Every week for too many years now I sit down in front of this screen and ask myself that very question. I hate the fact that the message week after week is all but the same. I once heard that a good messenger is one that can repeat the same message in a multitude of different ways, or something like that. My hope is that I am at least somewhat successful in that regard. Key word “somewhat.”
So the diaper wearing, open border, hair sniffing, inflation sucking, war spending, daughter showering, help I’ve just fallen and can’t get up, broken brain got his unlimited spending ticket this week courtesy of the Republicans. In all seriousness, does it surprise you? I’m old enough to remember when Kevin (spineless) McCarthy vowed to stop the hiring of those 80,000 newly armed IRS agents. Did he? Nope. I remember him standing in front of pretend reporters saying we cannot continue to spend more than we bring in. Did he? Nope. Sadly but predictably, he just handed them a brand new checkbook. Just another year of the whole bullshit “we can’t default on our debt” circus shit-show. Fact is, there was never even the slightest possibility of Congress shutting this on-going spending spree down. I’ve never seen a spending spree they didn’t like. So once again they send the same message to the American taxpayer that they always send “Pay your taxes and shut up!”

What can I say? We are in a perpetual rerun that by all appearances has no end. Well none that any ordinary sane person wants to see. The dollar is on its way out and full on communism on its way in. “Oh help me almighty government!” “Can I please have more cheese? Please!” This sounds like me trying to get Elon Musk to give me my account back. The rulers rule with their mighty swords my friends.
Speaking of saying the same thing over and over – You’ve heard me say; no free and fair elections, no voice, no country, no say. No say, congress does as they wish. No say, the President runs (well, not in this case but, you know what I mean) wild to please his New World Order leftist, woke, fake climate emergency bosses. I don’t know what I am fussing about anyway. According to the pretend President and the entire Democrat party backed up by our outstanding media, the border is secure, the economy is nothing less than on fire, Ukraine is kicking Russia’s ass, and there’s no there, there with the Biden crime family and by the way, we should all be proud! Besides, you know, it is “pride month”.

#Absolutely Ridiculous.
Well friends… should we beat the drum on our way out? I agree, let’s get to it!
So where are we with the election? We’ve got President Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, I guess Chris (oh my God man, easy on the hamburgers) Christy and Mike (you’re boring and sold the country out) Pence running. Oh and that other guy I can’t remember his name and couldn’t spell it if I did. Funny thing about him, he sounds more sane than all the others. Except for Trump of course. President Trump is just shaking his head asking why these people are even bothering to run with approval numbers in the single digits for the most part. DeSantis is the only one that polls in the double digits and every time he speaks his favorability numbers go down so… I reckon the President knows the answer but in case you don’t, they are running with the sole purpose to divide us and to paint Trump (Christy is especially) in the worst possible light. The “get Trump” crowd isn’t just the Left and the media. Christy is like the tough guy who only gets in the game when the coach wants him to break one of the player’s legs on the opposing team. He’ll learn soon enough that Trump punches back. Hard! If of course he even makes it to the debate stage. With Ronna still the RNC chairperson anything is possible.
Oopsies, I was supposed to be beating the drum… Look, none of these ass-hats can hold a candle to Trump. None of them have built or even run a company. None of them have a track record like President Trump. In a fair and honest election (that’s the scary part huh…) Trump will wipe the floor with these people who, seriously, are little more than Washington DC status quo candidates. A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote to keep everything the way it is today. And if anyone wants and demands justice in this country Trump is by far the only guy to get that done. He’s got a chip on his shoulder and no one in their right mind can blame him. We get him back in office and finally, we can sit back and watch the most exciting, invigorating show on earth. It will be one glorious event after another. One by one the evil doers will have their ass-hats handed to them and all that has been wrong will be made right again. Put a few good men by his side and look out folks! Wonder if General Flynn has anything he’d like to see done? You betcha he does! Wonder if Devin Nunes has a few things (bye Adam Schiff) he’d like to set straight? You think ole Tom Homan would like to take another run at closing the border? Believe me, these guys and many others are itching at the chance to assist Trump and the country in their efforts to Make America Great Again! Safe Again, Honest Again and yep, rich again. President Trump’s second term will be a sight to behold, that I can tell you.
While we continue to beat the drum of liberty by calling the evil doers out to Fix 2020. Our only allies it seems are Trump and our patriotic brothers and sisters, you know, the ultra MAGAs that the broken brain, the FBI and the media claim to be the country’s biggest threat. We know now more than ever that the GOP and their paid ass-hats in Congress are not on our side and do not share our values or our goals. It’s you and me and brother Donald J Trump.

We will stay united in our battle to win this war against our very way of life. We will not go away, we will not shut up and we will not turn our backs on the man that gave up a life of luxury to do what he could to make our lives better. The evil “they” have done us wrong. Let us not forget and not give up until we hold in our hand the greatest victory of all time. A second term for the people’s President, our very own, Donald J. Trump. #Fix2020 #BeatThatDrum #UnitedWeStand
What can I say? Well, I just did. At least for this week. Y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead as we continue to inch our way toward a more fair and honest union. God Bless Y’all.
Morning MrDan. From the DG Table Talk Gang. Looks like another home run from your mind to paper.
You covered perfectly what this past week has been. Another shit show with a lot of rainbows and pure filth thrown in.
I am so embarrassed every time this fool appears on the world stage. Honestly the man can’t walk in his own shoes. We’ve got friends from all over the world. And they text me pictures and videos of their news reporters commenting on the stupidity of this installed moron.
Going forward from this cluster (you know) all I can say and pray for is this nightmare we’ve been living in ends. Like you we look fwd to a clean simple way of life with God, family, law and order. A time were we are all so proud of the Leader of the beautiful country, our homeland. AMERICA.
“When” I’m done saying if. The 2020 stolen election is fixed. Then our voices and our Votes count. And Patriot we know never to allow anything like this to ever happen again. “Hard lesson learned”
Have to admit nothing shocked us this week coming from either side.
Know this house full of Patriots beat the hell out of our drums daily, hourly even in our sleep I think we’re yelling #Fix2020. We’ll never give up. Never. If anyone loves this country. Only one way to get her back. FIX THE STOLEN ELECTION IF 2020.
Have a blessed coming week. Get that armor snuggle fitted.
Thank you MrDan and Miss Cathy for crossing them T’s and dotting the i’s.
Good Sunday afternoon Ms. Jan and the DG Table Talk Patriots. Yep, old Broken Brain is so far beyond his time he’s beginning to make Diane Frankenstein look good… Hard to blame the world for laughing at us. Sure be nice if more Americans would get up off their butts and see this for what it is. Pure Bull (you know what). Hard lesson learned is right. Never again will we fall asleep at the wheel… How dare we keep busy raising our families, putting bread on the table and paying our taxes thinking all is well right. Never is a big word but if ever there was a reason to say it, now is the time.
As always know how much I appreciate your engagement and friendship. Don’t leave the house this week without putting on your waders. I am sure it’s gonna be another poop filled walk through the filth. We’ll beat our drums until the cows come home. You know, unless they kill them first due to all the climate change and all…. #CrazyAssPeople #Fix2020