Good Saturday afternoon friends! Time flies when you’re having fun. Well, it appears like time flies no matter what’s going on. Seems like just last week I was ranting about something and boom, here we are and I haven’t stopped. These idiots who we are forced to share the globe with don’t allow a week to pass without tripping all over themselves while trying to force their insanity on the rest of us. Then to top it all off, the 2024 election cycle is in full swing bringing out everyone and their opinions which as you know frustrates the heck out of me because my opinion is the only one that counts! That’s how it works right? LOL
So let’s jump into a few topics that have captured DG’s ire this week starting with Target. When I see these things, the moves that these corporations make, I can’t help to think about the company I ran. Granted, it was much smaller but never the less, I dealt with the public and was obviously highly dependent upon strong sales to pay the bills and take care of the people and when the moons were all aligned, maintain a decent profit margin.
I can tell you, surprise, surprise, the last thing I would ever think to do is to introduce something that I knew catered to less than 1% of my customer base and flat out piss off 99% of my tried and true customer base. Yet, these multi-billion dollar companies continue to do just that and to be honest, I just don’t get it. What am I missing? The Target fiasco was, in my humble opinion, way worse than the Bud-Light foot in the rear move because Target had the advantage of watching what happened to Budweiser and then did the same thing, basically, anyway. Based on the morons who run these companies and sadly so many others, I don’t know how they ever became successful in the first place. I suppose it’s the Fox New syndrome where the original owner steps down or dies and the kids step in and screw the pooch. Is the government paying bonuses or subsidies to these companies to be woke or what? Is it these evil ass-hat NWO people paying off these companies or most probably, the NWO ass-hats are becoming the main shareholders of these companies? It drives me out of my mind because they are steadily degrading society as we know it. Tucking your dick is gross, stupid and weird. Who paid some clothing designer to come up with this crap? There is no way in hell that this is a profitable product so what filth is behind this, this, this idiotic dehumanizing bullshit? Grrr
I’ll wrap this part of the rant up but I want to share what I told my wife about this woke, rainbow, tuck-it, Target nonsense. I told her someone needs to do a video where a bunch of these kids we see who run into these stores and ransack them and leave with their hands full of clothes only this time they charge into Target, see all the rainbow shit and turn to the camera and say “what the fuck!” Then leave empty handed. LOL
The second thing biting at my every nerve this week is all the back and forth discussion on which candidate is best to win the election and run the country. Most of these, well near all, are debates between President Trump and Governor DeSantis which is now officially in the race right. I mean I don’t hear anyone saying Nikki is the one or “I hope Pence jumps in.” I heard a few say Scott is running but only because he wants to be Trump’s VP. I don’t know about that and don’t care.
I personally find it irritating as hell that the bulk of the chatter this week was about the DeSantis announcement and which between the two will do a better job for the country.
Do people not realize it doesn’t matter who the heck is running for President if the damn election nightmare/fraud/cheating isn’t fixed? “If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him”, “If DeSantis is the nominee I will vote for him” or my favorite “If DeSantis is the nominee I won’t vote for him, I’ll write in Trump’s name” Well that’s a loyal Trump supporter at least.
The whole point is people, your vote doesn’t matter if the 2020 election bullshit isn’t fixed and that’s just a cold hard fact. Anyone who disagrees with this simply does not believe the 2020 election was rigged which is their right but they are setting themselves up to be very, very disappointed not to mention accepting the demise of the country. Ignoring the fraud that took place in 2020 is not going to make it go away. This and this alone should be the only thing we are talking about. This message ought to make the Target and Bud-Light nonsense news be posted on page 12 of the NYT. The headline on every newspaper in the country and every opening comment on every news network should be “IT’S CONFIRMED, 2020 WAS STOLEN, Trump WON!”
As a diehard supporter of the President, it’s difficult for me to even understand the DeSantis debate anyway. I continue to maintain that any of these people who throw their hat in the ring are not our friends. They don’t want to talk about the 2020 election. They don’t want to talk about the Durham report or the FBI’s involvement in it. Hell, they don’t even want to talk about Hillary’s role in the whole thing. Nope, all of them simply want to avoid the whole disgusting, unacceptable, theft of an American election and they want you and me, just as the Democrats do, to just forget about it and move on. Newsflash! That ain’t happening.
And where is the loyalty anyway? Again, what am I missing? Just a little more than two short years ago we had a President who spoke English, who said he would do things the “majority” of the American people wanted and then, while dragging a ball and chain shackled to him by the Left with all their Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Covid, impeachment baloney he delivered on those things. “Yeah, but I don’t want all the theatrics that come with another Trump Presidency again.” So says the pretend Trump supporters better known by me as Idiots. Theatrics, you mean him trying to stand up for himself, trying to fend off all, and good Lord there are many, anti-American, woke, world order, China dependent, war loving, Government as usual evil doers, all those theatrics? I still say, I don’t know how the man does it.
After all he’s done and all that he continues to go through, the idea that people who claim to be Conservatives, Republicans, and love the country are ready to turn and run. It’s awful and downright disgusting not to mention stupid.

One final common sense analogy why America must Fix 2020 and re-hire our President.
Your A/C isn’t working in your house. Your friend gives you a guy to call who takes care of the A/C at his house. The friend tells you, the guy speaks his mind but does great work and stands by it too. You call the guy and he inspects your system. He tells you, “if you had your unit on a yearly inspection program you wouldn’t need to buy a new one now.” You say to yourself, yeah, thanks for making me feel stupid.” Then you bite the bullet and order a new unit. The guy tells you how much it will cost and how long it will take for him to install it. Then the unit arrives, he installs it, the price was exactly what he said it would be. You pay him and you take his advice and put it on an annual inspection program and you never have another problem again.
So let me ask you, is he your guy or not? #Fix2020 so we get “our guy” back.
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend friends, God Bless all those who served and died protecting our beautiful country and once beautiful way of life. We owe it to all of them not to let this country slip out of our hands. They fought with their lives and we ought to be willing to do the same. #Fix2020 because as it turns out, your life depends on it.