B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-O. That’s about how ole DG is feeling this week. While Americans are following the pre-planned bouncy ball that the evil doers are putting out there for our consumption each week, they continue their end-road toward the complete and total takeover of this once beautiful, free, and sane country.
We are inundated 24/7 with Trump is going down, Ukraine is winning, celebrate pride month, guns are killing all the children and don’t forget, the smoke in the northeast is driven solely by climate change which, by the way, only ranks number two as being ‘the’ biggest existential threat to our very being. Number one of course is all of the white supremacists that no one has ever seen. How could you, they’re white! Run Forest, Run!
Meanwhile back at the evil doer bug ranch these crazies continue to slowly tear our country apart as they do the bidding of the New World Order lovelies. You know them. They’re the ones that have farmers killing cows and America killing oil and natural gas. And let us not forget the depopulation goal. 20 million deaths from the Chyna-Fauci funded lab was a good start but, there is a long way to go, don’t you know! They’d probably load us up on trains if they could keep them on their tracks. Don’t despair friends, Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater is on the job! While you think the guy (he/she/him/her/stupid) is useless never fear, his boss, ole Broken Brain himself is guiding him along the way. You know when he’s not getting his diaper changed or blessing the queen… (I don’t know why he said that, what do I look like some stable genius? lol)

I’ve got to say, this week, when the Republicans failed to censure Adam Schiff it was perhaps the final straw for me. This was, to use a basketball term, an easy layup and they, as only Republicans can, screwed it up. This bald-faced liar who caused an untold amount of damage to this country was let off the hook and it wasn’t even much of a hook. That SOB should be in prison for his lies. Nope, instead the congressional House, led (what a joke that is) by Republicans made clear that lying is A-Okay. We’ve endured a lot of disgust over these past several years. This one takes the cake.
Anyone thinking the Republicans are going to save the country is going to be very disappointed. I’m mean, really? “Impeach Biden!” sure. “Fix2020” Uh huh. #Impeach Director Wray!” That’s cute. “Hold China accountable!” Oh my God, that’s hysterical. They couldn’t even censure the biggest known liar in the country. Seriously, this was the biggest display of weakness I think I’ve ever seen out of Republicans and Congress as a whole. Any-who, when you get emails and phone calls from the GOP make sure you send them some money cuz you know, they’re working for you!
Let there be no doubt friends, when I say we are on our own, I mean WE ARE ON OUR OWN. There ain’t no knight in shining armor riding to our rescue. Superman and Batman are, well, not real and they’ve got our beloved President so tied up with these fake, bullshit lawsuits it’s a miracle he finds the time to even hold a rally. Don’t worry though we’ve got all these other Republicans running to be President and we all know there’s nothing that will fix this country better than a good old fashion Republican. Look at all the great stuff they’ve done since we gave them the House!! Too many things to even mention… (yes, sarcasm). Like never before in my life, we know the Democrats hate us and the country. We know the Republicans only have one goal in mind and that’s their re-election. The ABC departments are holding hands with the Leftist Democrats (that is until they turn on them, then look out for they too only care about themselves and all that filthy power they freely wield upon their adversaries & I’m back to the white thing again.) All of these people are either sitting back or directly helping Broken Brain to complete his orders from the money changers. Not to worry, there’s enough money to go around for all the evil doers.

I’ve got to believe, for my own self preservation, that the end is coming soon and when I say end, I mean the end of the line where millions of Americans throw the BS flag, gather their belongings and hit the streets in peaceful protests and stay there until these lying, evil, pieces of sewer scum fall to their knees. They are taking away our rights, our country, our liberty, our very way of life. If we continue to sit idly by it will get worse and worse and harder and harder to overcome and let’s face it, it’s already hard. Some would even say impossible. Not me, I believe in the power of people, I believe in “United We Stand” and I want to believe we are still the “Home Of The Brave.” I just don’t know how to gather others to believe it too. The fear we all share has to be put aside. We need to put our shoulders into a movement like they’ve never seen before. Millions upon millions of country loving patriots on every street corner in every state throughout this country sending our message loud and clear. We want our country back! We want the filth to stop, we want our voices heard, our vote to count, our children safe, our borders secured, our money used to help our neighbors, our vets, ourselves. The world is in deep shit without a strong, free, and prosperous America. That’s simply a fact. America today is not any of those things, not even close.
Okay, I’ll get off my band wagon (for now) and suggest to you all, if you are following the bouncy ball, stop! When they (you know who “they” are) point to the left, look to the right. When they say look up, look under the covers. As the renowned Geoge Castanza once said “I’ll do the opposite. If everything I do is wrong, the opposite must be right!” LOL. You know I’ve lost it when I start quoting the show about nothing.
Friends, there’s just no way for me to express how much I cherish and simply appreciate you giving me this time each week to release the penned up anger and frustration I have. At the end of any given week, like you, all I really want is honesty and justice. Give me that and everything else will fall right into place. If we indeed want to #Fix2020 and we do, it’s gonna have to be us that gets it done.
Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend. Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there hoping the tie you get this year is at least a different color than last year! Lol. Have a super duper week ahead friends.