Good Saturday afternoon friends. As we are about to come out from another week of political Leftist hell and as the evil doers take another step closer to their fantasy of One World Order I think, I know how you feel.
After two years of having these trans people shoved down our throats, our week began with one of their own finally snapping at the Christian school in Tennessee killing three young innocent kids whose parents were doing what they felt was best for them. Enrolling them in a school they knew would teach them to read and write and keep them safe from the evil indoctrination camps we now call public schools. I can only try to imagine the nightmare these parents are now living in. At the same time three adults, responsible adults rushed in to help only to lose their lives as well. These heroes have loved ones now on their knees in pain over their loss. The police, who over the past several years we are told are the enemy of the people rushed in as quickly as they could to take the deranged mentally ill shooter down saving Lord only knows how many lives.
I think I know how you feel for those that lost their lives and for those now trying to cope with their loss. You feel heartbroken, angry and sad. As if the loss wasn’t enough, as the nation mourns, our government weighs in not to do what one would expect, to console or to even show compassion. No, they leap to one of their favorite political topics, gun control. From the guy in the white house with the broken brain to congress people on both sides, the message was about gun control under the disguise of “saving the children.” We’ve watched this play out time and time again and the message is always the same. As we grasp hold of what is left of our free speech we sit back and watch as they move closer and closer to taking away our rights of protection. The mop head spokesperson when asked about the killings stood with the killer and the mentally ill. Yes, I think I know how you feel.

As the trans community violently took over the Tennessee State Capitol, for what I couldn’t really tell you, the media remained all but silent. Can you even begin to imagine the outrage that would occur had one of these folks been shot like poor Ashley on January 6th? The playbook is as you know, one sided and solely designed against the overwhelming majority of the American people. Their goal is to make the law abiding the criminals all while they set the actual criminals free. I think I know how you feel. Outraged & disgusted are a few feelings that come to mind.
As for keeping our kids safe, the discussion we hear is so absurd it’s difficult to even go over it again. None of these people have the best interest of our children in mind. Their one and only desire is to remove gun ownership from our society. Keeping the kids safe is simple. Lock the doors and place armed guards at the entries, period. My favorite argument (not really, really it flat out pisses me off) is that having armed guards at schools is harmful to the children and you know, sends the wrong message… beats the hell out dying. Don’t believe me? Ask any one of the parents who have lost one of their own. This conversation might very well be the dumbest, most insincere, non-caring, cold hearted conversation ever coming out of DC. While they “pretend” to care, the kids will continue to bekilled. Harsh words I know. The truth can be that way. God Bless them all and their families.
As the week was about to wrap up we all got the news that our beloved freedom fighter had been indicted. For the first time in American history, the indictment of a past President and political opponent occurred and for what? Was he undermining America by working under the covers with, I don’t know, China? Was he skimming money by using his political power with, I don’t know, Ukraine? Was he using his great powers to cover-up illegal dealings by his family members? I mean, did Eric Trump have sex with minors, take illegal drugs or lie on a gun application? Nope. Did he leave the border wide open allowing the country to be invaded with illegals and drugs killing thousands of our people? Nope he had a whore who was attempting to scam and embarrass him paid to shut up. She agreed to it, got paid and continued to scam and embarrass him anyway. Under these conditions one wonders why it wasn’t Bill Clinton who became the first indicted President. He paid Jennifer Flowers $850,000 to zip it. Well yeah, but Flowers was lying right? What about JFK and his many side attractions? These sons-a-bitches are out to do whatever it takes to stop President Trump from ever becoming President again and I think I know how you feel, just like me, it ain’t gonna happen!

With every move against the man, his popularity only grows. We the people, the vast majority of the American population are so done with the deep state and the world order bullshit. While these idiots attempt to undermine the man, our drive to stand beside him only grows stronger. Six years we’ve been forced to endure this “get Trump” crap. For six years they’ve pulled out every fake made up story they could come up with yet he still stands. His larger than life ego, and his immeasurable love of country, love of winning, love of those who stand steadfast with him will not allow him to say uncle nor allow him to step aside. And for that I think I know how you feel, grateful.
This George Soros paid DA hack will go down in flames before this is all said and done, that I can tell you my friends. Don’t think for a minute this cheap suit is going to take our President down. It ain’t happening. Then there’s that filthy nasty Nancy – “Trump has the right to prove he’s innocent” she proclaims. No you stupid slimy drunk, he’s innocent until proven guilty. These people… I’m telling you. Rotten to the core.

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant first by telling you one of the scariest things going on right now is the US dollar slowly getting kicked to the curb. Last week Russia, Iran, India and China all agreed to side step the dollar and accept the Yuen. This week China and Brazil agreed to do the same. Once the dollar is no longer the world’s currency the game is over. You might as well start learning to speak Chinese now… or prepare yourself for the job they decide you are best for. You know, like digging in the mud for cobalt for all those electric cars.
While we are not winning many battles right now friends we must not take our eye off the war for it is the war we must win. As your local election preacher our war is won only when our elections are fair and only when our votes count. Without fair elections the evil doers of the world have no reason to fear us as they are free to install whomever they choose. Thus we have pudding brain sleeping and having his diapers changed in our White House. Thus we have a guy who has to be lead around by the hand, thus we have a moron who takes direction from Easter bunnies and some woman who lets him take showers with his daughter. Fixing 2020 is our only way out. They own the judges, they own the media, they own the pharmaceutical companies and they operate the printing press. The work before us isn’t small. As you’ve heard me preach over and over, this is our country and at some point, we are going to have to start acting like it. Freedom, Liberty, Justice, our kids, our families, our lives all depend on one thing, us. Will we rise in the end? Will we stand in the end? I don’t know but… I certainly do think I know how you feel.

God Bless every last one you for letting me puke all over you every week and for being a friend. A friend of mine and a friend to America. Beat the drum guys and gals let freedom ring, let freedom ring. American greatness is only one “fair” election away. Y’all enjoy what’s left of your weekend and have a great week ahead.
Sunday’s Blessing to y’all MrDan. Every week you always manage to show a glimmer of light at the end of this dark tunnel. We thank you for that.
This week you’ve painted a very clear picture of all the facts. Every truth that’s exploding in the country and he’ll no not in a million decades could we even begin to make this deranged nonsense and hate up.
We stand for God, country, family and love and respect. This administration knows nothing about and sadly never will.
America has put a man on the moon. I know it’s going to be an up hill battle but I have faith that this beautiful country can and will be saved by the grace of God and WeThePeople.
I hear folks say all judges are corrupt. I don’t believe that I do believe they’ve been told to shut their mouths and not look at the evidence of the 2020 stolen elections. Look what this administration has done to A President. If they can destroy his life. Just imagine what they’d do to a lawful Judge. But I know there’s ONE out there that will come fwd and follow the law of the country. And I want him/her to know they will have the backing from the American People.
Thank you so much for allowing us to sit at your kitchen table and talk about saving our loved country. Thank Miss Cathy for being a wonderful hostess. Please help her do the dish’s MrDan. God Bless you and your family. Have a mind boggling next week
The pleasure is all mine Miss Jan and the Tucker man. And ditto by the way. As fast as everything has gone to pure hell there is no reason not to believe it can be turned around just as quickly. For that to happen we only need a very few honest American’s sitting in the right chair to begin the process. A strong scholarly, constitutional devoted Judge who’ll stand up and be counted with no backing down within him/her. Once the wrong as been righted, the boss will take it from there. From rags to riches as they say and in no time at all. Perhaps having this all exposed over these past several years has been necessary so that as we right the wrong we never allow it to happen again. We shall forever look at everyone in a different light one with more depth than every before. Middle of the road, all talk, no go people no longer have a seat at our American table. We have the Constitution, it must be followed to the letter. Zero wishy washing anything. In the meantime hear we are, we’ll keep beating the drums of Liberty, truth and justice and fully expect to be heard. Sooner than later would be nice. Let’s face it, we’ve seen enough. Have a blessed day guys and as always thank you for the on-going conversation. Time for me to do the dishes. 🙂