Boy howdy as my friend Rip often says when in agreement. This broken brain ass-hat puppet pretend president is Mr. Incompetence. Seriously, can anyone tell me anything he does that shows even an ounce of competence? He can’t talk, he can’t walk, he can’t ride a bike and he sure as hell can’t lead. By way of his actions he has the common sense of a slug asking for some salt.
Every morning I do two things; First, I get a cup of coffee and then I say to myself, “Let’s see if pudding brain has started world war three yet.” True story. This idiot is so freaking out of control. He displays so much weakness and incompetence, I am just waiting to learn that China or Iran or pick a country has dropped a bomb on our asses. That’s my concern on the world stage. As it relates to the domestic stage, good grief…
So he lets China float a spy balloon all the way across the country and does nothing until they get what they want but those weather balloons, those experimental study balloons, they’ve got to come down! And to display his incompetence even further he shoots them down by flying billion dollar fighter jets with half million dollar missiles instead of a $50 bullet or a well crafted sling shot. And we, the American people, have to pick our nose for days on end wondering what the hell is going on before dipshit is finally forced to say something. He is the least transparent whatever he is, we’ve ever had. Of course I don’t know what I’m bitching about because when he does talk I don’t know what the hell he’s trying to say. Not to mention that I don’t believe it anyway. Weather balloons, science projects, how come the weather people aren’t pitching a bitch about their balloon being shot down? Why haven’t the science exploring balloon people, the universities or whomever come unglued that their projects were shot out of the sky? I trust nothing coming from this dumbass evil government of ours. Nothing!

Then, here comes the train derailment in Ohio. Toxins are flying through the air, on the ground and in the water. What do we hear about it from the nincompoops in Government, nothing. It took ten days before the chest feeder finally felt enough pressure that he had to speak about it and what does he say? It was Trump’s fault and by the way, there are over one thousand train accidents a year, so you know: no big deal. What’s all the fuss about? Meanwhile, can you even believe what the poor folks living there are going through? The water is ok now, the air is fine to breathe? For two solid years the very people who told them they better wear a mask and get boosters over fear of catching something with a 95% survival rate are now telling them the deadly toxins in the air and water is fine. When Ohio asks for emergency assistance broken brain turns them down. No FEMA for you! Is this what Mr. Incompetence means when he says “we need to give folks a little breathing room?” I can’t breathe just knowing he’s sitting in our White House. Well, at least the real President took the time to visit these Americans and no sooner than we hear Trump will go FEMA suddenly decides they’ll at least go take a look… rat bastards.

Needless to say, I am not a fan of this idiot. I wouldn’t put him in charge of the air pressure in my wheelbarrow. And the thing is there isn’t one serious person with any meaningful capabilities in the entire administration. Every last one of them is an incompetent bootlicking, diaper changing stooge. Every time they open their mouth stupid shit falls out of it. Sorry for the language but good Lord.
Now for broken record time, Nikki Haley throws her high heels in the 2024 race (which is odd because according to Don Lemon for brains she’s “not in her prime.” LOL. Oops.). This is followed by the twitter universe asking the dumb question, “Would you vote for Haley?” My personal favorite, the surveys, “who would you vote for, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence or Donald Trump?” Then the one that always makes my blood boil, especially when it comes from, and it always does, a so-called Trump supporter. “Do you think Trump can win?”
Obviously I have zero impact among the twit-land users because I don’t know how many times I have to beat this drum. I’m not gonna stop so they might as well listen up. “It doesn’t matter who runs for President in 2024”. Still to this day I hear folks talk about these candidates like they have some kind of chance at winning. They don’t, none of them. Not even my personal favorite and really the only one that should even be considered. Donald Trump. My friends know what I am about to say don’t you? “If we don’t fix 2020, our vote is meaningless.” If we don’t fix 2020 the evil doers decide who they want to be President. Just as they did in 2020, just as they will do in 2024 and every one of the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 need to focus on this fact.
I told someone the other day that I am just waiting until the “Red Wave” bullshit begins for 2024. Should be any day now. This will be followed by being told that we must show up at the polls en-masse! There needs to be so many of us that they (Democrats) can’t win even if they try to cheat.
En-masse huh, you mean like we did in 2020? You see, to even talk this way means you actually think Joe dumbass got 81M votes. Seriously, if you think your vote matters then you must believe broken brain got all those votes. The most ever! Remember? No! He did not get all those votes. I’m not going to go over all of that again but I am going to play the broken record over and over again. If we don’t fix 2020, the party’s over. We no longer have a country and our votes are meaningless. The minute we move off that fact we lose, we not only succumb to the cheating, we will have accepted it. The “only” thing we need to be doing en-masse is protesting 2020.
Finally, in my book, anyone who even leans in the slightest away from another Trump presidency is a part of the problem. What does one man have to do in order to earn uncompromising loyalty? As for those who say they don’t like the things he says or they find him offensive I would only say this, “Grow up!” If you want a leader that blows smoke up your ass then vote for Biden, or some other lifelong politician. You’ll have plenty to choose from, trust me.
Okay, I’ve rambled enough for one rant. Do y’all ever think a week will come where a train doesn’t run off the tracks or a balloon doesn’t take pictures of our silos, or 300 Americans a day don’t die from an open border bringing in fentanyl or that pudding brain doesn’t lie to our faces? You know, if we fix 2020 all this nonsense goes away. (That’s the DG drum you just heard.)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and a great week ahead. Thank you for putting up with me. Unlike Fetterman who was handed a seat in the US Senate and now enjoys a lifelong pension, I am not depressed. I am, however pissed. #Fix2020
Afternoon MrDan. I agree with every single stroke of your keyboard. Facts matter. This house starts off pretty much the same way. Pretty sad when we look at each other and say no you turn it on. Then we stare at the TV. No one making the move to hear what the hell FJB and his gang members have said or done.
Honestly if the fraudulent election of 2020 doesn’t get fixed not a damn thing will matter. You think this shit show is really bad right now ha. Ya better buckle up cause if 2020 isn’t fixed it’s gonna get dow right nasty.
And my friends you can take that to the bank!!
I’m late but I wished President Trump a happy Presidents Day yesterday.
Thank you MrDan for your hard work every single week trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel for us. We appreciate it more then you’ll ever know. Tucker and I are grateful knowing you !!
God Bless you and your family.
God Bless AMERICA the greatest country in the world.
#Fix2020 !!!!!!!
That whole “appreciate” thing? That there is what I call a “two way street” dear friends. Be well, we live to fight another day. #Fix2020 otherwise get in line…