Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. If you thought by reading the title I was going to write some clever Christmas poem, well, you thought wrong. My words flow together like oil and water. Much like nasty Nancy speaking as she does double time attempting to keep her teeth in her mouth or like Biden when he’s trying to talk about, you know, the thing. Well, a poet I’m not, a truth teller I am. If you disagree with my thoughts, that makes you a snot. (told you.)
About the only positive that I saw leak out of the filth this week was that the judge overseeing the Kari Lake case is still, at least, listening. As y’all know by now, I have about as much faith in these judges as I do Biden admitting he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Like so many things over these past several years, what seems so obvious to the rest of us is somehow turned upside down and thrown to the side. Clearly the Arizona election was a cluster (you know what) from the start. That said, based on the past, it’s difficult for me to believe the sewer dwellers will allow that election to be overturned. They know if they allow that all hell will break loose regarding the big steal in 2020. Can’t have any of that don’t ya know. God Bless Lake, It doesn’t appear she’s got any quit in her. Love it!
It is pretty difficult for me to point to ‘the’ one thing that chapped my skinny ass the most this week. Between making Trump’s tax returns public, the BS criminal referral from the J-6 fraud unit, to that big fat stuffed pig they call Omnibus right up to GI Joe waving the Ukraine flag inside our Capitol as all the paid monkeys stood and cheered, I’d say it was just another week standing on the sidelines watching a government that clearly is not of or by the people. You’d have to be seriously mentally ill not to see that our Government is no longer ours. We are indeed being ruled and what’s worse, we really don’t even know by whom. It sure as hell ain’t broken brain Biden and I don’t buy into the idea it’s Hussein Obama either. I’m sorry but, he just isn’t all that bright either. It’s gotta be the same guy who invented the slot machine…

When Turtle brain went to the microphone earlier this week and said that Ukraine was their number one priority, I thought I was going to blow a cork. It’s not that these people are out of touch with the American people it is that they simply don’t give a shit about us. This Ukraine debacle is the biggest money laundering scheme ever. This thing makes that FTX dude look like the kid who stole my soda bottles I was saving up from the side of the house. It makes me so damn mad I could and do, spit every time I hear the word Ukraine.
Then Mr. Letter writer himself, Lindsey Graham comes out from under his rock and says GI Joe’s speech to congress was the most inspirational speech he had ever heard. I suggested he go back and read President Trump’s speech at the last state of the union speech. You know where he talked about all the America first things he had done and all those he still intended to do. You know the speech where he introduced a 100 year old WW2 vet and only half the room stood and cheered. Oh man, friends, this shit is going to be the death of me. These people… I swear they all should be lined up and shot. Traitorous bunch of sons-of-bitches and as it relates to Graham I want to emphasize the word bitch.
Anyone who thinks one man is going to turn this rat infested government of ours around is out of their mind. It will take him and every last one of us to get that job done and I don’t even know if that’ll get it done. I do know there is only one way to know for sure and that’s by trying. As long as we all sit ideally by, the filth will only grow and soon I invite you to picture the worst nightmare imaginable and then double that because that’s where this country is headed if we don’t get up off our asses and revolt! Yeah yeah, peacefully of course… Dear Lord, we really, really could use your help about now.

After this pig bill was passed in the Senate I’ve seen a lot of good folks on Twitter say, “I’ll never send another dime to the GOP!” To that I say, what the hell were you thinking to send them any money in the first place? Have you been under a rock for the last 6 years? I can actually count on one hand the number of Republicans in congress I “think” I like and trust. And their one eyelash away from doing something stupid to cause me to disown them too.
Now reading over what I’ve said so far it appears this omnibus nightmare is the winner of the “DG pissed me off the most” award after all. It’s one of those IN YOUR FACE we don’t give a shit about you things… you know what I mean? Seriously they have millions for the protection of other countries’ borders but not ours? They do this while making Arizona remove the box cars they used to block our border? I shit you not. These are some evil mother suckers we are dealing with.
Okay, okay, calm the hell down Danny Boy… After all, it is Christmas Eve. Ho, Ho, Ho.

Well there you have it, another week, another rant and tonight Santa comes for a visit. You know, unless you’ve been naughty or the reindeer go on strike demanding better hours. One last thing, sorry. After having read this rant don’t you think for one second that we won’t overcome this mess because we will. Remember friends, our country not theirs. In the end we win because truth always prevails. Always!
When I was 5 or 6 years old on Christmas eve Mom, Dad, my two brothers, grandpa and I went to my sister’s house for dinner. She lived within walking distance from our house. By the way, because she’s reading this, she is my “older” sister, I am her much ‘younger” brother. LOL. Trust me, she’s yelling at me right now. Love you sis! Anywho, our whole family was together at sis’s house for a Christmas Eve dinner! I have no clue what she served. I only know that whatever it was, it was goooood! When we finished, upon entering our living room back home there where two brand new bikes sitting in the middle of the room in front of the Christmas tree, one for me and one for my older brother. Mine was red, his was silver and black. I was out of my mind happy! It was on that Christmas Eve I knew without any doubt there is a Santa Claus. There had to be because my entire family was at my sister’s house leaving no one else to deliver those bikes but Santa. It will always be a Christmas I will never forget!
I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas memory you’ll never forget too and if by odd chance you don’t then make it so starting right now! Christmas has always been a wondrous time in my family. Most were spent with the very <wink> “older” sister I mentioned earlier. I’ll argue all day long that no one puts together a Christmas like my sis. While I won’t be with her this year she knows without me saying, I love her, miss her and always thinking of her. Merry Christmas sis and to all of you. It’s impossible for me to say it any louder. I wish each of you a most wondrous Christmas. May your home be warm, your table filled with all your favorite eats and your Christmas stocking filled with a few wonderful treats. God Bless y’all and yep, God Bless America.
Good afternoon MrDan. We looked so fed to this weeks rant. And like always we weren’t disappointed.
We did giggle a few times. Thank the Good Lord were not snits. Whew.
Every word you wrote is fact. We feel the exact same way.
As for AZ. I think I heard the judge didn’t the job he’s being paid for. I think we all thought the same as you. How could they allow that cluster F the everything they’ve worked so hard at will be destroyed. I think she’ll make an amazing VP. Just saying.
Over the course of these years I kept saying it bary from Kenya’s 3rd term. Okay I stand corrected with you saying over and over “Jan” the mans not smart enough. I agree it goes well above his pay grade. He’s just another monkey in this circus.
We’re on the same page with what that scum turtle said. I cant tell you how much I hate that pc of scum because it surely will ruin my Christmas. But everything you said is fact.
Agree we’re all in it to win it. Reading your playful banter with your sister. We’re taking a guess that you may be the spoiled baby of your clan. Don’t worry MrDan Allen is to his older brothers call him the special child.
With this year coming to a welcomed end. What’s in store for us all is going to be an up hill battle. But one worth winning. Merry Christmas to you and Cathy and your entire family. Have an amazing New Year.
God Bless our Police Officers
God Bless our brave Military
GodBless our Firefighters and EMTS
God Bless this Amazing Country.
Miss Jan and the special one! I did hear the news about AZ and got absolutely zero pleasure about being right. There’s simply no trust in these judges or justice system anymore. Between them and the media the battle becomes so much more difficult. We truly are “on our own” it would seem. That election was a carbon copy of 2020. Hobbs didn’t even campaign just as pudding brain didn’t. She/they didn’t have to, they had the machines on their side and the judges too. Beyond maddening.
Obama, another monkey in the circus? Perfect. He certainly plays his role well… As for the Republicans, what a useless bunch of cowards. As for me, you’ve got it wrong. My sister has always chosen the term “spoiled brat!” lol. Obviously I, like Allen I’am sure, have no clue where these people come up with these names. Angles are more accurate. God forgive me for telling a lie on Christmas Eve.
Wishing you guys the very best for Christmas Jan.Loved seeing your Christmas wishes to all the patriots. I made sure to retweet each one of them. Thanks for your kind words and lasting friendship. Blessings.