How’s that for an attention grabber? Good afternoon family and friends!! In this upside down world we are living in, you might be asking yourself, “What is a good thing?” I don’t want to get the cart ahead of the horse so hold on to that thought. I’ll “circle back” to it soon.
Every week after I send out this blog my twitter friend Linda always thanks me for doing it and then says something along the lines like; “I wonder what insane thing pudding brain will do this coming week.” She knows as we all do that for as long as we have an installed ass-hat with a broken brain occupying our White House there will never be a shortage of stupid things to write about. That being said, let’s get started, shall we.
On Wednesday my wife looked over at me sitting in my lounge chair sipping on a cup of coffee and nibbling on a homemade muffin she had just made for me and asked what time I wanted to eat dinner only to jump up when the buzzer went off on the dryer. As she was folding our clothes, she said she had defrosted the homemade enchiladas she had made for me when she was out of town a few weeks back. I hadn’t eaten them because, you know, who remembers to take something out of the freezer. It was at that moment, being gifted with the outstanding ability of knowing timing is everything when I said; “Happy International Woman’s Day!” Struggling to find the infamous one missing sock she looked up at me and… I’ll leave it there. Some things ought to remain private. 🙂
So Doctor Jill, who’s not a Doctor, gave this year’s “Woman of Courage” award to a dude wearing a dress. When I saw this I just shook my head and smiled. These people are weirdos and I’m not referring to the dude although…

So, what’s the message to all you women out there? You’re getting your asses beat in sports, you’re losing beauty pageants, and now you’ve lost the courage of the year award. Try harder? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of this insane bullshit but the truth is, if I don’t find a way to apply some humor I will explode. And for the record, under this roof, my wife gets the courage of the year award for putting up with my dumb ass. And before you ask, yes she wears the pants around here! Lol
Broken Brain diaper pretending to be a tough guy introduced his budget this week and to hear him say it, what a historic budget it is. Yep, a budget that puts the “folks” first for once and never mind we had our first of many to come, bank closure this week. It’s all good folks, historic in fact…

THE DG BREAKDOWN: We will all pay increased taxes, not just those earning 400K or more. He’s killing the so-called “bottom up/middle out folks” and this tax plan will continue the tradition. Just watch. The 886B defense spending is not for our defense, it’s for Ukraine’s defense. We will build more “stuff” only to send it to Ukraine. We just get to pay for it. The 6B to Europe (what the flying horse shit are we giving Europe money for?) and Ukraine is our way of saying thank you for all the wonderful things they’ve done for us over the years. I’ll name those things just as soon as I grow my hair back. The 26B to strengthen the border I assume is to take better care of the cartels and all the poor starving immigrants (illegal aliens), you know the ones we see that are overweight, wearing new clothes talking on their I-phones. The 3B for global warming is an obvious one. Doing annual maintenance on the money changer’s private jets and greasing those wind turbines ain’t cheap. Finally, the 100 thousand new police officers is maybe the most puzzling one of all. Why hire even one new police officer if you’re not going to let them arrest anyone? And besides, that’s all well and good for Chicago, what about the rest of the filthy crime ridden blue cities? This budget is a joke and thanks to a Republican held House, it’s dead on arrival. Or by God better be…
I’ll wrap up this week’s rant with the January 6th insurrection/worst day since Pearl Harbor and 9/11 nonsense. As y’all know, Tucker Carlson showed the other side of the story this week which of course predictably made the Left and many of the Republican RINOs lose their minds. As if any of them have a mind worth keeping anyway. For all of us, the tapes didn’t even raise an eyebrow as we already knew the whole thing was a made up Democrat lie from the very beginning.

The January 6th committee was nothing more than a continuation of the “Get Trump” Leftist crowd that started the day he floated down the escalator with his beautiful wife at Trump Tower in 2015. Since that very historic day, the money changing leftist communist evil doers have been after that man and our way of life and there is simply no arguing this fact. From Russia, Russia, Russia, to the now known Fauci-funded gain of function get Trump pandemic to this disgraceful, openly obvious one sided kangaroo shit show of a commission these people have been committing one crime after another and shoving them right in our face as they laugh at us and flip us the bird as they fill their pockets full of our hard earned money. The insurrection narrative was a joke from the beginning and anyone that doesn’t know that is, well, a freaking idiot. And yet, still to this day we have Americans, who at the very worst trespassed rotting in a Federal prison hoping to someday at least be heard. Meanwhile the government continues to push this narrative just as they continue to push the importance of the Chy-nia shot and you know, all the great things they are doing for us. The border is secure don’t you know, which of course begs the question “then why do you need 26B to strengthen it? What an utter clown show my friends!
I give Tucker some credit and even McCarthy for showing what he could. It appears the evil doers have all but shut him down at this point. Surprise, surprise…
As for “It’s a Good Thing!” You didn’t think I forgot did you? It’s a good thing I have a family that loves me and that I love, that I have a roof over my head and a warm comfortable bed to lay my head down at night. It’s a good thing I found a woman who puts up with me, laughs alongside me and takes such great care of me. Having my pup look at me with his big brown eyes all but begging for me to spend some time with him is a good thing. He’s my buddy you see. It’s a good thing I have two boys who grew into two good men who know right from wrong and who are excelling on their own with their own families and own homes and own kids, dogs, cats and all the rest that makes a family a family. It’s a good thing I have friends like you to let me rant and rave about the things we are made to endure each week who take the time to say good morning each day and talk with me about the goings on in your lives. You see my friends when it’s all said and done these are the things along with so much more that we care about. While we might spend some time pointing out the stupid shit we are made to endure they will not and cannot take away our “good things.”
Broken Record Time: I’ll keep it short and sweet (there I go again, self describing myself) FIX 2020 and let’s get to making more “good things” together!

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Be safe and remember to enjoy your own “good things” along the way.