Good afternoon friends! You have to love how the paid for media and these ass-hat politicians are feeding us the so called “breaking news.” The IRS is mishandling the case against Hunter Biden. Bank records show the Biden family has made millions from foreign actors. The 50 Intel characters who signed the letter claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation did so knowing it was a lie but did it anyway to help Biden win the election. New Mexico drops all charges against Alec Baldwin. Biden supports trans athletes competing in women’s sports. These were some of the spoon fed headlines this week and when I heard them my response to each and every one of them was the same, “Duh.” Of course, my guess is that only the Biden support for the trans-filth thing was the only one the MSM reported on. The others aren’t a good look for Broken Brain or his lying, cheating filth of an Administration. “DOJ Garland is the force delaying and burying the Hunter IRS investigation, “Duh”. Pudding heads Secretary of State Blinken, was the promoter of the Intel letter lie and of course we have mop head doubling down on the daily lies which are so helpful for the reporters because they can just repeat them. No serious questions allowed. You know like, why is Biden such a dumbass? LOL, now that would be fun to hear and watch. Mop head’s response I’m sure; “The President has been very clear…” Eh, he’s not the President and he hasn’t been clear about anything, ever. Don’t freak out friends, I talk to myself like this all the time.
How anyone can support this rigged up government at this point will remain one of the great mysteries of all time. The only explanation I can come up with is that the people have simply given up. The level of stupidity and filth we endure today is beyond any imagination. Anyone who still thinks that those of us who believe that the election was stolen are just election deniers are the actual deniers. They hate Trump so much that nothing is off the table for them. These narrative pushers in politics and the media could accuse the President of anything and these deniers would be fine with it. They gladly bought into the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and they had no problem with the Ukraine impeachment even after they were given the transcript of the phone call. They’re fine with the 30+ indictments laid out over a pole dancer and a guy freshly out of prison for, of all things, lying. No problem, Trump’s bad. As for Hillary and all her actual lying and cheating. Nah, she’s innocent. Ole Adam Schiff and his continual lies and leaks, he’s a great American. As for Nasty Nancy, well, she’s prayerful so just keep moving. I wonder how the communist Left would react if the report had been that Trump showered with Ivanka? Oh good Lord… They’d lose their freaking minds, duh!
I don’t know where I am going with all of this except to say that I find myself tired too. All the chatter without any measurable action has become really old, really old.
Reagan’s “are you better off today than you were four years ago” would be like, “You’ve got to be kidding! NO!” We’ve gone from having a President who made saying saying Merry Christmas great again to one that’s not even supposed to be in the White House standing with people who want to perform drag shows at elementary schools… among about a hundred other mind numbing mental things. Well, the good news is he’ll be running for another four year term right? Lord I beg you, please forgive us.
It’s time to pause and bring you another up-date on Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

So if it isn’t bad enough that we have to endure the daily Leftist programmed chatter we now find ourselves headed into another election that unless we Fix 2020 will not be an election at all but rather another pretend our votes count again day.
I noticed that either the RINO right or the leftist cheaters have a few pretend Republicans on twitter now bashing Trump and promoting DeSantis. Trump can’t win, they say. We need new blood, Trump’s too old, DeSantis has the right message. I slammed a couple of these ass-hats only to find a few of my own followers slammed me back. Evidently my standing up for Trump is only dividing the party. So I take a shot at a pretend Republican for banging on my President in their useless attempt to, well, divide the party and I’m the bad guy. Go figure.
Obviously these followers never read these rants otherwise they’d know I ain’t leaving the President’s side and I will not sit idly by while anyone, follower or non-follower alike suggests anyone other than the boss should be our next President. “People have a right to support who they want.” True! And I am a people. Grrr
As I’ve said repeatedly, the 2024 election and everyone thereafter will be nothing more than a National stage show if we don’t fix 2020. If 2020 is ignored, and it has been thus far, the American people, half or more anyway, will never trust another election and that my friends is a horrible and dangerous thing. The commies on the Left are so brazen, so confident in their ability to control the outcome of our elections they put this broken down dipshit of a thief up as their nominee. He didn’t even have to campaign and to shove their control in our face even more they decided on a woman as VP who couldn’t even garner 3% of her own party’s vote in the primary. Then, to make absolutely certain they didn’t trip over themselves like they did with Hillary vs. Trump they loaded Broken Brain up with 81M votes. The fact that Trump’s real votes and Biden’s made up votes totaled more than all registered voters in the country was of no concern. Why, because they’ve got the media on the payroll and the judges too. And when you have that you know what you have? No fear. Now it’s been proven the social media companies colluded with the commies to get the puppet elected. Now it’s proven the laptop is real, now it’s proven the 50 Intel liars lied and what does the media do, nothing. What will the judges do, nothing. And all those Biden supporters, what will they do? Vote for Biden.
Friends, saying we have a mess on our hands is an understatement. This is, by all accounts, no longer our country. While China grows stronger we grow weaker. While the idiots slowly leak out all the wrong doing we’ve all known from the start nearly half of the taxpayers continue to pretend it is all good. When Biden says the state of the union is strong these morons believe it all while they wish they had a lower (not a typo) FICO score so they could get a better rate on their home loan. You see, that’s another example of how far off the rail this country has gone under this China puppet. And that’s just one small little example.
Drum beating time: Beat the drum of liberty friends, beat it loud and often. Don’t sit quietly by and be a watcher, be loud and a doer. We simply cannot allow 2020 to go by without justice. These elections must be fixed and there can be no ifs, ands or buts about it. I never want to feel like I felt the morning after the 2020 election again. There will never be another Trump. This is his time, for our sake it has to be. He is without question the only plain speaking, kick ass, boss like person who can take on the many woes this once great Nation faces. It’s #Fix2020 or bust.
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that. Until the next time my lips move that is. Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Don’t be surprised when they tell you that Joe Biden was never a truck driver. Just say “duh” and then keep beating the Fix 2020 drum.