Goodbye 2022

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t imagine any of you having a problem letting go of 2022. Perhaps (hopefully) by the good grace of God something good happened in your personal lives in ’22. I promise you there was nothing good to write home about when it came to neither the blood-sucking Government nor the mindless drones who continue to consume their daily dose of propaganda. We always say “there are more of us than them” but I’m not so sure. I’ve got no way of proving it but my guess is that 80% of the people we call fellow Americans don’t have a clue where the sun sets, much less about Hunter’s laptop. This lack of engagement is just one of the reasons we find ourselves in the position we are in. Let’s face it the clean-up in this country far extends beyond just the government. Aisle’s 2, 5, 8 and 13 need help too. Don’t feel bad, I don’t know what that means either. Just know we’ve got a mess all over the place needing to be cleaned up.

When I think back over this year the only thing that I can say the government accomplished was to spend a whole hell of a lot of our wealth. In fact, they spent more than we have. What else is new right? If you were to ask me what they did, specifically, for the betterment of the American people or the country for that matter I’d be hard pressed to come up with an answer. It truly was a year designed to further degrade this beautiful country of ours. Although they did a great job naming the many spending bills so the drones would “think” the bills were all about helping them, the truth is, none of them do nor will they ever do a single positive thing for “We The People” or our once great Nation. While all those in office continue to enrich themselves, we work to keep our heads above water so we can live to fight another day.

Maybe there aren’t more of us than them but look at us! Who’s better prepared for whatever the future may bring? I’ll take common sense over that Harvard degree any ole day of the week. So what if I can’t spell. I can change a flat tire, start a fire and shoot a squirrel from 50 yards. You know, if it doesn’t move. 🙂 And I sure as hell know which
bathroom to use.

Probably, the 2nd or 3rd most frustrating thing to watch this year was that rigged up January 6th BS. All that time wasted doing everything they could think of to degrade the President, all that American Taxpayer money spent on their Hollywood fiction and what did they accomplish, nothing. Those idiots and their paid for media actually thought they were going to turn millions of patriots away from President Trump? They somehow thought by installing Trump hating, RINO sucking Cheney and cry baby Adam that we’d view this sham as legitimate? It was just another example of how stupid they think we are. An entire year of ass-hats posting “we’ve got him now!” resulting in another full year of utter failure and why? Because the man did nothing wrong except to try his best to save us from the very things that we are now enduring. A fake, rigged up Washington playhouse that is literally killing this country.

When I think of the anguish this ass-hat chairman of this dumbass committee went through having been forced to write this letter I, well, smile. Now throw them all in jail for spending a year on our dime telling lies and deceiving the American people.

The stupidity never ends though and it won’t for as long as we have this installed toilet bowl of a man pretending to be the leader of the free world. I cannot think of anything more insulting than watching him load up his entire family, including his crack smoking, corrupt, child predator of a son Hunter and fly off in our airplane to beautiful St. Croix to yet again vacation. The idiot has been on vacation for two solid years for Christ’s sake. The best we can hope for is that he never returns.

Remember that time Ted Cruz accompanied his family to Mexico to make sure they got their safe and settled and then came right back to help the Texans during a storm? Remember the outrage from the media and the Left (same thing)? Where’s that outrage now? The Media… we have no media. We have paid actors reading off the DC script. May the beach waters be clear and warm Joey and the sharks plentiful. You’ll fee right at home.

Speaking of going on vacation, remember that time Biden did a town hall on CNN (Certainly Not News) and was asked about going to the border? He said in response “I probably should go to the border but, the truth of the matter is, I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time” End quote. Remember how CNN’s moderator, Anderson Cooper pushed back on that answer by saying, “okay Mr. President let’s take some more questions from the audience”. Idiots…

How’s that for pouring salt in the wound? It’s bad enough that POS bill was passed in the first place. You know which bill I’m talking about right? You know it, it’s the one no one has read… Then they put it on a plane and fly the piece of crap to St. Croix so pudding brain doesn’t have to miss a minute of his vacation to sign it into law, all courtesy of we the taxpayer. This must have been an emergency… for Ukraine…

I don’t know friends. It’s just one shit show after another if you ask me. By all appearances we are ending this year just as we started it. Fighting for the truth to be told, hoping for real justice to appear, and pushing aside all their attempts to change the subject. One day it’s Ukraine they’d have us focus on, the next it’s climate change, then over to racism, then doubling back to COVID, boosters and masks and yep, back to Ukraine. They want us talking about anything other than what we want to talk about. The freaking 2020 rigged election. Well, the Republicans are about to take over the House and they are promising to hold hearings on just about everything but what is the root cause of all the things we suffer from today, the freaking rigged 2020 elections. “We’re going to yank Fauci in for questioning” fine, great, hate the evil little bastard but what about the election? “We will get to the bottom of what really happened on January 6th.” Super, the truth needs to be told but there wouldn’t have been an issue on January 6th had the 2020 election been conducted fairly. For two full years now we’ve sat idly by not hearing a peep out of the GOP or these rat bastard Republicans in Congress talk about the rigged election. Oh sure, there are three or four maybe but that’s about it. As the broken record I am, I WANT THE 2020 ELECTION FIXED!! And I am beyond tired of waiting. Please, I am begging you. Don’t make me put that on my tombstone. #Fix2020

Well my friends that’s about that. I truly am looking forward to putting this non-productive, rat filled filth of a year to bed. I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I am however, as many of you know, a big fan of the saying “Doing always beats saying.” Let’s get some “doing” going shall we? Let 2023 be the year we hoot and holler the truth until they evil doers can’t take it anymore. Let’s make sure we leave no doubt in the minds of the Leftist, America hating world that we ain’t going away. Call us what you want, accuse our President until your heads fall off, we aren’t budging an inch. They’ll keep pushing for sure and there will come a time where either they stop or the thin red line is crossed for millions of Americans. Not just me and you but millions and like in Brazil we shall be ready, willing and able to step over that line and take this country back. Remember, this is our country and soon, I hope, we’ll start acting like it. There are small cracks in the government dam, let us all do our part to open them up and let the truth come flowing out.

Sending each of you my best for a happy, prosperous, healthy and safe New Year. Thank you for being my friends and putting up with a year-long drivel of DG rants.

Tis The Night Before Christmas

Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. If you thought by reading the title I was going to write some clever Christmas poem, well, you thought wrong. My words flow together like oil and water. Much like nasty Nancy speaking as she does double time attempting to keep her teeth in her mouth or like Biden when he’s trying to talk about, you know, the thing. Well, a poet I’m not, a truth teller I am. If you disagree with my thoughts, that makes you a snot. (told you.)

About the only positive that I saw leak out of the filth this week was that the judge overseeing the Kari Lake case is still, at least, listening. As y’all know by now, I have about as much faith in these judges as I do Biden admitting he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Like so many things over these past several years, what seems so obvious to the rest of us is somehow turned upside down and thrown to the side. Clearly the Arizona election was a cluster (you know what) from the start. That said, based on the past, it’s difficult for me to believe the sewer dwellers will allow that election to be overturned. They know if they allow that all hell will break loose regarding the big steal in 2020. Can’t have any of that don’t ya know. God Bless Lake, It doesn’t appear she’s got any quit in her. Love it!

It is pretty difficult for me to point to ‘the’ one thing that chapped my skinny ass the most this week. Between making Trump’s tax returns public, the BS criminal referral from the J-6 fraud unit, to that big fat stuffed pig they call Omnibus right up to GI Joe waving the Ukraine flag inside our Capitol as all the paid monkeys stood and cheered, I’d say it was just another week standing on the sidelines watching a government that clearly is not of or by the people. You’d have to be seriously mentally ill not to see that our Government is no longer ours. We are indeed being ruled and what’s worse, we really don’t even know by whom. It sure as hell ain’t broken brain Biden and I don’t buy into the idea it’s Hussein Obama either. I’m sorry but, he just isn’t all that bright either. It’s gotta be the same guy who invented the slot machine…

Normally one would think these bank robbers would at least pretend this pork filled pig had something included in it for the American people, you know, the people paying for it? Nope, not here in 2022. They think so little of us they don’t even bother to pretend.
Remember it was only two weeks ago the GOP claimed that if Herschel Walker didn’t win we’d be in big trouble. Hell, we need a lot more than just one Herschel Walker to fix this rotten, RINO filled Senate. Ridding ourselves of these 18 American hating, pocket filling, lying pukes would be a good start. Ha! Like we have any power left at the ballot box… And you damn well better believe they know it. They don’t fear us, in fact, they don’t even care what we think and why should they? #PayYourTaxesAndShutUp. That’s their real message.

When Turtle brain went to the microphone earlier this week and said that Ukraine was their number one priority, I thought I was going to blow a cork. It’s not that these people are out of touch with the American people it is that they simply don’t give a shit about us. This Ukraine debacle is the biggest money laundering scheme ever. This thing makes that FTX dude look like the kid who stole my soda bottles I was saving up from the side of the house. It makes me so damn mad I could and do, spit every time I hear the word Ukraine.

Then Mr. Letter writer himself, Lindsey Graham comes out from under his rock and says GI Joe’s speech to congress was the most inspirational speech he had ever heard. I suggested he go back and read President Trump’s speech at the last state of the union speech. You know where he talked about all the America first things he had done and all those he still intended to do. You know the speech where he introduced a 100 year old WW2 vet and only half the room stood and cheered. Oh man, friends, this shit is going to be the death of me. These people… I swear they all should be lined up and shot. Traitorous bunch of sons-of-bitches and as it relates to Graham I want to emphasize the word bitch.

Anyone who thinks one man is going to turn this rat infested government of ours around is out of their mind. It will take him and every last one of us to get that job done and I don’t even know if that’ll get it done. I do know there is only one way to know for sure and that’s by trying. As long as we all sit ideally by, the filth will only grow and soon I invite you to picture the worst nightmare imaginable and then double that because that’s where this country is headed if we don’t get up off our asses and revolt! Yeah yeah, peacefully of course… Dear Lord, we really, really could use your help about now.

Well, maybe not ever seen but pretty darn close. Without equal justice we don’t have a country. Without justice the unjust rules the day and that my friends is right where we are on this very day. We are being ruled by tyrants who send out their lapdogs to take more and more of our liberty away.

After this pig bill was passed in the Senate I’ve seen a lot of good folks on Twitter say, “I’ll never send another dime to the GOP!” To that I say, what the hell were you thinking to send them any money in the first place? Have you been under a rock for the last 6 years? I can actually count on one hand the number of Republicans in congress I “think” I like and trust. And their one eyelash away from doing something stupid to cause me to disown them too.

Now reading over what I’ve said so far it appears this omnibus nightmare is the winner of the “DG pissed me off the most” award after all. It’s one of those IN YOUR FACE we don’t give a shit about you things… you know what I mean? Seriously they have millions for the protection of other countries’ borders but not ours? They do this while making Arizona remove the box cars they used to block our border? I shit you not. These are some evil mother suckers we are dealing with.

Okay, okay, calm the hell down Danny Boy… After all, it is Christmas Eve. Ho, Ho, Ho.

LOL – That all, LOL
How true is this and whoever created this I applaud them because their timing couldn’t be better. As more than half the country experiences colder than normal weather right now this meme could not possibly send a more accurate message. God Bless the men and women producing the energy we so depend on. Oh and FJB.

Well there you have it, another week, another rant and tonight Santa comes for a visit. You know, unless you’ve been naughty or the reindeer go on strike demanding better hours. One last thing, sorry. After having read this rant don’t you think for one second that we won’t overcome this mess because we will. Remember friends, our country not theirs. In the end we win because truth always prevails. Always!

When I was 5 or 6 years old on Christmas eve Mom, Dad, my two brothers, grandpa and I went to my sister’s house for dinner. She lived within walking distance from our house. By the way, because she’s reading this, she is my “older” sister, I am her much ‘younger” brother. LOL. Trust me, she’s yelling at me right now. Love you sis! Anywho, our whole family was together at sis’s house for a Christmas Eve dinner! I have no clue what she served. I only know that whatever it was, it was goooood! When we finished, upon entering our living room back home there where two brand new bikes sitting in the middle of the room in front of the Christmas tree, one for me and one for my older brother. Mine was red, his was silver and black. I was out of my mind happy! It was on that Christmas Eve I knew without any doubt there is a Santa Claus. There had to be because my entire family was at my sister’s house leaving no one else to deliver those bikes but Santa. It will always be a Christmas I will never forget!

I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas memory you’ll never forget too and if by odd chance you don’t then make it so starting right now! Christmas has always been a wondrous time in my family. Most were spent with the very <wink> “older” sister I mentioned earlier. I’ll argue all day long that no one puts together a Christmas like my sis. While I won’t be with her this year she knows without me saying, I love her, miss her and always thinking of her. Merry Christmas sis and to all of you. It’s impossible for me to say it any louder. I wish each of you a most wondrous Christmas. May your home be warm, your table filled with all your favorite eats and your Christmas stocking filled with a few wonderful treats. God Bless y’all and yep, God Bless America.

I’d Like To Throw More Than Tea Overboard

Good afternoon family and friends. On Friday, December 16, 1776 American Patriots tossed 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest British taxation. You know, or you should know, the rest of the story. Fast forward to today – Patriots would like to throw a lot more than tea into the harbor although to be honest, I’d be happy if we’d throw something, anything overboard because this government and sadly a whole hell of a lot of citizens have gone completely off their rockers. The government has gone rogue on we the people and half the population have popped the lids off the city sewers walking around like zombie freaks spewing their filth wherever they go.

Whew – can I just leave it there and call it a day? Remember when I would say these rants are more for me to release my frustrations than anything else? Yeah, well, that ain’t working.

Let’s see, what made up the good bad and ugly this week;

Pudding brain had a big celebration at the White House over the respect for marriage act. First off, for the majority of Americans that was a “whatever” moment. The idiot-n-chief for some unknown reason felt the need to celebrate and sign an act that had already been done during the last idiot-n-chief’s administration, Mr. Drama Obama. And can someone please tell me why in hell they invited some drag queen to the stupid event? No seriously, explain to me what a drag queen, who makes it her/his business to hold events for young children has to do with respect for marriage? Furthermore, why are we discussing respect for marriage in the first place? It’s a freaking out of control, filthy clown world. Forget the tea, throw her/him/it overboard and do it at the same time she’s hugging pudding brain.

It was disappointing to me to see a number of Trump supporters have such a melt down over his digital playing cards ad. I get it, I guess but really some of the posts were over reactions, one of those times where the mouth gets ahead of the brain. For a brief time they let emotions get the best of them. For the most part though, they returned to let us all know they still support the President. I suppose there is an argument to be made that the super hero cards diminished his real message which is telling us what he would do to crush censorship among the evil doers, not only these social media outfits but these ABC government evil doers too. You put the two together and, well, it ain’t pretty folks. For the life of me I’ll never understand people who somehow think it is unimaginable that Trump could say something stupid, or make any errors at all. He’s not a freaking God, he’s a human and as smart as he is, he’s gonna screw up now and then. Besides, it’s not as though the freaking RNC is going to fund his candidacy. I suspect he’s trying to fill up the wallet for his campaign. Everyone is making fun of it, that’s fine. Watch, in 20 years those goofy cards will be worth thousands. If everyone will just operate off of results instead of emotions they’d be less likely to get caught up in the non-important factors of the Trump world. The man couldn’t fit his ego inside a football stadium. That’s just one of the things that make him so bold and unafraid. As a matter of information, his card promotion didn’t make me even blink and for what its worth, they sold out that night.

Focus people – The President delivers important and helpful results. Always has, always well.

It truly amazes me, although I don’t know why I say that, how the media can simply ignore the whole Hunter Biden laptop story. If you flip through the channels of the mainstream media you’ll still see nothing about this. The government literally hid and continues to hide the facts that this family is little more than a crime family who have been selling this country out for years. Drama Obama knew about it, the FBI knew about it, the CIA knew about it and so did the freaking left wing anti-American state run media. And yet, here we are knowingly allowing a guy to sit in our

White House who didn’t win an election and watching as he destroys everything in his wake. This is no longer our country. We simply are occupying space and sending our money to the crime syndicate who operates under the disguise of the U.S. Federal Government. You know what? I wish Trump was superman. Do that thing with his eyes to melt these evil doers to a point where they flow back down into those sewer drains from which they came. And then weld those lids down tight. Do it Mr. President! Go all super hero on them! LOL

Just pretend for one second if the picture above was President Trump and Don Jr. Holy hell would break out. And that’s just a fact, jack! Hiding this filth from the American people is beyond unacceptable.
To these “not” journalist I can only say “Fool around and find out” #CryMeARiver

On the bright side of things how about Musk? His pronoun’s “prosecute/Fauci” or whatever they were, were awesome! And then this week suspending these ass-hats calling themselves reporters was, well, priceless. Watching the Left melt down over this makes his $8 a month blue-bird special nearly worth it. These people on the left are so friggin’ clueless. We’ve been suspended for telling the truth while these evil sons-a-bitches are tracking his kid down in real time and posting it. I am all for free speech, say whatever the hell you want, it’s your right. That doesn’t give anyone the right to endanger anyone. If I say Biden is a pudding head, or I say Trump won the election it isn’t a threat, it doesn’t endanger anyone. Yet, I am pretty sure I was suspended for it. These idiots are posting live location of the man and his family. That’s a recipe for harm. By the way, I’d feel the same way no matter who it was, even nasty Nancy or that racist Mad Max or lyin’ Shifty Schiff or pick-a-name. You know, one of the names that have publicly called for harm to be committed against us red hats. The hypocrisy has no limits.

He is exposing them one by one and the country is better off for it. Folks say that the truth will be revealed over time. Well, the time has come and I am personally enjoying every moment. What door will be opened next?

Okay friends let’s wrap this thing up. While we continue to endure the insanity going on around us, weather that is the gender bullshit, the climate change one world order, give up your cars and send us your money, how great it is that inflation is now only 7.1% which as y’all know is nothing more than a big fat government lie, sending our tax dollars to Africa so they stop mining for coal which if I had to guess, they’ll take the millions pudding brain gives them and put it toward mining more coal only to then sell it back to us for double the price, 10% for the big guy of course or the media continuing to ignore the fact that our country has been taken away from us we shall endure, we shall overcome. While thousands upon thousands of illegals invade our southern border and parents worry about their kids being subjected to filth in their schools, we again I say, we will, somehow, someway win in the end. You’ve heard me say it over and over again, super hero or not, one man will not be able to get this job done. He can lead, he can hint as he does all the time but in the end, it is only we, the 70+ million who can turn this mess around. The question always remains the same, will we? I want to believe we will. Y’all keep your heads down and nose to the grindstone. Keep pointing out the truth, even after they try to shut you down. Keep exposing the lies even though they call you out. Our country, our voices, our time. Never ever give up and never stop trying to be heard. You make a difference, we make a difference. March on friends! I’m right beside you.

It’s true. If we “all” stand we take the evil doers down. Forget throwing tea overboard, let’s peacefully throw the whole kit and caboodle overboard. #ItsTimeToRegroup
A friend of mine posted this picture. This was taken 36 years ago. As my friend said, let that sink in…
The truth is coming out but the reality is Trump knew the truth in real time. Nobody in Government or the stupid media wanted to listen to him because they were a part of it and still are. And folks get up-set when he calls himself a superhero. LOL

Yesterday, Today & 2024

Good afternoon family and friends. Despite all the garbage we are being made to endure I sincerely hope this week’s rant finds y’all doing well. As we all get busy preparing for Christmas we are reminded, at the end of any given day, what is most important are our families and friends. While these weekly rants are, well, rants don’t be confused by them. My family and my friends remain the only things that really matter to me. I rant in order to release my frustrations over the idiotic filth we are made to put up with in the country. What I’ve learned over time is that many of you share my frustrations and find some relief knowing you are not alone in your thinking. Misery loves company right? Ha, ha! I so glad you’re here!

I’ve got a few things bugging me today. After we had the 2020 election stolen from us, our narrative became “Fix 2020”. With each passing day, despite all our screaming and hollering to fix 2020 it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen. Then the narrative turned to 2022, we were going to show them (the Left) the country had had enough. The big red wave was going to sweep in and recapture both the House and the Senate. Republicans vowed to turn out big and send our message loud and clear. We couldn’t count on the media to set the record straight, the courts have been of no help at all and certainly we knew Congress was going to be useless in our endeavor to right the wrongs. You can throw the GOP into the basket of uselessness too.

Then the big red wave turned out to be not so big. We did manage to secure a small majority in the House and the Senate was never really in play. Like always, the talking heads and completely worthless polls assured everyone the red wave was real and the message was clear, Americans are done with the nonsense on the Left. When that didn’t happen the narrative turned to, “well, you have to run good candidates if you expect to win.” This is especially the case with Walker and Oz. The point being we lost those races, and others, because the candidates were weak. Trumps fault don’t you know… Wrong!

Now I am beginning to hear the rhetoric that 2024 will be the end all of end alls. The country will cast pudding brain aside like a soiled pair of underwear and once again re-elect our great President Trump or if you are among the people who want Washington to remain the good ole filth club, the anyone but Trump club, Ron DeSantis. (That’s Dan’s way of saying “I ain’t leaving Trump”)

To all of this I say NO! It’s all bullshit and nothing has changed. All roads continue to remain right where we started. FIX 2020. For as long as we have cheating in our elections nothing else matters. To those out there that say Walker lost because he wasn’t a good choice, that say Oz lost because he wasn’t a good choice I ask, is that why Kari Lake lost? How about this, is that why John Fetterman won, because he was a good candidate? What about Joe “pudding brain” Biden’s win, was it because he was a good candidate? Because he ran such a “great” campaign with a message all of America loved… NO!! I hear others say that in 2024 we are going to take the gloves off and play their (the Left) game. We will push for early voting, we will put drop boxes in every republican district throughout every state. We will encourage voting by mail, we will show them, we’ll beat them at their own game. NO! It doesn’t matter how we vote, how often we vote for as long as in the end the evil cheating doers decide which votes count and which votes don’t count, we lose. America loses. These people are like the magician holding a deck of cards. “Pick a card, any card!” So there you have it friends. We either Fix 2020 or we continue to wallow in the filth. We fix 2020 or our voices remain muted. We either Fix 2020 or the Government will continue to have no fear of we the people and if they have no fear at the ballot box then, well, you see how that’s working out… No matter the cost we simply MUST fix 2020.

You want your voice back, your country back? Look no further than to Brazil. Or, are we going to wait until they re-install Biden? Special thanks to Mr. Rock for this post. It hit home with me.

Now, I’ll spend little time on this but let the record show that DG couldn’t possibly be more embarrassed or pissed off that broken brain, ice cream licking, child showering Biden traded the world’s biggest arms dealer for a law breaking, America hating pretend woman basketball player while a United States Marine remains behind Russian bars. The days of “we never leave our people behind” are so long gone. It’s disgusting and just more of the same. I can’t even begin to imagine how those serving in the Marines are feeling. This is the kind of crap we can expect when we send a mouse into the lions den. Putin doesn’t respect Biden nor does he fear him. And why should he.

God Bless Mr. Waylan – May our country find its way soon and bring him and so many others home.

What else did we learn this week? You know, other than an America hating basketball player is more important than a Marine? Well, we learned that there are more important things going on in this country than that stupid open border. Oh sure millions of illegals are pouring in over the border, and yes it’s true they are bringing drugs with them that have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, it’s also a sad fact that human trafficking is occurring each and every day, and children are being left for dead on the banks of the Rio Grande.

All of this while millions of American citizens are struggling to put a roof over their own head, feed their own families, get the medical attention they need or even afford a good education all of these things are being given to illegals by, yes, you guessed it, the unimportant taxpayer. Nevertheless, there are more important things going on. Pudding Brain said so… You know, like our investment in a major chip manufacturing company in Arizona. How much y’all want to bet that when the dust settles we don’t see one American chip developed from that plant? I’ll bet before it’s all said and done what we will hear is “The chip development company wasn’t so developed” (shovel ready jobs aren’t so shovel ready.) But not to worry, someone will become richer!

Sure there is, like diaper changes, showering with your daughter and chasing your dog down the hall naked. Idiot.

Finally we all enjoyed watching Elon expose the internal filth, the internal cheating, the internal big arm of Government shutting down free speech this week during the 2020 election and in fact, still happening today. It was also quite enjoyable to see the media go nuts over all of this and the GOP oh boy they have been on every news talk show around the clock screaming about all of this. The whole world has now seen proof that the election was rigged and boy Congress is going to get to the bottom of it all! They vow to pull in every Twitter employee and make them answer tough questions. Bullshit! Forget the damn twitter employees, give me a break. They are little more than peons taking orders from twit management who are little more of the same taking orders from the mighty Left and the FBI and lying, cheating, filthy DNC. Bring in those rat bastards. In fact don’t even do that, put these sons-a-bitches in prison. It all goes back to where we started doesn’t it? Fix 2020. Just how much more evidence does this corrupt outfit called government need until the election is thrown out and people, many, many people are imprisoned? It’ll only happen if “we” make it happen. And that is a hill worth climbing.

And the state run media continues to hide the truth from the American people. Those still watching these trash networks need a come to Jesus moment to wake their stupid, lazy rear ends up for they are equally “a part of the problem”.

Well that’s about enough for this week don’t ya think? It truly is amazing the amount of filth that goes on from one day to another in this country. What a freaking lawless mess we are in friends. How is it even possible to trust anyone in this Government again? For that matter, how in the hell do we get this mess fixed? I don’t claim to have the answer that’s for sure. I do know one thing and that is we will continue to keep our heads down plowing forward until we get to a better time where we at least feel our voices again matter. We must never forget who owns this country, who funds the goings on in this Government and who is supposed to work for whom. The true and faithful among us will never give up, we will never shut up and we will never turn our backs on our President Trump. He has exposed it all and he’s been right all along. We owe him our undivided loyalty and support. This is our country and he is our President. Now let’s get him back where he belongs. You do that, and suddenly the rest of the filth gets fixed. Quickly.

We may lose a few battles but we will damn well win this war! Be strong friends, we will endure and we will be greater than ever before.

As always, thanks for letting me rant now it’s your turn. I love, love, love to hear from you all. In the meantime, I wish y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Um – I wonder if there will be anything to talk about next week?

PS: It’s so good to be with y’all again. Heartfelt thanks for all of you who worked so hard on my behalf. Friends for life! I’m old so you know, at least for a little longer! LOL

The Nonsense Continues

Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. You have to admit it’s true, the nonsense never ends. Of course this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Like I’ve said a million times, as long as we accept the nonsense it will continue. This government has all but taken our voices away from us. While there are several truth outlets & folks exposing the filth, lies and deceit that the American people are having stuffed down their throats, these outlets might as well be the DG blog. Meaning few know of them and even fewer ever hear from them. Between the government and their bought & paid for media, all of the media, (televised, print, social, Google, Amazon, Apple, etc) they’ve stuffed the truth in little boxes locked behind closed doors making it nearly impossible to get the word out to the masses. The average Joe continues to hear the DC narrative and when they’re done they get back in line for the latest and greatest booster shot. It is both sad and dangerous.

So what nonsense gnawed on my skull this week? More than I can write about and certainly more than you want to hear me rant about but here are a few;

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blames excessive spending by consumers as the primary cause of high inflation: No seriously, that is what this mental midget said. That’s the headline the masses in this country consumed and now that’s one of the many talking points at the local water fountain. It’s your fault for the inflation. You are the problem, you’ve been out spending like a drunken sailor, it’s so bad, well, it’s “excessive.” Really? I don’t know about the rest of you but there ain’t no “excessive” spending going on around this household. Most people that I know are watching their piggy bank pretty damn closely and thinking twice before buying anything. Today, filling up the gas tank comes with hesitancy for most. Perhaps I am the one out of touch and Miss Yellen has it right because you know, the Government having spent trillions of dollars on pure nonsense that has resulted in literally nothing to benefit the American people or the economy has nothing to do with the high inflation we suffer from. Nope YOU, you are the cause. This of course falls directly in the nonsense bucket.

These idiots blame the American people all while they can’t even tell us where in the hell the trillions they’ve spent, went. These are the people in charge of our tax dollars.

This week it was official, more people in August died who were vaccinated than those who were not vaccinated. Did y’all hear that on the nightly news? How about reading it in the local newspaper? Did you see it there? Certainly one of the late night talk show idiots made fun of it. Right? How about Yahoo, did you hear it there? Nope, nope and nope.

This is another one of those “not surprising” things for many of us. The problem is the word many instead of everyone. While this news breaks under the radar ole pudding brain continues to push the vaccines and the oh-so-popular (to hear the evil pushers talk about them) boosters! And yes, even with this news broken brain continues to make it mandatory that all our freedom fighters in the military get their shots. It’s nonsense that the truth isn’t being spread far and wide. I have so many golfing buddies, most retired, nearly all that have been vaccinated and nearly all of those who just this week touted how they got their booster. These are successful men living the retirement dream. These are former CEOs of companies, former police officers, business owners, bankers, vets and so on. I sit on the porch of the club and listen to them brag about the vaccine and boosters and then listen to some of them talk about how they had to go on blood thinners or how they suddenly found out their heart was out of rhythm or they just don’t seem to have the same energy they once had. Then there’s the news that so and so won’t be playing this week because he came down with Covid. This of course is always followed by “He was vaccinated so he’ll be ok.” It’s freaking insane. This is just a small little example of the larger population. This Government and this media umbrella have done a great job convincing the masses that all is well with these drugs, or rather these vaccines that aren’t vaccines. It’s one thing for me to hear the “special people” (Actors and politicians) say they’ve come down with Covid and in the same breath say they are grateful for the vaccine and boosters but is something completely different to hear it first hand from guys you know and respect. What’s even more frustrating is not daring to inform these guys how stupid they are. I am out numbered 20 to 1. Good grief.

This week, as I understand it, Arizona’s Secretary of State and current candidate for Governor (Katie Hobbs) running against Kari Lake threatened certain county officials with fines and prison if they don’t certify the 2022 election. Let me say it slower, the person running for Governor is threatening county boards with prison if they don’t certify her election. Nothing to see here folks… I mean, that’s hard to even type, much less say out-loud. Arizonians, do you seriously want a Governor who is well aware of the many problems you endured on Election Day and who by the way was actually in charge of that very election? Do you seriously trust this woman? For the life of me, I don’t know why every Arizonian isn’t standing in the streets screaming for a hand recount. How many times are you going to allow this election nonsense to occur? Forget about drop boxes and early voting for a minute which for the record is a recipe for cheating and just focus on the known fact that voting machines in republican districts were not working while these same machines in democrat districts worked just fine. If that doesn’t smell, then you’ve had one too many boosters. Good grief, I can smell the odor from your stinky election all the way from South Carolina.

Translation: I was in charge of this election and you better by God certify that I won.

Mr. Musk this week said he believes they will get approval for human trials allowing them to surgically place chips inside our brains. Eh, just to get this out of the way, NO! I’ve got to say, I remain on the fence when it comes to this guy. One day he says something I like a lot and then the next he says something I couldn’t disagree more with, this chip in the brain thing being one of those.

I guess my question is, who has in been testing these on? Democrats? If so, that would answer a lot questions I have. lol

Truth be told I am trying to be a Musk fan. You know the old saying, “talk is cheap.” I of course watched every day pass by this week checking my email and my banned twit account waiting for his amnesty pledge, his “the people have spoken” promise to come true. Am I disappointed? Nah, I’m pissed off. Call me whatever name you want, accuse me of anything you want but when you take away my free speech I don’t react well. I am getting to the point where the only reason I want my account back is so I can send out a final tweet telling him and his bedwetters where to stick their blue bird.

In the unlikely event you wonder what I’ve been doing ever since he said he was going to reinstate accounts. Picture me sitting on the porch tapping my foot.

He did make me smile when he reinstated President Trumps account. And the exposure of the Hunter laptop stuff Friday night was awesome! It felt good to have what you and I already knew go public, go world wide! I hope the man has lots of body guards and someone to check the brakes on his Tesla. For me the best part of this was proving, once again, that Trump was right. He always is. Now let the prison terms begin…

Finally I was going to talk a little about DeSantis. I think I’ll keep that for another day. Needless to say, by all appearances, he isn’t on the Trump train which if you know me at all, puts me at odds with him. I’ll keep watching and listening but at the moment, he ain’t making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Well friends this wraps up another week of rants. There was a lot more I could have pooped all over but respecting your time I’ll leave it right here. Besides, I don’t want to be included in the nonsense ass-hat crowd. I hope y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. I keep my eyes crossed hoping for a good outcome for Kari Lake and Hershel Walker. Pretty sure I will go blind before those races turn out the way I want. For some odd reason, Republicans don’t seem to do well in runoffs or recounts. Strange huh…

Be safe, warm and healthy friends. Let’s talk some more next week.