Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. Another week, another DG rant, and like the week before and the one before that, there is always something to make me want to go all batman on these idiots in government.
This week, on Thursday, when he was questioned about the classified documents, Pudding Brain said; “there’s no there, there.” Having listened to this ass-hat over the years my first reaction was to ask myself, “Is he talking about the void between his ears?” Because I gotta say, there most definitely is no there, there when it comes to his broken brain. Yep, the documents that he stole, and that’s exactly what he did are just no big deal. I mean if it was a big deal certainly the FBI would jump in and put yellow tape around the Biden home right? Nope, they’ve all decided to allow Biden to investigate himself. While his lawyers, who have no authority to look at classified documents had been granted the approval to search for any additional documents that Biden might have taken, the two biggest crime families on the planet, the FBI and DOJ wouldn’t even provide a copy of the search warrant they used to invade Trump’s home. And Trump had the right to the documents. Nah, nothing to see here. Just move along, stay in line, pay your taxes and trust what they tell you…

When Pudding Brain was asked to release the visitor logs of his home he said there are no logs to release. No logs huh? So anyone can just come and go, have access to the President of the United States without signing anything, showing ID, nothing. That sounds safe… it also sounds like another Biden lie. A few days later the secret service said they have kept track and are ready, willing and able to provide the list. Gee, you think we’ll ever hear anymore about that? Wonder which agent offered this and more importantly, I wonder what section of Siberia he’s now stationed at or worse, maybe he’s been put on Kami’s detail. I can hear him now “please, transfer me to Siberia.”
Then on Friday the Supreme Court let us know, after their long and in-depth investigation, they have been unable to determine who leaked the court’s decision on Roe v. Wade. Freaking government. Why in the hell is the Supreme Court investigating itself in the first place? Taking the lead from the Biden Administration I guess. They should be honest with us and just come out and say “we know who the leaker is and it’s none of your business America.” This is just like the Biden document fiasco and the January 6th committee fiasco. They do the crime, they investigate themselves and oddly enough, nothing is ever their fault. Weird…

What else happened this week? I got a kick out of all the debates about Alec Baldwin being charged. I saw many tweets asking if we thought it was fair. Like everything else, most people want to turn this into some big puzzling ordeal. My dad taught me, at a very young age, that every gun is loaded and I was to treat it as such. Pretty simple and very true and when followed will never result in an accidental shooting. I heard stupid arguments about how he didn’t load the gun and he said there wasn’t even supposed to be live ammo on the set. Again, treat every gun as if it is loaded. If you do that then you sure as hell aren’t going to be pointing it at someone and damn well better not be putting your finger on the trigger much less pulling it. Baldwin should be held responsible, period. And this has nothing to do with the fact I can’t stand the stupid SOB. BTW, how did the bullet get on the set? What did they do to get to the bottom of that? Have the actors conduct an investigation?
I am about done with this rant but I can’t finish without saying this government is so damn out of control and how it remains beyond frustrating. For the next several weeks we are going to hear how the world, as we know it, will soon come to an end if the debt ceiling is not raised. These idiots on the Hill will do what they always do. They’ll claim the seniors will no longer receive their social security checks, all the Federal workers will go without pay and their favorite, our troops will not receive their pay. Not giving them more money to waste will cause a National defense emergency. We will all be in grave danger and blah, blah, blah. I’ve got a crazy thought, how bout they stop sending billions to Ukraine. How bout they not drain the petroleum reserve filled with $20 a barrel oil with $80 dollar per barrel oil. How bout they close the border and stop feeding, clothing, educating and providing medical care to the illegal invaders? How bout you stop buying billions of dollars worth of useless vaccines that don’t work? And how about shutting down all these useless government agencies that do nothing for the good of the country or the people?

Broken record time: None of this gets fixed and in fact only gets worse until such time we take back control of our so called government. Today this isn’t our government, we are merely unpaid employees, more like slaves whose only role is to work and pay taxes so these idiots can do as they please.

Priority one is to fix our elections because as you know, and as President Trump has said, without fair elections we have no country. They do not fear us thus we have no say, no power, and no means for positive change. We all need to be beating the drum of Liberty, we need to demand our voices are heard and we must never, ever turn our backs and walk away from this challenge. Yell at the top of every roof, in every town, in every state, in every city, from Main Street to Wall Street. Our country, our elections. Fix 2020 so this long road to recovery can begin.

Y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead you hear! Side by side and back to back friends. United We Stand!
End of broken record. Well, until next week anyway.
Hey Dan,
While I enjoy your post every week, I cannot help having the following observations and opinions:
1). In my opinion I think everyone who shares our views knows and believes fixing the 2020 “election” (and those before and those that will follow) is a bad dream. Won’t happen and I’m willing to bet the farm on it. There’s zero to be gained by the self-serving corrupt puppets to do anything about it-not going to happen. Look at the Rockefeller quote in your blog…. #impeach”our”
2). I’ve been saying the same thing for 50 years; how is it possible that in a country of 350M people our choice for presidential elections comes down to smashing our thumb with a hammer or getting an eye poked out? Now I understand it’s not about the paltry salary or even a position whereby you get to be drunk with power. It’s clearly a play to put the most controllable moron in the oval office and we currently have the 5 Star, Gold Medalist best example of just that right now.
3).What’s the very first thing a government does before squashing The People? That’s right-disarm them. Now, I’m going to throw something out there that sounds like insanity and/or something a conspiracist would say (of which I’m neither) so here goes; do any of you think it’s possible all these mass shootings that have been taking place could be government sanctioned? I know just the thought of our government orchestrating the killing of unarmed women and children is unthinkable and repulsive. However, what better way to bolster support for gun control measures aimed at the predominantly sheep-like public that believe their “government” can do no wrong? I truly hope I’m wrong but look what happens following virtually every single mass shooting-mass support for gun control. My guess is outlawing knives and hammers is also on the agenda given the recent killings in Idaho and “attempted murder” of Mr. Pelosi (as he was screaming, “No! No! No!…she’s in the other room!!!).
4).Lastly and most important; save your votes, peaceful protests and writing your congressmen as all 3 of those futile attempts to get anything done is equivalent to pissing in the wind. Go fishing or for a bike ride or walk in the countryside instead. At this point THE only thing that has any chance at all of effecting change in our supposed “by the people, for the people government” is a full on revolution-period. Words/votes/letters/protests have proven to be of zero help to our cause and will never change-at least in my lifetime.
Thanks for caring Dan-wish more did.
I hear ya brother, trust me I do. I push the “fix 2020” not with any real hope it will be done but to make sure no one forgets the election was rigged and we will continue to lose for as long and until we fix them. I also harp on it because I want to be clear to the evil doers that we know it was rigged, we know they cheat. Not that any of them hear or see me but certainly that’s the case if we all just, as you said, and as inviting as it sounds, go fishing. Although that thought comes to mind about, I don’t know, every five minutes… Sometimes I feel like just walking away. Which as you know, is exactly what they want. As for the mass shootings, yes, I find it pretty remarkable that most of these seem to happen at the same time something didn’t go the way our beloved asshats in government wanted. Case in point this week with the shootings as more documents are found at pudding brains house… Makes you wonder. And another yes is they want us disarmed, it’s one of their main goals. Once that happens turn out the lights because the party is over. I still maintain that millions, MILLIONS of Americans in the streets peacefully protesting and not leaving no matter how many are arrested, no matter how many are bloodied in the streets, until the government is forced to change. Let the news network show Americans being arrested and man handled while the citizens remain peaceful. That’s a big operation that would take some real leadership to pull off. Our people don’t appear to have this within them. There have been so many things guys like you and me would have thought would have driven the people into the street yet, here we are. I still say, the only mistake we made on January 6th was that we left. Yes there shouldn’t have been a breach into the capitol but the Feds set that up not the people. There were paid actors inside that large group of good Americans. Thanks as always Dave for weighing in. Much appreciated and helpful to the ongoing conversation.
Good dummery as always.
Much appreciated brother Bernard.