Good Afternoon family and friends! Another week is about to come to a close. Much like each one before this in the past three years, there’s nothing to report that would make us proud. The circus remains in full swing with one stupid thing after another. The only thing working overtime in DC is the printing press. You know the one that prints money. We can’t keep eggs on the shelf, we’ve experienced a run on toilet paper and Mom’s are still on the hunt for baby formula but the one thing there is no shortage of is ink…
First it was one bank that failed then two, then three and now four. Ah, nothing to worry about folks these were just small little banks and besides Broken Brain has them covered. Don’t y’all panic and run to your bank, it’s all just fine. Even if you did, most of us don’t have much left in the bank anyway. Not after two years of this nightmare of an administration. Do you ever wonder what your retirement accounts would look like today if Trump had remained in office? I know I do and then I have to stop thinking about it to avoid throwing up. And of course right on cue Pudding Brain, followed by the paid actors in the media and the communist party wasted no time to blame the bank failures on President Trump.
The idiot-n-chief cancels out hundreds of Trump executive orders but the fact that he left the banking regulations in tact doesn’t make the failures his fault. And oh by the way, four banks down and did you know diaper boy still hasn’t canceled out Trump’s EO. Wonder why? Because it doesn’t have anything to do with these bank failures, that’s why! As I understand it, and an investment God I am not, the banks put their deposits into safe and secure bonds (which we now know is a myth.) But when inflation is over the roof (not Trump’s fault) and interest rates rise (not Trump’s fault) guess what happens to bonds? They drop and the billions invested go under water. Printing press to the rescue or should I say, the American taxpayer to the rescue, and not just you and me but our sons, daughters and their sons and daughters. Funny how that works… All roads lead to the great American taxpayer. Bottom up – middle out, my ass. These woke banks who invested millions in BLM and have Chynia investors are bailed out not by their wealthy pals but by you and me. I have a hard enough time affording gas for the truck much less bailing out these asshats.
Then one of our drones flying over International Waters (believe it if you want, I don’t) is taken down by a Russian Jet. You’ve got to hand it to Putin. Unlike our bungling moron of a fake President who lets a spy balloon float across the entire country before he shoots off a million dollar missile to take it down, Putin takes no chance and drops our 30M drone before it gets within an inch of Russian territory. With tensions between the two countries on high alert now seems like a good time to get caught spying on Russian don’t you think? Well any who, doesn’t matter because Broken Brain and the woke Generals put ole Putin in his place by telling him under no certain terms what he did was unprofessional. Woo… That’ll straighten him out. Clown world 2.0. More like 100.0.
How about all the Breaking News! “The Biden family received one million dollars from Chynia.”
Congress has the receipts and they’re going to get to the bottom of it. First off, this isn’t breaking news for anyone who’s been paying attention and secondly, they ain’t gonna get to the bottom of anything. These people and their “breaking news”…Please. Breaking News! Hillary spied on Trump and made up the entire Russian collusion story… Breaking News! Hunter’s laptop is real and not Russian disinformation… Breaking News! The vaccine does not stop you from getting COVID… Breaking News! The January 6th committee didn’t review the videos…Breaking News! No cops were killed on January 6th… meanwhile back at the ranch nothing is done about any of it. Is it frustrating? Nah, it is a bunch of mind boggling freaking corruption in our face 24/7.
Speaking of breaking news… we all learned this morning they are going to arrest President Trump on Tuesday over, of all things, the Stormy Daniel bullshit. While the crime family in the White House walks around free, while we see pictures from the laptop from hell of Hunter smoking crack while getting a blow job from what looks like a 12 year old and we get to watch him board Air Force One. While pudding brain’s daughter complains he took showers with her they do what they’ve always done, go after Trump. There isn’t a single person on the planet with a single functioning brain cell that gives a flying Fu*k what billionaire Donald Trump did with Stormy friggin’ Daniels. Bill Clinton got a blow job in the freaking white house and nobody cared. He paid Paula Jones $850,000 to sip it, no arrests, no indictments. On the other hand, Trump has the evil doer crowd so freaked out that they will be exposed for who they are, it has forced this one man, all by his lonesome, to fight the entire U.S. Government and truth be told, half the world.

I really have no words on this to best express my anger. If these low life sons-a-bitches use TV cameras, CNN, helicopters and two dozen police officers to arrest him I swear (You know, the Rodger Stone effect) I will pop a blood vessel in my brain. And did you know… there are people in this country that will celebrate this one sided shit show. His support will only grow. This move will once and for all secure his nomination for President in 2024. This blatant act of corruption will come back to bite them in the ass like it always does. The trouble is, it takes time and that’s a luxury this country no longer has. #ColorMePissedOff

Did you know there are millions of Americans to this very day who still think Trump colluded with Russia, that the laptop is some made up conspiracy theory, that Biden has no ties to China, that masks work, that January 6th was an insurrection, that Biden got 81 million votes, that blue collar Joe cares about them, that everything is Trump’s fault? It’s true and it’s disgusting how out of touch and plain old stupid people are.
Did you know that these same people believe more restrictions on gun ownership and on gun manufacturers will reduce gun violence? They have this uncanny ability to disregard the person doing the shooting as being the cause and instead place the entire blame on the gun. The level of stupidity is astonishing. When someone runs people over with a car they don’t blame the car. When someone stabs another to death with a knife or beats them over the head with a hammer, the knife nor the hammer are on trial. Weird huh?
Finally, did you know that we have people in this country, even Republican politicians who think our votes will matter in 2024? Trump’s the man! Some say, we need new leadership, DeSantis is the man! Others say, Pence is, never mind, no one says Pence is anything other than a boring trader to the Republic. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t matter who is on the ticket. If 2020 isn’t fixed the insanity remains in play. “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Duh.

Drum Beating Time: For as long as the American people remain silent and continue to take these hits on the chin the hits will continue. It is the old lunch money thing. If the bully at school can get you to hand over your lunch money without a fight there is simply no reason for him to stop. In the end there is simply no way around the fact that our government stopped even pretending they care about us. They are the school yard bully who not only is taking our lunch money but taking away our ability to be heard, at least in the traditional sense. Calling your Senator no longer has the impact it might have once had. More often than not we get a recording and are forced to leave a message. When we write letters or send emails we get replies that read like a form letter and usually don’t even acknowledge our complaint. “Thank you for contacting my office, I am working hard on your behalf…” Social media is all but a joke. These so-called leaders have their staff write their messages and they never read our replies and never, ever do they respond. And why should they? They’ve got our lunch money, our voice and evidently we are happy to oblige. There is simply no trusting anything until they go back and make the 2020 election right. They’ve been stealing our elections for a very long time but this time they over stepped themselves because of the huge popularity of President Trump. To believe Biden won we have to disbelieve our very own eyes. To do that we have to be convinced there were not thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters attending his rallies. We saw the 12 circles Biden filled up, but we must dismiss this sight too. We’ve done the math and know their numbers don’t jive but this too must be put away and forgotten.
Well I am here to say that’s never going to happen. The truth of the matter is, at least in my humble opinion, the only way 2020 is fixed, the only way the wrongs are made right, the only way justice is served and yes, the only way we Make America Great Again is if “we” see to it. You know, “if you want something done right, do it yourself” thing.
Trump can’t do it alone, congress won’t and our justice system is as corrupt as the Biden family. The chore is left with you and me and 70 million God fearing, Flag waving, American patriots. Either we stand and are counted or what’s left of our lunch money is never more. Scream the truth at every opportunity you get friends. Don’t shy away from your beliefs. Don’t be accepting of anything other than what you know to be true. Together we are strong and our voices are as loud as thunder and our words are as striking as lightning. We cannot, we must not allow this to continue. Beat that drum of liberty dear friends. Our families are depending on us. Don’t hold back, don’t slow down. They say Peace through strength. Our strength is in our numbers. I truly wish we would all unite on main street USA and remain there until they hear our thunder.
That wraps up my ranting for another week. I suspect all my preaching will go mostly unheard. I do these rants so you know you’re not alone. Hand in hand, back to back. Together we go, whether good, bad or somewhere in-between I’ll continue to rant for as long as you’ll continue to listen.
Remember there’s a circus in town and we’ve all got a front row seat! Now I’ll leave it up to you to find a way to enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Cotton Candy anyone! 🙂 #Fix2020