
Thanks again for “jumping in!” much appreciated!