Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. You have to admit it’s true, the nonsense never ends. Of course this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Like I’ve said a million times, as long as we accept the nonsense it will continue. This government has all but taken our voices away from us. While there are several truth outlets & folks exposing the filth, lies and deceit that the American people are having stuffed down their throats, these outlets might as well be the DG blog. Meaning few know of them and even fewer ever hear from them. Between the government and their bought & paid for media, all of the media, (televised, print, social, Google, Amazon, Apple, etc) they’ve stuffed the truth in little boxes locked behind closed doors making it nearly impossible to get the word out to the masses. The average Joe continues to hear the DC narrative and when they’re done they get back in line for the latest and greatest booster shot. It is both sad and dangerous.
So what nonsense gnawed on my skull this week? More than I can write about and certainly more than you want to hear me rant about but here are a few;
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blames excessive spending by consumers as the primary cause of high inflation: No seriously, that is what this mental midget said. That’s the headline the masses in this country consumed and now that’s one of the many talking points at the local water fountain. It’s your fault for the inflation. You are the problem, you’ve been out spending like a drunken sailor, it’s so bad, well, it’s “excessive.” Really? I don’t know about the rest of you but there ain’t no “excessive” spending going on around this household. Most people that I know are watching their piggy bank pretty damn closely and thinking twice before buying anything. Today, filling up the gas tank comes with hesitancy for most. Perhaps I am the one out of touch and Miss Yellen has it right because you know, the Government having spent trillions of dollars on pure nonsense that has resulted in literally nothing to benefit the American people or the economy has nothing to do with the high inflation we suffer from. Nope YOU, you are the cause. This of course falls directly in the nonsense bucket.

This week it was official, more people in August died who were vaccinated than those who were not vaccinated. Did y’all hear that on the nightly news? How about reading it in the local newspaper? Did you see it there? Certainly one of the late night talk show idiots made fun of it. Right? How about Yahoo, did you hear it there? Nope, nope and nope.
This is another one of those “not surprising” things for many of us. The problem is the word many instead of everyone. While this news breaks under the radar ole pudding brain continues to push the vaccines and the oh-so-popular (to hear the evil pushers talk about them) boosters! And yes, even with this news broken brain continues to make it mandatory that all our freedom fighters in the military get their shots. It’s nonsense that the truth isn’t being spread far and wide. I have so many golfing buddies, most retired, nearly all that have been vaccinated and nearly all of those who just this week touted how they got their booster. These are successful men living the retirement dream. These are former CEOs of companies, former police officers, business owners, bankers, vets and so on. I sit on the porch of the club and listen to them brag about the vaccine and boosters and then listen to some of them talk about how they had to go on blood thinners or how they suddenly found out their heart was out of rhythm or they just don’t seem to have the same energy they once had. Then there’s the news that so and so won’t be playing this week because he came down with Covid. This of course is always followed by “He was vaccinated so he’ll be ok.” It’s freaking insane. This is just a small little example of the larger population. This Government and this media umbrella have done a great job convincing the masses that all is well with these drugs, or rather these vaccines that aren’t vaccines. It’s one thing for me to hear the “special people” (Actors and politicians) say they’ve come down with Covid and in the same breath say they are grateful for the vaccine and boosters but is something completely different to hear it first hand from guys you know and respect. What’s even more frustrating is not daring to inform these guys how stupid they are. I am out numbered 20 to 1. Good grief.
This week, as I understand it, Arizona’s Secretary of State and current candidate for Governor (Katie Hobbs) running against Kari Lake threatened certain county officials with fines and prison if they don’t certify the 2022 election. Let me say it slower, the person running for Governor is threatening county boards with prison if they don’t certify her election. Nothing to see here folks… I mean, that’s hard to even type, much less say out-loud. Arizonians, do you seriously want a Governor who is well aware of the many problems you endured on Election Day and who by the way was actually in charge of that very election? Do you seriously trust this woman? For the life of me, I don’t know why every Arizonian isn’t standing in the streets screaming for a hand recount. How many times are you going to allow this election nonsense to occur? Forget about drop boxes and early voting for a minute which for the record is a recipe for cheating and just focus on the known fact that voting machines in republican districts were not working while these same machines in democrat districts worked just fine. If that doesn’t smell, then you’ve had one too many boosters. Good grief, I can smell the odor from your stinky election all the way from South Carolina.

Mr. Musk this week said he believes they will get approval for human trials allowing them to surgically place chips inside our brains. Eh, just to get this out of the way, NO! I’ve got to say, I remain on the fence when it comes to this guy. One day he says something I like a lot and then the next he says something I couldn’t disagree more with, this chip in the brain thing being one of those.

Truth be told I am trying to be a Musk fan. You know the old saying, “talk is cheap.” I of course watched every day pass by this week checking my email and my banned twit account waiting for his amnesty pledge, his “the people have spoken” promise to come true. Am I disappointed? Nah, I’m pissed off. Call me whatever name you want, accuse me of anything you want but when you take away my free speech I don’t react well. I am getting to the point where the only reason I want my account back is so I can send out a final tweet telling him and his bedwetters where to stick their blue bird.

He did make me smile when he reinstated President Trumps account. And the exposure of the Hunter laptop stuff Friday night was awesome! It felt good to have what you and I already knew go public, go world wide! I hope the man has lots of body guards and someone to check the brakes on his Tesla. For me the best part of this was proving, once again, that Trump was right. He always is. Now let the prison terms begin…
Finally I was going to talk a little about DeSantis. I think I’ll keep that for another day. Needless to say, by all appearances, he isn’t on the Trump train which if you know me at all, puts me at odds with him. I’ll keep watching and listening but at the moment, he ain’t making me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Well friends this wraps up another week of rants. There was a lot more I could have pooped all over but respecting your time I’ll leave it right here. Besides, I don’t want to be included in the nonsense ass-hat crowd. I hope y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. I keep my eyes crossed hoping for a good outcome for Kari Lake and Hershel Walker. Pretty sure I will go blind before those races turn out the way I want. For some odd reason, Republicans don’t seem to do well in runoffs or recounts. Strange huh…
Be safe, warm and healthy friends. Let’s talk some more next week.