Good afternoon family and friends. I am finding myself in one of those moods where talking about the weekly nonsense seems useless because I’ve got nothing to report that you don’t already know. Even though there is always something that these evil morons in government have done that would make good commentary, it doesn’t always help to point them out. Point out the obvious that is, which in a nutshell is little more than complete insanity and a truck load of corruption.
The ongoing “you can’t make this shit up” dialog never ends with these people. Seriously, can you even believe the nonsense we are watching week after week? If you’re like I am, you see or hear this stuff and just shake your head, look up to heaven and say, really? For me, this is always followed by saying to myself, “90% or more of the people in this country don’t even know this or that it has happened.” Sometimes I wonder if they aren’t the smart ones. They just wander through life inside their tiny shells as happy as little clams. Biden, Trump, Ukraine, the border, laptops, classified documents, January 6th, insider trading, trans this, chest-feeding that, balloons, debt, eggs, inflation, interest rates, falling up stairs, ultra MAGA terrorist, train derailments, food plants on fire, blood clots, Fentanyl, rigged elections, vaccines that aren’t vaccines, China, Russia, Ray Epps, BLM, ANTIFA, reparations, 87,000 IRS agents: if you asked 90% of the country’s population about any of this, they wouldn’t have a freaking clue what the hell you’re talking about.

My guess, after they tell you “I don’t know” it would be followed by, “can I borrow a buck” or “are you going to want fries with your hamburger” Some of them will be wearing “Save our planet” t-shirts but none would be able to discuss what saving the planet means or could tell you what it is we are supposed to be saving it from. Then you have the 10% of the population that’s divided down the middle. One half watches CNN and The View and when you ask them what they think of the press secretary they’ll say; “she’s so cute.” By the way, as if you don’t know, all of these people get to vote. The other half will be able to, without giving it a second thought, list 20 or more insane things that have occurred in the last 24 hours. We get to vote too. Not that it matters apparently…
As for this week, Biden went to Ukraine on President’s Day instead of Ohio. “Yeah, what’s your point?” You’re either the half that never misses The View or the one wearing the save the planet t-shirt if that came as any surprise to you. The evil doers managed to take the classified documents debacle off the radar. No more discussion about spy balloons, nope, we are saving the world standing with Ukraine. In fact, little did you know, everywhere you look Americans are flying the Ukrainian flag to show their support and over 60% of all conservatives in the country support our continued funding of the war… No receipts necessary.

Meanwhile the other half, you and me, are not supportive of this fake war, nor do we support sending another dime to Ukraine and we pace the floor when we hear China and Russia are teaming up. Pudding Brain would have you believe the rest of the entire world stands with Ukraine and the US. Again, unless your favorite news guy is Don Lemonade you know that is just another lie. Not sure that’s true? Ask India how they feel about this war. Still in disbelief, to date, which country has donated the most to the war, the U.S. 10-1, of course? Funny isn’t it? One would “think” a US President would be more concerned, or hell, at least as concerned about our own border right? Not this guy. (Looking up at heaven again, shaking my head again, really?)

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant by discussing, briefly, and again, the Ohio train disaster. So, as y’all saw the real President went to Ohio on Wednesday and brought with him (coordinated) thousands of bottles of water and other needed supplies, supplies that the government under Ukraine-Brain didn’t bother sending. As I told you last week, the minute Trump announced his trip, FEMA suddenly decided to get involved too even though the administration said this type of thing is not something FEMA gets involved with. Did you know that FEMA has been at the border providing assistance to the illegal aliens? Yep, that’s strange because the border crisis isn’t a hurricane or tornado, or flood, or fire. You know, all the things, according to the fake administration that FEMA is normally involved with.
No sooner that we hear FEMA is going to help, Peter Pumpkin eater announces he’ll be going to and he did. This was important because as he said, he won’t be going for a photo op but to do the serious work in making sure this never happens again. Now if that doesn’t make you laugh then it is true, “I’ve got nothing!” LOL. Peter Buttplug and serious work. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny…

Speaking of The View, how about the un-joyful Joy Behar’s comment when she said that the people of Ohio got what they deserved for voting for Trump. This is when you say to yourself, “How can this evil bitch be employed by anyone and what type of people can watch that show?” really, really stupid ones. Those types…
The fake news was all up in arms because Trump brought water. I swear these people have no clue just how idiotic they sound. The best part for me was when Trump was talking about the water. He said something along the lines like; “You see most of the water is Trump water but we brought you some of the lesser quality water too though.” LOL the man is the ultimate promoter. I love it! He never misses an opportunity which of course is one of the things that some “so called” supporters dislike about him. Again, I love it.
Watching the people around Trump on the ground you could tell they were so happy to see him and so thankful that he came. As for Peter Pumpkin eater, not so much and in true fashion with this administration when asked a tough question he just kept walking as if he didn’t hear it. They are transparent though, transparently weak, afraid and without a drip of honesty. Any way, it’s always great to see what a real President looks like in these instances. After two plus years of dipshit it can be easy to forget.
Ok enough, broken record time. Trump won in 2020 and 2024 is 100% meaningless if the 2020 election isn’t fixed and anyone spending two minutes talking about who they will or will not support in 2024 is off topic. We had a United States Of America Presidential Election stolen right out from under our feet. Saying nothing, doing nothing about it is to accept it. Don’t accept it! I’m not kidding! Don’t make me come over there! LOL #Fix2020!!
Remember, we may have lost a few battles but we will not lose the war! Never give up, never give in. Accept nothing but the truth and call out every lie! Now, enjoy the rest of your weekend and best wishes to y’all for a good week ahead.