Good Saturday afternoon friends, quite a week huh? Between the Durham report and the Whistleblowers, all we have learned is that we’ve been right all along.
The Durham report served as an official notice that the evil doers did indeed conspire to overthrow the 2016 election followed by (the insurance policy) to overthrow a sitting President. Though they failed at both, thanks to the will to fight by the President, the damage they caused along that way, which continues to this day, is immeasurable.
It’s hard to see, in a just world, how any of these treasonous actors and actresses are allowed to walk freely among us. The same can and should be said about these governmental departments with their unelected leaders such as, and most importantly, the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ. From Obama who knew about the Russia hoax from the start and who can be credited for sicking the FBI and CIA on to Trump and crooked Hillary who gladly wrote checks to allow the hoax to live all the way down to those awful treasonous FBI pukes Comey and gang. These are some of the most disgusting individuals who have no right to be walking among us, they should be, must be, at the very least put in shackles. And then come the media, their night after night coverage filled with lies ranks right up there with the rest of these evil, power hungry, America hating sons-a-bitches. Honestly, if you are among the population today watching any of these networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC (I’ll leave Fox off but they changed and were dropped out of my lineup the morning after the 2020 election) you must enjoy living in a world filled with disgusting lies. And if that is the case all I have to say to you is “what in the hell is wrong with you?” I hear people say all the time, “I like to see what the other side has to say.” Why? They do not have the ability to tell the truth and it’s been proven over and over and over again. We didn’t need freaking Durham to know Trump didn’t collude with Russia and these rotten networks aren’t budging even after his report. They can’t, they are up to their ears in flith and there is no going back. The people who are still tuning in to these pieces of government propaganda scums are beyond repair as far as I’m concerned. They no longer possess the power of independent thought. The lying Left owns their brain and it is both sad and disgusting.
I tend to get as pissed off if not more at our fellow citizens than the actual evil doers because I know when we are together we can be the powerful source we should be. Are there people in this country that take the likes of Adam Schiff seriously? How about Eric Swallwell? Nancy Pelosi? Or any of these lying SOBs on Capitol Hill. It’s maddening. How could you possibly be that stupid or that brain washed that you can’t see through the lies? I’ll never understand it nor accept it. Change the fucking channel people! Damn.

Toward the end of the week many of us took the time to watch and listen to the FBI whistleblower’s testimony and it was everything most of us thought it would be. What the FBI has done to these American patriots is disgusting and downright awful actually. They’ve used all the tools in their drawers to ruin not only these devoted protectors of American lives but their family’s lives too. I’d be lying if I said any of it surprised me but I did come to one realization.
For years now I’ve gotten irritated when I hear people who are discussing corruption within the FBI finish they statement by saying “I’m not talking about the rank and file folks, these are good people working hard every day to protect us.” I used to scream back at the TV and any one that would listen, “Bullshit, if these people are such patriots, such good people, why aren’t they coming forward and telling the truth about the corruption?” Well, after listening to the whistleblowers, I now understand why and sincerely apologize for my prior thinking. It is one thing to stand up and put your career on the line to do what is right and just for your country. It is a completely different matter, knowing you will be destroying the lives of those you hold dear in your life, your family, your wife and kids. Each of these patriots deserves our most sincere thanks and support. They certainly have mine. God bless them and be with them as we watch the lying Left and the disgusting media do what they do so well, run these good people through hell and back. And it’s already begun.
Y’all have heard me say it many times, I just don’t see how this evil empire we call the United States Government gets fixed without millions of us doing it ourselves. Only you and the rest of us can prevent the filth we see and endure today. Just as so many showed Budweiser where the rubber meats the road we can do the same to the media. Don’t watch these evil lying people, just don’t! Use your minds and common sense and seek out other outlets you can trust. When you see something or read something and it makes sense to you, guess what? It’s probably true. If these alternative news outlets tell you something and then it is proven to be true, stick with them! They are rare but they exist. Don’t live your lives being lied to. It’s not good for you and awful for the country.
The reason the Government, the FBI and the state run media work so hard to make Trump out as a bad guy and his supporters as being toothless nut jobs is that they know that we are the ones (me and you) who know the truth and won’t back down, won’t go away and won’t accept anything other than the truth which includes complete and equal justice.

I reckon that will about do it for this week friends. There are a dozen other things that went on this week but, isn’t that always the case under this lame fake Administration. You know, the one filled with the most dishonest, dysfunctional morons ever assembled.
Keep beating the drum of Liberty friends for it will indeed take us all to clean up and prevent the filth we endure today. While Durham validated our beliefs, like so many other things we’ve watch, he stopped short of his mission. We must finish it.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends. Rest up, there’s another week ahead and together we will call out the lies, convey the truth and drill home our demand to #Fix2020.