As many of my closest friends know I came down with a cold/flu on Thursday which laid me down for three days. My wife and I were perplexed as to where I caught the bug until suddenly it became obvious, it was all that drama over the House Speaker that drove me to a 36 hour binge of Nyquil, chicken soup and sleep. Lord knows it was a week filled with plenty of bugs. Had I listened to the CDC and wore a mask I could have avoided catching all the political nonsense, or not.
When you think about it, we finally controlled the narrative and you could say, not in a good way but actually there was some good in it. To have such things as border security, term limits and 72 hours to give members time to read bills become the talking points, even for a brief moment was a good thing. Now, whether or not any of these become reality is well, a whole other thing.

I found the whole process to be quite perplexing (word of the day.) While all of us are pro-Trump most of us kept our mouths shut when we learned he was in favor of McCarthy becoming Speaker. Oh there were a few minor comments on it but mostly the issue was avoided, but when MTG came out in favor of McCarthy that wasn’t the case. Prior to this she was among the most beloved Trumpers of we the people but the people turned on her so fast you would have thought she was best friends with Liz Chaney or something. While she was having her hat handed to her by the millions on twitter you have to give her credit, she didn’t blink. To some, that only added fuel to the fire. Knowing what we all know of McCarthy, the fact both Green and Trump stuck with him was, for me anyway, perplexing to say the least. I think Trump got a pass on his stance only because he has delivered for us whereas MTG up to this point has only talked the talk. She’s delivered nothing.
I tend to fall back on what I’ve always said, there is no perfect human and that includes President Trump and in this case MTG. I want to think MTG was simply all in on the Trump endorsement and wasn’t budging and as for Trump, I want to believe he knows something that we don’t. Certainly he is well aware of McCarthy’s previous statements and lackadaisical performance. If there is one thing we can agree on when it comes to our favorite President it’s that his choices in people haven’t always been great. Thus enters the “there is no perfect human” comment. This Government is one big chain of events filled with every kind of snake you can come up with. The moving parts are mind boggling and to weave in and out of the snake pit without being bitten is a task that appears to be insurmountable at best. Perhaps Trump knows in order for him to be successful at securing the Republican nomination he has to keep the clothes pin on his nose as it relates to some of these swamp dwellers. Like I said, I find the whole thing perplexing.
The other thing we learned is that the 19 or so conservatives who held out and who made their voices heard were the real deal. Again, while all of them are Trump supporters they came out swinging on the side of America liberty, Trump or no Trump they weren’t having anything to do with the status quo and be damned with the party if necessary. We can argue all day long if their approach was good or bad but, what we can’t argue about is where they stand. They want change and they made their voices heard. For that I give them 23 DG points for standing up for what they believe in. You see, unlike the Left where everyone simply bows before the grand nasty lady, the Republicans have members who actually have minds of their own. And, we have some folks who have actually read and understand the Constitution which is something you won’t find over there on the dark side. For them it’s hail to the nasty leader of the House. Well, they can continue their pre-programmed drone like thinking all they want but the reality is, nasty is on the sideline now and that my friends is the best part of this whole thing. McCarthy is a dip shit but he’s ours and is a million times better than that woman who’s been trying to steal Dorothy’s slippers (Our liberty).
I’ll wrap this Speakership thing up by simply saying, I am glad it’s over. In a perfect world all that bickering and airing of dirty laundry would have been done well in advance behind closed doors but you know what? Haven’t we all had about enough of behind closed doors crap with this government? Most Americans will say we (Republicans) made fools of ourselves this week and in many ways they aren’t wrong. Like it or not, this government of ours is so screwed up and so riddled with filth I’m surprised they ever came to an agreement on anything. Now we move forward with our eyes wide open standing ready to point out even the slightest deviation from the promises made by McCarthy and the new Republican majority. We’ve more than had our fill of talk. The time for action is upon us/them. To the newly elected members of the House I can only say “welcome to the rat infested government, good luck!”
Finally, the other good to come out of this ordeal in the House was that we didn’t send another dime this week to Ukraine and January 6th came and left without much of a peep. Oh, the state run media tried to make a big deal out of the anniversary of the great, as they like to put it, day of insurrection but the majority of Americans paid little mind to it.

I’ve maintained the only thing that went wrong on January 6, 2020 was the fact we left. It was impressive and hopeful to see so many of our fellow Americans in DC on that day in support of the President we all know won the election. The only insurrection that occurred that day was by the government tripling down on their hold of our Liberties. After overthrowing our election they doubled down by setting up a fake narrative that these peaceful and unarmed Americans were somehow attempting to overthrow their government. It was simply another case of “accuse others for what you in fact do,” and half of the nation bought it. Well, 10% of the nation bought it 10% threw the bullshit flag and 90% couldn’t tell you what day of the week it is.
For two years the America hating Left put on their little one sided dog and pony show with only one goal in mind, Trump is bad.

This wraps up what I have to say about this week’s adventures my friends. I continue to be amazed by all the talking points we are told we must tackle in this country. Even the 19 or so conservatives who stood out this week but in the end most came around to the status quo aren’t talking about the real and most important issue of our time, the 2020 election. While we hear the repetition of the border, the economy, Ukraine, the laptop, fentanyl, China, Russia, Iran, genders and the like, it is and always will be all about the 2020 election. That should be the “only” thing the nation is focused on for until such time that is fixed nothing else will be.
As you can see, I too can be repetitive… Like a broken record. Fix 2020 and the rest of the nonsense will go away. Quickly.
Wishing y’all a great rest of your Sunday and week ahead. Remember it’s been a good week because that Nasty woman is out. Now let’s see if McCarthy stands by his word… Don’t stop breathing. #FixIt