Like many of you, I grew up in a time when a handshake was all we needed from one another. Trust was something earned not by words but by action which as my family and closest friends know, is why my favorite saying is; “Doing always beats saying”. I am a loyal guy. Once you’ve earned my trust you know I’ll always stand beside you and I’ll stay there to the bitter end.
President Trump doesn’t know me from Adam, as the saying goes but, if he did, he’d know he has someone in his corner that won’t ever leave his side. Sometimes I wish I was some powerful person with an endless amount of assets at my disposal to make a real difference in his battle for our country. Obviously I’m not. All I can do is be loyal, stand up for him always and especially when others don’t. I will correct the lies told of him when I hear them and work in some small way trying to convince others our only way forward is with him at the helm.
Trump is no God, not by a long shot, neither am I and neither are you. Like him we all have things in our closets that we’d rather not discuss. Some of us have bigger closets than others. His, I imagine, is yuge. Lord only knows what I might have gotten myself into if I had been a millionaire with every sponge on the planet constantly knocking on my door. The thing that these people who accuse me of being in a cult do not understand or refuse to understand is that my loyalty is based on his “doings” not his “sayings”. You know how it goes, “actions speak louder than words.” He is the last person in Washington, DC who told me the truth. It is that truth followed by his actions that has earned him my loyalty, it is the reason I won’t leave his side.
Every single week we endure the most insane things. The amount of filth and lying is remarkable to say the least. The embarrassment that Broken Brain puts upon this Nation is beyond what any fictional author could even imagine, the endless drivel coming out of his tweeter writers, the White House twit handle, and not to mention that mop head of a press secretary. “Let’s go lick the world?” Really? It becomes so mind exploding that I find myself replying like some low level gangster or something. If I don’t watch myself closely every other word is the F bomb not because I don’t have other words but because I’ve become so done with it all I don’t know what else to say. As if the moron sees my replies anyway right? Others do and I guess that’s why I bother to respond. Maybe, God Forbid, something I say will get through to one sheeple. Doubtful. The idiot lies so broadly I want to reach through the screen and… see what I mean. I’m getting all worked up just talking about it. It’s (him) just so damn insulting and wrong. We literally have the scum of the earth getting his diapers changed in the White House while he tears our country apart. To make matters worse, as if that is possible, all of government sits back and allows it to continue.

Whether it’s that dumb trip to Ireland where pudding head did what he always does, makes a complete and utter fool out of himself and us or this latest “National Crisis” leaker bologna, the point is nothing coming out of this Government over the last three years has been helpful, honest and none of it, not any of it has been to the benefit of the country or her people. It’s all 100% made in China crap.
Have you had enough of my endless drivel yet? How about we beat the drum!
Do y’all have any idea how frustrating it is that I beat the #Fix2020 drum day in and day out knowing that the chances are about as good as me becoming that guy with all those assets I spoke about earlier? I only do it because I refuse to do what they want me to do. Stop talking about it. Let it go. Blah, blah, blah… You and I know the stealing of an American election, if left to stand, is a lifelong change to the America we know and love, to the America our founders put in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These documents become moot if 2020 is allowed to stand.
I’ve come to this point: If President Trump believes he can win without fixing 2020 then I’m going to trust he knows what he’s doing. What choice do I have anyway? There is no one in the 2024 race that can turn this country around like he can. He is the only one with the ego, guts, determination, energy and love of country to make the bold changes that need to be made. All the others and even those still to enter don’t have his drive and certainly don’t have his bold character to call a spade a spade. Even if one of them had the desire they don’t have the courage. Anyone else will simply go along to get along with their only goal being to be liked and re-elected. You saw how bold Trump was before his re-election bid. Wait until you see what he’ll do knowing he can’t run again. Katy bar to the door!! And this American will love every moment!
For me it feels like it will be a cold stone miracle if we see another Republican in office and a Godly miracle if we get our President Trump back. Look how hard they’re going after him. He did it once and I’ve got to believe he’ll do it again! He believes it, so why shouldn’t I. I won’t leave his side.
I’ll keep beating that 2020 drum no matter what occurs. The rigging and robbing of the election is, quite frankly, a much bigger issue than Trump. They stole a U.S. election! There’s a good chance #Fix2020 will be on my tombstone. Just so you know. Lol
Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and while the week ahead will be filled with Lord only knows what, don’t let it get in your way of having a good time and don’t y’all worry, I’ll throw the F bombs for you! Lord forgive me.
Good Morning MrDan We will NEVER leave his side either. I believe President Trump knows everyone of us. He knows there are millions of us trying to fight for him in our own way. That’s what makes the man fight harder for us. He loves US and this once amazing country. He’s fighting to restore her back to a time of peace love and respect.
Every week you manage to bring light to all this darkness we find ourselves trying to keep a float from drowning. We all wish at times we had that magic wand and can change so many things.
I am sick and fed up with all this nonsense talk about a broken mentally ill skinny young man trying to delete WOMEN and mocking WOMEN. I don’t care what HE thinks. But I have to say this when this young man can bleed (woman’s Period) out of his penis and his balls are slammed into a vise grip and twisted so hard he thinks their going to explode (women’s ovaries menstrual cramps) THEN and only then can he even talk about being a woman. I will sit down and shut up that’s all I have to say!!
I stand behind, beside this man till the end. He has a plan he’s confident in his plan and that’s good enough for us. I will beat the drum as LOUD and HARD as we can.
This RANT is exactly what we Patriots really think and Believe also MrDan Please keep typing and ranting we need this break every week. God Bless you and your family. Have a great rest of the week cause my day here is hump day.. See ya Saturday
Thanks as always Jan for “Jumping in”, always appreciated and always keeps me energized to keep moving forward. Your description of menstrual cramps has made one thing certain in my eyes, I’m glad to be a man and want NOTHING to do with all that women stuff. I’d be rolled up in a ball, crying.
Together we will keep calling out the lies and filth and beating that drum to Fix2020 and restore the America we grew up in. Hi to Tucker – Try to enjoy your “hump-day” evening dear friend.
Another great article Dan. Keep them coming, they provide hope knowing others have the same feelings. God bless you!!