Mr. Broken Brain gave his annual report on the union this week and well heck, all of this grief we’ve been feeling, all the lies we’ve been told, all the nonsense we’ve been forced to deal with, the corruption, the lack of justice, stolen elections, loss of loved ones, even these high prices we see every day and so much more are all going to be okay. The state of the union is strong because, and I quote, the American people are strong. End of quote. Yep, ole pudding brain after yelling at us for an hour proclaimed “help is on its way!” Whew. Sure glad to hear him say this because I was beginning to worry…

To be perfectly honest, I did not watch the whole speech. I started late and finished early. There’s only so much I can take of this rat bastard or watching the trained seals stand up and applaud this idiot after he said something not even they could understand which only added to my disgust. Obama was a prick (still is) but at least you could understand what in the hell he was saying. And during the rare occasion I was able to make out what Biden had said you can bet I didn’t agree with it and knew damn well it was a lie. As predicted the left wing media morons proclaimed the speech to be one of the greatest ever!

are great, masks work, the economy is strong, the laptop from hell is fake, Biden
got 81M votes, Ukraine is winning and the Chyna balloon was never a threat.
CNN huh… good Lord, be thankful friends you are not among the brainless who to this day still get their news from this idiotic network.
From what I saw of the speech, the best part of the whole thing happened when diaper boy accused the Republicans of working to dismantle social security. Even McCarthy couldn’t keep his game face on and the sane Republicans in the room broke decorum and boo’d the dip-shit. This was a much nicer reaction than the wife and I had when we heard it.

I saw people post “Do you support Majorie Taylor Green’s action?” I replied; What would you do if someone publicly accused you of something you didn’t do?” Oh I know it was the State of the Union held inside the capitol where everyone is supposed to be respectful and play by the rules. Be respectful and play by the rules? When is the last time you saw the Democrats do either of those? Was it during Trump’s first SOTU, hardly? How about the second SOTU? You know, when nasty tore up his speech, disgusting. We are way past respectful in this country and playing by the rules is what got us into this mess in the first place. The fact is that every American with a functioning brain cell should be calling out this filth of a government we’ve allowed to happen on our watch. These are some evil doers my friends and they are tearing this Nation apart. But, you already knew that.
Well at least we learned the economy is better than ever! 500,000 new jobs last month, wages higher than ever and everywhere we look things are being built back better… What? Those are his words not mine.

country and without blinking, tell us that things have never been better, par for the course. What is so aggravating is there are idiots in this country who believe it.
While buying eggs no less… Geez Louise we’re in trouble.

We are living in stupid times surrounded by stupid people.
Ok, that’s enough of the dumb-ass State of the Union. Needless to say, I wasn’t impressed and suspect you weren’t either. My guess is that most of you were smarter than I am and didn’t bother watching any of it. High five!
It’s not all been stupid this week. I’ve been enjoying hearing the Republicans in the House take some of these ass-hats to task during the hearings. They handed these twit people their hats and it’s great to see some of these FBI whistleblowers finally come out and speak. My favorite so far came from, of all people, Nancy Mace who asked one of the twitter communists who banned doctors for telling the truth about vaccines and masks, “Where did you go to medical school?” The former head of legal, policy, and trust at Twitter, Ms. Gadde replied “I did not go to medical school.” “That’s what I thought.” Mace replied. Mace who suffers from side effects from her second shot then asked “What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter has the medical expertise to censor a doctor’s expert opinion?” Before Gadde could spew her nonsense Mace slammed her “You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors, Stanford-educated doctors, doctors that are educated in the best places in the world.” I thought Mace really did a grand job during the hearing to expose the pure bullshit that these Twitter Hitlers committed in order to shut down important speech that people needed to hear. Lives depended on it and they took it away, just as they did so many other things. I was personally thrown in twit jail on a number of occasions for quoting doctors or even worse, quoting the CDC. These people need to be held accountable. They too played a role in people dying and for people who have now had their lives altered as they deal, like Mace herself, with the side effects.
Boy oh boy is there ever a lot of clean up to do in this country. The list is long, from the White House to the lab clear across the ocean, the FBI, CDC, DOE, lying congress people, the DOJ, the judges, as well as the blue state Governors and prosecutors alike. As I said, the list is long.
Are you ready for the broken record? None of it gets fixed without fixing 2020. My wife said to me the other day, “you keep saying that but, you never say how?” I was going to tell her I’ve been saying it but she hasn’t been listening but then I remembered I wanted to live a little longer so I told her; “the only ones who are going to fix 2020 are the people”. By our inaction we are all but giving our full approval of the election. No one, including me wants to get out in the streets and stay there until we are heard. We all want the Republicans to come to our rescue and fix it but they are a part of the problem too. Not all but most. They rarely even talk about the rigged election, much less do anything about it. They need to see us too. I simply don’t know any other way than for millions of us to get out of our comfort zones and pitch a full on bitch. Peaceful all the way even in light of the dangers we will face. Some will go to jail, some will be beaten, it won’t be pretty and it certainly won’t be fun but without fair elections what do we have? This isn’t a Trump thing, this is an American thing. Speaking of Trump, look what he has put himself and his family through. So that’s my story and unless someone else has a better idea, I’m sticking to it. #Fix2020. Can we at least tweet the hell out of that?
Having slept on the couch now for the last two days since answering my wife I hope to soon be able to return to our bedroom. LOL. I’m kidding of course, she is just like everyone else, she prays for the wrongs to be righted and she doesn’t want to see anyone put in harm’s way.
So my friends, we’ll keep pointing out the lies, we’ll keep beating the drum of truth and justice and plow our way forward the best we can. The truth always finds its way. The trouble is that it often takes a lifetime or more to reveal itself. In the meantime let us all focus on what’s most important, each other, our families and friends. Oh and how to make a damn 3 foot putt.
Have a great rest of your weekend, enjoy the super bowl if that’s your thing and remember everything is great!!! Pudding brain said so…
Good morning MrDan. Thanks for the weeks recap. And as always your spot on. I unfortunately did watch the entire state of the liar. But I had to promise Tucker I would not smash the TV. The TV doesn’t have a mark on it 😇
Sadly though my knuckles were white and I’m sure if I took it my BP would have been off the charts.
This evil un-human let the world know just how out of touch this administration is. Watching that bitch behind him clapping and gasping every time he said a real whopper lie made me want to 🤬🤬🤬 and to do unspeakable things.
When Gov. Sarah spoke brought my anger down a few notches. 🙏
For the life of me I’m not understanding what’s so hard about posting #Fix2020 every single post I’ve done the past week and I guarantee you I’ve done many I include #Fix2020.
I’ve gone to every single Republican email and their Twitter accounts and posted they need to fix this fraudulent election. The hard ones to find are the Judges email but I’m still working to get all of theirs.
I’ve drafted an email and snail mail letter to Donald J Trump. I’ll send it to your email before sending it off to him. Just to make sure I haven’t left anything out.
Keep beating the drum of truth and facts. And you and the Mrs know Tucker and I are doing the same.
Thanks for letting us know we’re not alone in this battle for life. God Bless you and this beautiful country.
Miss Jan & Tucker – So glad to hear the TV made it to live another day. And they say miracles don’t happen. lol
Glad you brought up Sarah. I couldn’t agree more and notice how calm she spoke. No yelling, no whispering, no arms waving around like a stoned monkey. Calm, cool and collective. And her message was spot on, these people are freaking crazy. Look forward to previewing your DJT letter. I’ll keep at it because I know you will too! You’ve never missed an opportunity to place #Fix2020 now, what’s it going to take to get the other how ever many millions to do the same? Grrr. As always THANKS for giving me your two cents here on the rant site. Have a nice Sunday guys.
The list is long indeed my friend. Thank you for putting it out there so well. The thought that this installed brain dead resident thinks that things are better than ever gives me the shivers and I don’t shiver easily. It just goes to show that this group has not the slightest idea what is going on in the country. As for getting out in the streets, you are absolutely correct, no one really wants to do that. If they did, they would have been out there already. Again, thank you for your efforts to keep on beating that drum. #Fix2020
Much appreciated brother Bernard!! We will endure. What choice do we have?
Mr. Garrison, I follow you on Twitter and read your post daily. I agree with everything you said about the state of the union. It’s pretty pathetic; the 25th amendment should have been used long ago. I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone, where a man could see accidents before they happen, and nobody would listen to him. Now we have people coming out in public saying that they want to castrate and mutilate children, and everybody agrees with them. What in the hell is going on? These people invent evil things, so bad things will happen and are destroying our nation one day at a time. It’s horrible to watch; keep shining the light, brother; I’ll do the same. Good day, my friend…@seanswader65
Sean – Thanks so much for reading and especially for posting on the site. It is truly great to see and hear from others who think alike. Gives us all some hope… When you stop and think about the things we find ourselves having to talk about nowadays it is down right disgusting and sadly, to a large degree, it’s our own fault for allowing these things to stand for even a minute. We on the right just want to be left alone to live our lives. We don’t protest and raise holy hell when we see something that we know isn’t right. We just shake our heads and keep moving. At some point something has to break because this path we are on is not good for anyone, even the insane. Thanks for following me on Twitter. My account is a fairly new account. My original was banned. For what I couldn’t tell you. 31K followers and friends gone after eight years. Frustrating to say the least. I saw that you retweeted the blog post, thanks for that as well friend. Yep, we’ll keep doing what we can brother. Have a great weekend and thanks again.