Every single damn day I think to myself that I must be in a coma. There is no way that what I am seeing and hearing can really be happening, not in America, not in the land of the free, not in the home of the brave. It just can’t be!! Someone please, pour ice water on me, shake me for as long as it takes but please, for the sake of sanity wake me the hell up!
So for years now, I’ve seen videos of some crazy freak, criminal, thug, call them what you want, terrorizing people in a store, in a parking lot, at a fast food place, gas station or subway. And each time I watch these videos I come away with the same thought, “why in the hell is nobody helping the victim?” “Put the f’ing phone down and help her, or him.” Seriously, these videos get under my skin and always leave me in rage.
Finally this week one of these idiots acted out like so many we’ve seen except this time there was a patriot on the subway. Marine Daniel Penny wasn’t having it and best of all he wasn’t going to wait until someone got hurt. He acted quickly and took the Michael Jackson wanna be Neely down and in doing so Lord only knows how many he saved from this criminal. Folks across the country well, folks across the country with functioning brain cells cheered Mr. Penny for his quick response to protect innocent people.

But not in the eye’s of NYC and that fat ass DA Bragg. Mr. Penny was arrested and had to pay $10,000 cash for his $100,000 bond. You see; when you’re white and a patriot you don’t get any of this free bail stuff nor do you get any awards for being brave and protecting the public. You know; the very thing we pay taxes to these corrupt government entities to do for us. Nope, you get the “you’re guilty until proven innocent” treatment. You get the “you’re a racist” treatment. And now, suddenly, Neely’s family has a high-zoot racist lawyer and the family, well they are very upset, very concerned don’t you know. Where the hell were they when the criminal was living on the streets and committing crimes left and right? Just build him a friggin’ statue already, give his family millions of dollars and get it over with. Isn’t that how it works here in Biden’s world? 100% pure grade bullshit.
Back to the coma… tens of thousands, now millions of illegals continue to invade the country leaving filth in their path. They bring with him all the ills of humanity you can think of. Illness, human trafficking, drugs, rape, disease. They’re given a court date that now is ten years away, a cell phone, breakfast lunch and dinner and a ride to anywhere in the country and the best part of it all is that YOU get to pay for it. Don’t it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy that you get to take such good care of these folks? You are a humanitarian!

Guess what friends? These are Chicagoan’s in the street protesting, wait for it, because of all the illegals being sent to their “Sanctuary” city.
While I think it’s great that they are making their voices heard I cannot help but to shake my head and continue to wonder if I will ever awaken from this coma. These folks pictured in the street are the same ones that voted for the complete morons they’ve voted in for decades upon decades. The other thing that came to me seeing the picture was that this is what should be happening in every state in the union everyday all day long but not because of illegal immigration and certainly not for so called “social justice” or the billions being wasted on Ukraine, not even this economic meltdown we are experiencing, which by the way will get far worse, nope we should be in the streets protesting against this corrupt government who is the cause of all our ills and of course, the rigged 2020 election. For as you know, it is the stolen election that has brought us all of the sickening, putrid, bend over and take it bullshit we endure today.
You’ve often heard me say “we are surrounded by stupid”. Well, we are and our inaction is playing a huge role in the demise of this once great nation. The media is controlling the weak minded headline readers. And it is slowly coming home to roost.

I don’t have to tell you, we are being ruled by some of the most evil and downright stupid people on planet earth and don’t be fooled, Biden ain’t pulling all this off, he is a simpleton gladly doing what he is told. The big money-changers in this world are out to destroy this country and they are well on their way and they’ve selected the perfect moronic team ever.
On a bright note did y’all get a chance to see our President at the CNN town hall? Seeing and hearing him was like the doctors gave me shot to wake me up just long enough to watch. I knew the second he walked on the stage when the audience applauded that it was going to be epic! And epic it was. He played that little actress playing host like a fiddle. By the time he got done with her it was as if she wasn’t even there. “You’re nasty!” LOL. There isn’t a way for me to express how much I miss that man. Nasty’s first question was about the election, he answered it and the liberals have been bitching about it ever since. Second question was about the war in Ukraine and they didn’t like that either! What does that tell you? Tells you he’s right over the target. Then the question about the woman who thinks rape is sexy… “I don’t know who in the hell that women is”, that’s my President! The media… they didn’t believe Paula Jones, they didn’t believe Tara Reed but this freakazoid they believe. And somewhere near half of the country nod their heads in agreement… And ya wonder why I continue to say “we are surrounded by stupid.”
Any-who, I thought the President hit it out of the park and while everyone knows I’ve got a man-crush on the guy, you have to admit, it was so damn great to see him stand before the enemy and take them on without blinking an eye. Patriots have been calling on Broken Brain to sit down with Tucker, ha! That puss pudding head won’t even attend one of his friendly press conferences with mop head. One last thing, had I been the one prepping the President for the town hall, before dingle-berry asked him the first question I would have had him pull out a card and say “hold on let me see what question you’re going to ask and what my answer is.” LOL
Finally as y’all know I’ve managed to once again get banned from Twitter. You know the number one free speech site. The one now owned by the great Elon Musk! This Linda Yaccarino person who Elon Musk hired to lead Twit is the former World Economic Chairperson and marketing genius who put together the Chynia Virus vaccine campaign. It’s gonna be great because she is a social justice warrior and that’s what Twitter needs more than anything right? Give me a break.
Although I don’t know why, I’ve already appealed three times and received the answer three times. “After review, your account will not be restored.” End of quote. I’m sorry friends, I’m sorry for letting my guard down to give these communists the opportunity to ban me. I’m mostly sorry I’ve let all of you down. I don’t give a flying, you know what about Twitter or Musk and I am currently struggling to find a reason why I should spend another minute on the not-free-speech site. If I cannot speak my mind then what’s the point? Nothing has changed over there and in fact an argument could be made that it’s worse. I know from a personal standpoint it is worse and I just have a hard time playing their game. Of course you could also argue I don’t play it very well too. Lol – I reckon I am a bit too mouthy to be a part of the communist regime. I do and will miss all of you though and that’s just the damn truth. Speaking of Truth, I will be over there in all of its boredom where I bring very little to the table that those folks don’t already know and agree with. But, I can speak my mind. If you’re so inclined I can be found there with the same handle (@iamjumpingin) and for the record, same hair cut!
Keep beating that drum of Liberty friends. I know you’ll carry the torch for as long as it takes. I’ll continue to give you my two cents while laying quietly in this coma via these rants. As I discussed with our dear friend Ms. Jan the other day, we must come to the realization that there is no one out there that will save us. The President is on our side but is after-all just one man. Powerful for sure but this isn’t something he can fix alone. Our only hope in fixing our elections lies with God and you and me. For as long as we remain in our seats we shouldn’t expect change. It is as simple as that. While we are inundated 24/7/365 with nonsense from the Republicans the truth is, they are not on our side either. While they continue to point out things we’ve known for a long time and then do nothing about such “things” the country continues on its path of decline. The reality is, the Left is far superior to the right when it comes to getting their voices heard. They are well funded, well organized and members will protest just about anything they are told to protest. We on the other hand are not well funded and find the whole idea of standing in the street with a sign absurd. That and we have jobs and families to take of. But, the harsh fact is, if we want fair and honest elections, if we want our country back, we’re gonna need to put America first. That means millions in the streets peacefully protesting as we watch our friends and neighbors be arrested. When one goes another must step in and continue this effort until the job is done. Doesn’t sound fun, does it? Guess what, it ain’t and living under this government takeover isn’t much fun either and the worst is yet to come… We know the election was rigged, we know Trump won, we know all the ills we suffer today and all those yet to come are a direct result of that election and we know it will never be the same, we will never trust elections or the government again until such time justice is served and election integrity is restored. They’ve got us all scared I know. That’s been the second part of the J-6 plan all along. The first of course was to make sure President Trump couldn’t run again. Well, that ain’t working out and we shouldn’t let them keep us down either.
Fight on brothers and sisters! #Fix2020. Say it loud and often and should the time arise, I’ll see you on the corner of main and this is my damn country street sometime soon. I hope. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Hugs to all you patriotic ladies and a hardy hand shake for you patriot brothers.
PS: Wake me up when when you’re ready roll or better even, when it’s over 🙂
Afternoon MrDan. I wish it was that easy to throw some ice on ya and wake you up. But sadly here we are today🤬.
Like you We wouldn’t bat an eye to help ANYONE being in need of help. And it damn sure wouldn’t be taking a video first. This brave Hero saved lives that day from a criminal that thrived on terrorizing people. He’s exactly we’re he needs to be. And if the lefts has issues with that then guess fat ass brag should have kept this criminal in jail. As for his so called family. That’s a joke. Now they want to be his family if it fills their pockets with money. On a positive note Americans have stepped up some have come fwd saying exactly what this criminal was doing. And so many have donated to his him to help with setting him free. Justice for this brave Military Hero !!!
The border is a both party shit show mess created and let happen. I say many cuss words when I hear either side blame the other for all these breaking the law ILLEGALS pouring into our country. The thing is these lawless people aren’t ever going to show up for any court date. And they will NEVER vote for any party. They get released and then disappear in this country till they break the law. And may or may not get deported to do it all over again. These people are fleeing their shit hole countries to come here.
I didn’t get the pleasure of seeing our President Trump wiping the floor with cnns best 🤦🏻♀️ But I did get videos of all the important things that took place. This unstoppable great leader didn’t bat an eyes to answer questions. We will stand behind Donald J Trump forever. Four more glories years for this LEADER.
MrDan that PIS was begging for us to reply to his bait post. And when he got a reply he didn’t want to hear. I bet the prick slapped those balls with a bat to whine to Twitter. I said from day one that smelly thing will NOT allow Freedom Of speech. He can’t be trusted. I scanned through thousands of post yesterday. And most were either shadow banned or their friend had to post their in twitmo. Great Patriots. Like Dan Garrison. Mike Eagleman. The list is long.
I have been to Truth to make sure I grabbed friends that are heading in that direction. Honest I don’t much care for TS. It’s not challenging. Everyone tells me I don’t know how to use it. I don’t either. But I am giving it my honest try.
We stand it go to jail for what’s right. If 2020 isn’t fixed I’m not sure anything will ever matter again. There will come a day we’ll be called to the streets with pitch forks and shovels. When that day comes know the Tuckers will be in the streets with both in hand.
#Fix2020 can NEVER be said enough. Beat that drum Loud and Proud. Till next week MrDan and hard fighting Patriots. Have a blessed week. God Bless us “ALL”