Good Saturday afternoon friends! I picked the title this week just knowing all of you as I think I do, that y’all are spitting out emotions like you would sipping on a glass of Leftist Kool-Aid. I suspect you’re both sad and a whole lot of downright mad. You’re not alone, I feel the same way. In fact I’ll call your anger and raise you a basket of totally pissed offness.
The in your face evil acts of this government are enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The level of “I don’t care” that these people have for Americans is breathtaking and downright maddening. This isn’t our country anymore, not even close. These people do as they please and make no apology. They lie to our faces without a care in the world. Our wants, needs and desires are not a part of their communist plans. Like I always say, their motto is simple and clear, “pay your taxes and shut the fuck up.” And you damn well better follow it or they’ll come after you and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. If they can put a former President, a billionaire no less, through the bullshit they put him through, well guess what you and I don’t have a chance.
It makes no difference to them how we react to this latest indictment of the President. With the ABCs, the judges and the media in their pocket they’ve become the untouchables. They do as they please and laugh in our faces as they move on to their next stupid, evil, endeavor.
The FBI has had crack head’s laptop for years now and they choose to sit it under the desk. They don’t throw it out because if they need to, they can always pull it out and set it on top of Broken Brain’s desk should he ever question them. Just the mere appearance of it will shut his smirk right down. This is what the FBI does. They hold all the secrets and use them to their advantage. Sure, the Bidens are criminals, of course they’ve taken payoffs, no doubt as the Vice President he wasn’t entitled to any documents and just because they were in his garage or in a China owned building, to this day there appears to be no reason to even interview the creep. I don’t know about you but, I’d rather Trump hold the documents than anyone in DC. You see, Trump has never lied to me, he’s never hurt me or my family or my friends or my country but DC and all the slithering scum sucking thieves, the backstabbing ticks, law breaking mutts and lying pieces of used toilet paper Washington sons-a-bitches have and do and I’ve had about all I can take.
While we all know that these evil acts toward the President only grows his base and strengthens our resolve they don’t care and if we are honest with each other, why should they? You see where I’m headed don’t you? When they stole the 2020 election they were emboldened like never before. When the American people didn’t hit the streets in protest they knew they had us and they knew there was no end to what they could impose upon us. The most abhorrent of policies could be enacted and there would be nothing we would do. Hell, they feel so empowered they could, I don’t know, open the border up allowing millions to enter, allowing thousands of Americans to die, allow children to be trafficked. So emboldened that they could crash the economy, force folks to take a shot and wear a mask. So confident with the power they hold they could send billions of our dollars to another country, hell, the very country that has paid off the pretend President in the past. “Where’s the money?” old prick face said when asked about the 5M given to him from Ukraine with that ass-wipe smirk on his face. This guy has the entire weight of the Federal Government on his side. He’s free to do as he pleases. You think he and all the others fear us? Think again my friends. Think again. To lean toward the microphone and say “I’m honest” tells you all you need to know. “I’m not a crook.” The blood inside my veins boils over my dear friends. Obama, Hillary and this dick-weed walk free and are so secure in their silky lives that they have the gall to insult us all with their “no one is above the law” bullshit.
And another thing… I am tired of hearing that they fear Trump. Why do people say that? I understand he knows where the skeletons are and I understand that he could expose them all. I get all that but fear him? Why would they? They own the entire kitchen sink and the people who bought and paid for the sink ain’t doing squat. “They are prosecuting their political opponent” Yeah, what’s your point? The best the GOP can do is tweet and write strongly worded letters. Don’t get me started on those rat bastard status quo mothers.
I’ve got to stop, seriously, I am so damn mad and tired of this crap I can’t seem to find the words. Well, I can find them but there might be children in the room.
This week, a patriot tweeted that he’d understand if Trump threw in the towel. He praised the President for fighting as long as he has. The patriot was right. When you consider what the President has been put through you can’t help but wonder how he’s lasted as long as he has. My guess is that shear willpower, devotion and an ego as big as Texas with an ocean size love of country and her people is the answer. No matter how all this ends Trump will always be remembered as the people’s President, as the man who exposed the filth in government and the lies in the media. These accomplishments have forever changed the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. We will never look at government or the media as we once did. He did that and we owe him our loyalty and heartfelt thanks for it. Never before has a President rallied so many in such a historic way.
Over many blogs, I’ve written often about the red line. Meaning, what is the red line that gets Americans off the couch? Russia, Russia, Russia didn’t do it. The impeachments didn’t get it done. The rigged election didn’t do squat. How about prison, is that what it’s going to take for the people to stand up? Or is there no red line that will cause us to rise? In many ways we’ve become just like the Republican politicians, all talk and no action and that my friends goes for me too. Like you, I’m ready to roll. Also like you, I’d like to have some company. Where’s Batman when you need him huh?

President Trump has much to think and worry about. My support isn’t one of them. These other candidates can spend all the money they have and all the money that the anti-American ass-hats want to give them. They can run TV ads until their heads fall off, but DG ain’t budging an inch. While I believe ignoring 2020 will be our ultimate demise, I continue to demand that we fix it and I’ll not waiver in my support for the man who earned my trust. It’s not just the right thing to do it is the only thing to do. If we want our country back and all that goes with that, Trump is the only one who can deliver it to us. I know y’all are with me on this and I remain so thankful to have you alongside me through this dark ride we find ourselves on. Keep fighting friends, keep beating the drum of liberty and should the time come where we’re out in the street, know I’m on the corner of main & this is my fucking country.

I want to give a special shout out to the Tuckers and the DG Table Talk Crew! God Bless y’all. I salute you and thank you. Remember friends, you’re not alone, I feel the same. #Fix2020
Have a good rest of your weekend everyone and an better week ahead. Don’t ask me how, just do it! We’ll talk again next week. Hopefully still in English and not Mandarin…
Good Morning MrDan. Perfect title for this week. We all agree with the DG Table Talk. We find ourselves talking with family and friends more about having get together s and feasts. In the good old days that is where most of life got talked about sitting around a table sharing food and thoughts. Tucker and I enjoy ours a lot. The company and their incite to the mess we find ourselves drown in.
So let’s jump in with this weeks. It’s a fact these evil bastards are more persistent than they ever used to be. When they CHEATED and they did. Everything pure and lawful turned to shit. They kept pushing to see how far we’d allow them to go. What we didn’t truly know was how evil our team was. But we sure have gotten a wake up call the past three plus years.
Like you’ve said we can point fingers at everyone and keep talking about the same shit over and over again. It doesn’t matter what we say or demand we want. they are in CONTROL and until the election of 2020 is FIXED not a damn thing will change.. We’ll have another massive RED WAVE woopie-do been there done that already.
J6th had 5 million Patriots there that day. Millions in the streets. President Trump realized we were all being set up by nasty-nancy and her evil gang. He begged us all to go home peacefully. But the trap was already in play. The weaponized FBI already had their marching orders and they were going to go after every single MAGA Patriot they could get their hands on. This is still happening today. I know two Texans that are being dragged into court. WHY? Because they were OUTSIDE the capital building protesting a STOLEN election.
Everyone here today STANDS 100% with President Donald J Trump we will NEVER give in or give up. Listening to the President speak yesterday was refreshing. He’s a fighter he’ll NEVER give up. And when he spoke he never said ME it was always YOU or US.
WHEN the time comes Mr Dan we’ll be standing on that corner also. I pray every night that I’m blessed to fight another day. And fight “we” will.
Thank you Mr Dan for another DG Table Talk two days now. Dinner yesterday. Breakfast/brunch today. Tucker said yesterday he looks forward to our time together. Enjoy listening to everyone’s opinion. This wouldn’t be possible if you didn’t take the time to rant this out to us. From all five of us here we thank you. God Bless you and your family.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and deep breaths for this coming week of pure filth and nonsense. Your not alone We know how you feel.
God Bless President Trump
God Bless America
God Bless Maga Patriots
Afternoon Jan and Tuck – Hope this catches you having a good, calm Sunday. we’re going to keep after this for as long as it takes. If President Trump can stay in the fight we sure as hell can. It has taken decades for the Left to get to where we and they are. The slow but steady drain of society as we knew it. I reckon it’s gonna take us a while and then some to turn this big ugly ship around and headed in the right direction. Frustrating is an under statement.
As always much thanks for your continued friendship and sharing. We are stronger together! Lean on me, when you’re not strong… good tune,and among us there’s plenty of leaning to do!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and take a big gulp before the week ahead begins! #Fix2020