Good afternoon family and friends. Despite all the garbage we are being made to endure I sincerely hope this week’s rant finds y’all doing well. As we all get busy preparing for Christmas we are reminded, at the end of any given day, what is most important are our families and friends. While these weekly rants are, well, rants don’t be confused by them. My family and my friends remain the only things that really matter to me. I rant in order to release my frustrations over the idiotic filth we are made to put up with in the country. What I’ve learned over time is that many of you share my frustrations and find some relief knowing you are not alone in your thinking. Misery loves company right? Ha, ha! I so glad you’re here!
I’ve got a few things bugging me today. After we had the 2020 election stolen from us, our narrative became “Fix 2020”. With each passing day, despite all our screaming and hollering to fix 2020 it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen. Then the narrative turned to 2022, we were going to show them (the Left) the country had had enough. The big red wave was going to sweep in and recapture both the House and the Senate. Republicans vowed to turn out big and send our message loud and clear. We couldn’t count on the media to set the record straight, the courts have been of no help at all and certainly we knew Congress was going to be useless in our endeavor to right the wrongs. You can throw the GOP into the basket of uselessness too.
Then the big red wave turned out to be not so big. We did manage to secure a small majority in the House and the Senate was never really in play. Like always, the talking heads and completely worthless polls assured everyone the red wave was real and the message was clear, Americans are done with the nonsense on the Left. When that didn’t happen the narrative turned to, “well, you have to run good candidates if you expect to win.” This is especially the case with Walker and Oz. The point being we lost those races, and others, because the candidates were weak. Trumps fault don’t you know… Wrong!
Now I am beginning to hear the rhetoric that 2024 will be the end all of end alls. The country will cast pudding brain aside like a soiled pair of underwear and once again re-elect our great President Trump or if you are among the people who want Washington to remain the good ole filth club, the anyone but Trump club, Ron DeSantis. (That’s Dan’s way of saying “I ain’t leaving Trump”)
To all of this I say NO! It’s all bullshit and nothing has changed. All roads continue to remain right where we started. FIX 2020. For as long as we have cheating in our elections nothing else matters. To those out there that say Walker lost because he wasn’t a good choice, that say Oz lost because he wasn’t a good choice I ask, is that why Kari Lake lost? How about this, is that why John Fetterman won, because he was a good candidate? What about Joe “pudding brain” Biden’s win, was it because he was a good candidate? Because he ran such a “great” campaign with a message all of America loved… NO!! I hear others say that in 2024 we are going to take the gloves off and play their (the Left) game. We will push for early voting, we will put drop boxes in every republican district throughout every state. We will encourage voting by mail, we will show them, we’ll beat them at their own game. NO! It doesn’t matter how we vote, how often we vote for as long as in the end the evil cheating doers decide which votes count and which votes don’t count, we lose. America loses. These people are like the magician holding a deck of cards. “Pick a card, any card!” So there you have it friends. We either Fix 2020 or we continue to wallow in the filth. We fix 2020 or our voices remain muted. We either Fix 2020 or the Government will continue to have no fear of we the people and if they have no fear at the ballot box then, well, you see how that’s working out… No matter the cost we simply MUST fix 2020.

Now, I’ll spend little time on this but let the record show that DG couldn’t possibly be more embarrassed or pissed off that broken brain, ice cream licking, child showering Biden traded the world’s biggest arms dealer for a law breaking, America hating pretend woman basketball player while a United States Marine remains behind Russian bars. The days of “we never leave our people behind” are so long gone. It’s disgusting and just more of the same. I can’t even begin to imagine how those serving in the Marines are feeling. This is the kind of crap we can expect when we send a mouse into the lions den. Putin doesn’t respect Biden nor does he fear him. And why should he.

What else did we learn this week? You know, other than an America hating basketball player is more important than a Marine? Well, we learned that there are more important things going on in this country than that stupid open border. Oh sure millions of illegals are pouring in over the border, and yes it’s true they are bringing drugs with them that have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, it’s also a sad fact that human trafficking is occurring each and every day, and children are being left for dead on the banks of the Rio Grande.
All of this while millions of American citizens are struggling to put a roof over their own head, feed their own families, get the medical attention they need or even afford a good education all of these things are being given to illegals by, yes, you guessed it, the unimportant taxpayer. Nevertheless, there are more important things going on. Pudding Brain said so… You know, like our investment in a major chip manufacturing company in Arizona. How much y’all want to bet that when the dust settles we don’t see one American chip developed from that plant? I’ll bet before it’s all said and done what we will hear is “The chip development company wasn’t so developed” (shovel ready jobs aren’t so shovel ready.) But not to worry, someone will become richer!

Finally we all enjoyed watching Elon expose the internal filth, the internal cheating, the internal big arm of Government shutting down free speech this week during the 2020 election and in fact, still happening today. It was also quite enjoyable to see the media go nuts over all of this and the GOP oh boy they have been on every news talk show around the clock screaming about all of this. The whole world has now seen proof that the election was rigged and boy Congress is going to get to the bottom of it all! They vow to pull in every Twitter employee and make them answer tough questions. Bullshit! Forget the damn twitter employees, give me a break. They are little more than peons taking orders from twit management who are little more of the same taking orders from the mighty Left and the FBI and lying, cheating, filthy DNC. Bring in those rat bastards. In fact don’t even do that, put these sons-a-bitches in prison. It all goes back to where we started doesn’t it? Fix 2020. Just how much more evidence does this corrupt outfit called government need until the election is thrown out and people, many, many people are imprisoned? It’ll only happen if “we” make it happen. And that is a hill worth climbing.

Well that’s about enough for this week don’t ya think? It truly is amazing the amount of filth that goes on from one day to another in this country. What a freaking lawless mess we are in friends. How is it even possible to trust anyone in this Government again? For that matter, how in the hell do we get this mess fixed? I don’t claim to have the answer that’s for sure. I do know one thing and that is we will continue to keep our heads down plowing forward until we get to a better time where we at least feel our voices again matter. We must never forget who owns this country, who funds the goings on in this Government and who is supposed to work for whom. The true and faithful among us will never give up, we will never shut up and we will never turn our backs on our President Trump. He has exposed it all and he’s been right all along. We owe him our undivided loyalty and support. This is our country and he is our President. Now let’s get him back where he belongs. You do that, and suddenly the rest of the filth gets fixed. Quickly.

As always, thanks for letting me rant now it’s your turn. I love, love, love to hear from you all. In the meantime, I wish y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Um – I wonder if there will be anything to talk about next week?
PS: It’s so good to be with y’all again. Heartfelt thanks for all of you who worked so hard on my behalf. Friends for life! I’m old so you know, at least for a little longer! LOL
I’d like to add one more thing.
Donald J Trump is our President and we stand beside him one hundred percent !!!!
Never doubted it for a minute sir!
Afternoon MrDan. What a powerful rant today. And absolutely true. Let me first say Welcome Back. All Patriots are so glad you’ve returned to the fold. Your rightful place.
Just to let you know Allen and I among so many rant right along with your frustration. That’s why we all come to your blog every week. Just to let you know your a wee bit late with the release this day. 🤫 I won’t tell anyone.
Millions. And Millions feel the same right now. Wanting to follow Brazile action. Canada with the Truckers. What did the USA do.? That’s right Ted Cruz road around with a trucker outside the city burning fuel for what? 🤦🏻♀️
Mr Dan the ONLY way out of this shit show is the lazy ass Republican Party has got to fix the fraudulent election of 2020. That’s it. Not a damn thing matters until this is fixed and EVERYONE knows it. #fix2020
I only have this to say about that male basket ball American Hating POS that broke the law and should do his time in a male prison. Yup Russia don’t play that. Just because he tapes his dick to his leg don’t make him a princess. He did the crime. Pay your dues. But because this disgusting administration adores drag queens reading to small children half naked and now showing them dildos and butt plugs. I’m talking grades two and three. These perverted bastards all need to get the death penalty. My own opinion.
Thank you for your weekly rant Allen and I greatly appreciate your words and friendship.
You and Miss Cathy and your family have a wonderful rest of the weekend. To let you know Allen insists I pay the cuss jar for my rant today. I can live with that.
Good evening Ms.Jan! Yep, feels good to be back on, seeing & hearing from all of you and being able to start weighing back into the filth. My head hurts when I think of the 30K followers I worked so hard on for so many years to build. Perhaps Musk will, over time, do as he said he would. I’m not holding my breath.
I apologize for the late post – I played my normal Saturday round of golf today, nearly froze to death, cart path only due to the rain last night and well, I just needed a longer hot shower and I accidentally over stayed my afternoon nap. Cathy will tell you it was on purpose but it’s not true .
As for the Republicans… there can’t be more than five of them out of the whole sewer that as far as I’m concerned are worth a plugged nickle. 95% of them are status quo DC swamp monsters looking torward their next re-election. It’s sickening. I want so badly to agree with you but on this one I just can’t. Not when I know damn well most hated Trump and for what? Because he was exposing their weakness and selfishness. I hoped for them to stand in unity over the election and they didn’t. Including that weak ass Pence. I held hope for Durham to be the executor, failure and maybe not his fault, the courts are mostly all corrupt. Then I looked toward the Supreme court and to date, zip! For some reason I still hold on to hope they will do whats right in the end but, the end is upon us! The Musk stuff is great and its hard stuff for these asshats to turn their backs on. Although… We will see. I’m with you 100% on the law breaking basketball dude. lol
Now, time to fill up that jar! You guys have a great rest of the weekend! And thanks again for everything. Tell your friends to get on the blog and let-r-rip! 🙂