Good afternoon family and friends. On Friday, December 16, 1776 American Patriots tossed 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest British taxation. You know, or you should know, the rest of the story. Fast forward to today – Patriots would like to throw a lot more than tea into the harbor although to be honest, I’d be happy if we’d throw something, anything overboard because this government and sadly a whole hell of a lot of citizens have gone completely off their rockers. The government has gone rogue on we the people and half the population have popped the lids off the city sewers walking around like zombie freaks spewing their filth wherever they go.
Whew – can I just leave it there and call it a day? Remember when I would say these rants are more for me to release my frustrations than anything else? Yeah, well, that ain’t working.
Let’s see, what made up the good bad and ugly this week;
Pudding brain had a big celebration at the White House over the respect for marriage act. First off, for the majority of Americans that was a “whatever” moment. The idiot-n-chief for some unknown reason felt the need to celebrate and sign an act that had already been done during the last idiot-n-chief’s administration, Mr. Drama Obama. And can someone please tell me why in hell they invited some drag queen to the stupid event? No seriously, explain to me what a drag queen, who makes it her/his business to hold events for young children has to do with respect for marriage? Furthermore, why are we discussing respect for marriage in the first place? It’s a freaking out of control, filthy clown world. Forget the tea, throw her/him/it overboard and do it at the same time she’s hugging pudding brain.
It was disappointing to me to see a number of Trump supporters have such a melt down over his digital playing cards ad. I get it, I guess but really some of the posts were over reactions, one of those times where the mouth gets ahead of the brain. For a brief time they let emotions get the best of them. For the most part though, they returned to let us all know they still support the President. I suppose there is an argument to be made that the super hero cards diminished his real message which is telling us what he would do to crush censorship among the evil doers, not only these social media outfits but these ABC government evil doers too. You put the two together and, well, it ain’t pretty folks. For the life of me I’ll never understand people who somehow think it is unimaginable that Trump could say something stupid, or make any errors at all. He’s not a freaking God, he’s a human and as smart as he is, he’s gonna screw up now and then. Besides, it’s not as though the freaking RNC is going to fund his candidacy. I suspect he’s trying to fill up the wallet for his campaign. Everyone is making fun of it, that’s fine. Watch, in 20 years those goofy cards will be worth thousands. If everyone will just operate off of results instead of emotions they’d be less likely to get caught up in the non-important factors of the Trump world. The man couldn’t fit his ego inside a football stadium. That’s just one of the things that make him so bold and unafraid. As a matter of information, his card promotion didn’t make me even blink and for what its worth, they sold out that night.

It truly amazes me, although I don’t know why I say that, how the media can simply ignore the whole Hunter Biden laptop story. If you flip through the channels of the mainstream media you’ll still see nothing about this. The government literally hid and continues to hide the facts that this family is little more than a crime family who have been selling this country out for years. Drama Obama knew about it, the FBI knew about it, the CIA knew about it and so did the freaking left wing anti-American state run media. And yet, here we are knowingly allowing a guy to sit in our
White House who didn’t win an election and watching as he destroys everything in his wake. This is no longer our country. We simply are occupying space and sending our money to the crime syndicate who operates under the disguise of the U.S. Federal Government. You know what? I wish Trump was superman. Do that thing with his eyes to melt these evil doers to a point where they flow back down into those sewer drains from which they came. And then weld those lids down tight. Do it Mr. President! Go all super hero on them! LOL

On the bright side of things how about Musk? His pronoun’s “prosecute/Fauci” or whatever they were, were awesome! And then this week suspending these ass-hats calling themselves reporters was, well, priceless. Watching the Left melt down over this makes his $8 a month blue-bird special nearly worth it. These people on the left are so friggin’ clueless. We’ve been suspended for telling the truth while these evil sons-a-bitches are tracking his kid down in real time and posting it. I am all for free speech, say whatever the hell you want, it’s your right. That doesn’t give anyone the right to endanger anyone. If I say Biden is a pudding head, or I say Trump won the election it isn’t a threat, it doesn’t endanger anyone. Yet, I am pretty sure I was suspended for it. These idiots are posting live location of the man and his family. That’s a recipe for harm. By the way, I’d feel the same way no matter who it was, even nasty Nancy or that racist Mad Max or lyin’ Shifty Schiff or pick-a-name. You know, one of the names that have publicly called for harm to be committed against us red hats. The hypocrisy has no limits.

Okay friends let’s wrap this thing up. While we continue to endure the insanity going on around us, weather that is the gender bullshit, the climate change one world order, give up your cars and send us your money, how great it is that inflation is now only 7.1% which as y’all know is nothing more than a big fat government lie, sending our tax dollars to Africa so they stop mining for coal which if I had to guess, they’ll take the millions pudding brain gives them and put it toward mining more coal only to then sell it back to us for double the price, 10% for the big guy of course or the media continuing to ignore the fact that our country has been taken away from us we shall endure, we shall overcome. While thousands upon thousands of illegals invade our southern border and parents worry about their kids being subjected to filth in their schools, we again I say, we will, somehow, someway win in the end. You’ve heard me say it over and over again, super hero or not, one man will not be able to get this job done. He can lead, he can hint as he does all the time but in the end, it is only we, the 70+ million who can turn this mess around. The question always remains the same, will we? I want to believe we will. Y’all keep your heads down and nose to the grindstone. Keep pointing out the truth, even after they try to shut you down. Keep exposing the lies even though they call you out. Our country, our voices, our time. Never ever give up and never stop trying to be heard. You make a difference, we make a difference. March on friends! I’m right beside you.