Goodbye 2022

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t imagine any of you having a problem letting go of 2022. Perhaps (hopefully) by the good grace of God something good happened in your personal lives in ’22. I promise you there was nothing good to write home about when it came to neither the blood-sucking Government nor the mindless drones who continue to consume their daily dose of propaganda. We always say “there are more of us than them” but I’m not so sure. I’ve got no way of proving it but my guess is that 80% of the people we call fellow Americans don’t have a clue where the sun sets, much less about Hunter’s laptop. This lack of engagement is just one of the reasons we find ourselves in the position we are in. Let’s face it the clean-up in this country far extends beyond just the government. Aisle’s 2, 5, 8 and 13 need help too. Don’t feel bad, I don’t know what that means either. Just know we’ve got a mess all over the place needing to be cleaned up.

When I think back over this year the only thing that I can say the government accomplished was to spend a whole hell of a lot of our wealth. In fact, they spent more than we have. What else is new right? If you were to ask me what they did, specifically, for the betterment of the American people or the country for that matter I’d be hard pressed to come up with an answer. It truly was a year designed to further degrade this beautiful country of ours. Although they did a great job naming the many spending bills so the drones would “think” the bills were all about helping them, the truth is, none of them do nor will they ever do a single positive thing for “We The People” or our once great Nation. While all those in office continue to enrich themselves, we work to keep our heads above water so we can live to fight another day.

Maybe there aren’t more of us than them but look at us! Who’s better prepared for whatever the future may bring? I’ll take common sense over that Harvard degree any ole day of the week. So what if I can’t spell. I can change a flat tire, start a fire and shoot a squirrel from 50 yards. You know, if it doesn’t move. 🙂 And I sure as hell know which
bathroom to use.

Probably, the 2nd or 3rd most frustrating thing to watch this year was that rigged up January 6th BS. All that time wasted doing everything they could think of to degrade the President, all that American Taxpayer money spent on their Hollywood fiction and what did they accomplish, nothing. Those idiots and their paid for media actually thought they were going to turn millions of patriots away from President Trump? They somehow thought by installing Trump hating, RINO sucking Cheney and cry baby Adam that we’d view this sham as legitimate? It was just another example of how stupid they think we are. An entire year of ass-hats posting “we’ve got him now!” resulting in another full year of utter failure and why? Because the man did nothing wrong except to try his best to save us from the very things that we are now enduring. A fake, rigged up Washington playhouse that is literally killing this country.

When I think of the anguish this ass-hat chairman of this dumbass committee went through having been forced to write this letter I, well, smile. Now throw them all in jail for spending a year on our dime telling lies and deceiving the American people.

The stupidity never ends though and it won’t for as long as we have this installed toilet bowl of a man pretending to be the leader of the free world. I cannot think of anything more insulting than watching him load up his entire family, including his crack smoking, corrupt, child predator of a son Hunter and fly off in our airplane to beautiful St. Croix to yet again vacation. The idiot has been on vacation for two solid years for Christ’s sake. The best we can hope for is that he never returns.

Remember that time Ted Cruz accompanied his family to Mexico to make sure they got their safe and settled and then came right back to help the Texans during a storm? Remember the outrage from the media and the Left (same thing)? Where’s that outrage now? The Media… we have no media. We have paid actors reading off the DC script. May the beach waters be clear and warm Joey and the sharks plentiful. You’ll fee right at home.

Speaking of going on vacation, remember that time Biden did a town hall on CNN (Certainly Not News) and was asked about going to the border? He said in response “I probably should go to the border but, the truth of the matter is, I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time” End quote. Remember how CNN’s moderator, Anderson Cooper pushed back on that answer by saying, “okay Mr. President let’s take some more questions from the audience”. Idiots…

How’s that for pouring salt in the wound? It’s bad enough that POS bill was passed in the first place. You know which bill I’m talking about right? You know it, it’s the one no one has read… Then they put it on a plane and fly the piece of crap to St. Croix so pudding brain doesn’t have to miss a minute of his vacation to sign it into law, all courtesy of we the taxpayer. This must have been an emergency… for Ukraine…

I don’t know friends. It’s just one shit show after another if you ask me. By all appearances we are ending this year just as we started it. Fighting for the truth to be told, hoping for real justice to appear, and pushing aside all their attempts to change the subject. One day it’s Ukraine they’d have us focus on, the next it’s climate change, then over to racism, then doubling back to COVID, boosters and masks and yep, back to Ukraine. They want us talking about anything other than what we want to talk about. The freaking 2020 rigged election. Well, the Republicans are about to take over the House and they are promising to hold hearings on just about everything but what is the root cause of all the things we suffer from today, the freaking rigged 2020 elections. “We’re going to yank Fauci in for questioning” fine, great, hate the evil little bastard but what about the election? “We will get to the bottom of what really happened on January 6th.” Super, the truth needs to be told but there wouldn’t have been an issue on January 6th had the 2020 election been conducted fairly. For two full years now we’ve sat idly by not hearing a peep out of the GOP or these rat bastard Republicans in Congress talk about the rigged election. Oh sure, there are three or four maybe but that’s about it. As the broken record I am, I WANT THE 2020 ELECTION FIXED!! And I am beyond tired of waiting. Please, I am begging you. Don’t make me put that on my tombstone. #Fix2020

Well my friends that’s about that. I truly am looking forward to putting this non-productive, rat filled filth of a year to bed. I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I am however, as many of you know, a big fan of the saying “Doing always beats saying.” Let’s get some “doing” going shall we? Let 2023 be the year we hoot and holler the truth until they evil doers can’t take it anymore. Let’s make sure we leave no doubt in the minds of the Leftist, America hating world that we ain’t going away. Call us what you want, accuse our President until your heads fall off, we aren’t budging an inch. They’ll keep pushing for sure and there will come a time where either they stop or the thin red line is crossed for millions of Americans. Not just me and you but millions and like in Brazil we shall be ready, willing and able to step over that line and take this country back. Remember, this is our country and soon, I hope, we’ll start acting like it. There are small cracks in the government dam, let us all do our part to open them up and let the truth come flowing out.

Sending each of you my best for a happy, prosperous, healthy and safe New Year. Thank you for being my friends and putting up with a year-long drivel of DG rants.