Howdy family and friends. I hope this week’s rant finds y’all doing well and as winter is now upon us, staying warm. And before I forget I want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. May your table be filled with all your favorites. Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like family, friends and gravy over turkey and stuffing. Sorry, I’ll pass on the cranberry sauce. LOL
Well poop… I knew something was wrong. Like I do every week, I take in the political chatter and as the days pass I begin to formulate in this pea brain of mine what I will be writing about. Usually it takes very little formulation because the chatter is up in your face. Well right up until Friday afternoon, I kept saying to myself “something is wrong” because all I had was good news. How exciting is that! I kept thinking “are they really going to let us finish a full week on a high note?” The answer was predictable, No, no they’re not.
My heading “was” going to be “It’s Been A Pretty Good Week.” It really was a good week if you think about it.
We took back the house and minutes later the Republicans held a news conference announcing they are going to be holding hearings to get to the bottom of the Biden crime family. From drug addict Hunter, to pudding brain’s builder who is not a builder brother all the way up to Mr. 10% the big guy himself. Sweet! Expose these rat bastards, American traitors, money scheming Mo-Fos. Put them on the world stage exposing all the lies, cheating, filth, and selling out our beloved America. I hope the hearings last until, I don’t know, November 5th, 2024. That’s the way the Democrats do it right?
Then came another “good thing” actually, a “great thing.” Nasty Nancy announcing she will no longer seek a leadership position in the House. If that ain’t good news then I don’t know what is. To finally get to a point where we no longer have to see that evil wicked witch from the west holding that gavel in her wrinkled out claws with her four eyebrows looking like the golden arches as she struggles to keep her teeth in her mouth is indeed good news and, for the record, America is better off for it. Good freaking bye you Nasty, cheating, lying, self absorbed witch.
She did say she’ll continue to represent the good folks of San Francisco. You know, the ones that have to look down when they’re walking so as not to step in the poop or the needles or run right into a cardboard box being used to house the homeless on the city by the bay’s sidewalks or parks. What an awful person she is. She’s lived a life of luxury at the expense of the people she pretends to serve. One has to wonder if she ever, truly, won any election.

Then to wrap the week of good news up the people’s President formally announced he’s running for President again in 2024. Anyone who knows anything about the man was not surprised in the slightest by this. There was never a moment over the past two years I ever thought he wouldn’t run again. When you combine the ego of a billionaire, the drive of a businessman with a love of country second to none there should have never been any doubt. From the moment he announced, the media and the Left and predictably many on the RINO right began their fight against him. Well, not really began, the sons-a-bitches have never stopped. Screw them and the horse they rode in on. Those of us that enjoyed low gas prices, a controlled border, near zero inflation, watching our retirement savings double, receiving our tax cuts, not being involved in new wars, getting our soldiers remains back from North Korea, putting China in their place, making the NATO freeloaders pay their fair share and God forbid being able to say Merry Christmas again are elated to know we have a chance to get back to those days of America greatness. Those days of pride in the American flag not the damn pride rainbow thing or the filthy racist BLM flag. No “the” one and only American flag. We have a chance to get back to the days where we do indeed put America first. We’ve endured the kitchen sink and every slimy thing that’s come down the drain. We’ll continue to endure and then, come November 5, 2024 we vote. And as I stand before you today, shiny head and all, we better by God either fix these elections or learn how to gather ballots like the cheaters do by then or we’re done. Hunker down friends, it’s gonna be a long two years filled, if you can even imagine, with more lying than ever before.
The above “was” going to be my rant for the week and then it happened. On Friday afternoon they did it, they couldn’t let the week finish on a high note. The puss DOJ Garland held a news conference announcing the appointment of a special counsel to go after, none other than, guess who? President Donald J. Trump. Surprise, f’ing surprise. These people are so afraid of this man there is literally nothing they won’t try to ensure he’s not ever allowed in the White House again. And they’ve learned nothing in the past six years. You’d think the idiots on the Left and their paid idiots in the media would know by now that every time they make a run against our President they light a fire under the millions of MAGA Ultra Nuclear Deplorable followers. While on one side of their filth they claim to want to bring the country together they on the other side of their filth do shit like this to further inflame us, divide us. Like I said earlier, hunker down, it’s gonna be a long two years.

We will stand strong, united, and our support will not waiver. We will not be so foolish to believe any of the lies nor will we be so ignorant to take a chance on anyone else as our President. We’ve seen what he can do, we’ve lived it. We don’t have to guess, we don’t have to hope. We know his word is his bond because we’ve experienced it, we enjoyed, and we succeeded under it. For us, it is Trump all the way, everyday. That means supporting him even when he makes some of those remarks we all scratch our heads at wondering why he felt the need to say it. That means supporting him when, God forbid he shows he’s human. The good far outweighs any of the small trips and falls he might have. He did right by us, right by America and we, together, will do right by him.

Just in case y’all wonder, I’ll be voting for Trump. LOL. I suspect you will be too. You know, if this criminal filled Government doesn’t throw him in prison first. Words cannot describe the contempt I have for these evil doers going after this man and really, after all of us too. Fight on we shall.
Before I finish, I want to give a heartfelt thanks to all of my Twitter family for your continued support. So many of you continue to have my back, continue to fight for my account and continue to show your friendship. It is YOU that I miss the most. I wish I had good news to share with you about the account but I don’t. I’ve not heard anything from the bedwetters since the day I appealed. I send them an email daily with zero response. Please, if you haven’t, come say hi on Truth now and again. Y’all are awesome beyond words. Thank you!
Have a great rest of your weekend and Turkey Day friends. Until next week then.
Mr. Dan! Good morning from a fellow AMERICA FIRST patriot! I’ve always enjoyed your daily tweets, Educational Moments & your Weekly Rants! You always brought common sense (not much of that around these days), great insight, and FIRE!
I can’t believe Twitter suspended (or whatever) you … miss your insights!
It HAS been quite a week. Re: Nasty Nancy – her replacement will be Hakeem Jeffries, a progressive that will want to the Dem party even further left. The good news here is that he hasn’t shown the ability to unify the party – Nancy was much better at that! Hopefully he continues to destroy the D party by making it even more extremist. But buckle up – and God help us!
Hoping you get reinstated on Twitter! And wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
Tim Clayton
Tim: It’s GREAT to hear from you and see your post here on the blog! Much appreciated friend.
I cannot for the life of me understand what I did to get my account banned and worse the bedwetters at twitter won’t even bother to tell me specifically what it was to cause this. For that matter, I can’t even get them to answer my emails… Frustrating beyond words. Thank you for your kind words sir.
I agree on Hakeem Jeffries, he’s certainly no Nasty Nancy who held her conference together with an iron fist. I’m with you, hopefully this will be the downfall over the darker side.
Have a nice Thanksgiving Tim and please come by and say hi once in a while! Your input is appreciated and I know others will like to read what you have to say as well.
Hello and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you also. Hug your family and friends we all need it.
This weeks rants is amazing. Allen and I appreciate your every opinion and word. Donald J Trump is our vote for 2024. We stand with him absolute!!
Your so right this scummy administration will do anything to have the man not lead this amazing country again. Lies doubled dow on lies. That’s the only thing these griot dwellers know.
I can’t even express to you how much your missed on twatter. Daily Patriots are demanding your account be reinstated. That horrid Kathy griffin had her account back. But not Dan Garrison or Trump. I don’t have to tell you my distaste for the owner.
MrB starts his day everyday with a post for you. God Bless us we’ve got some amazing Patriot friends. Stay safe. Hope to see you back on sooner rather then later.
Thanks dear Jan and Allen – So good to hear from you! Y’all over in commie land are missed by me too! Tell Mr. B hi and thanks for me!! Any up-date on his brother?
Yep, the asshats will continue their full court press to “get Trump” and with each filthy maneuver they make MAGA stronger. I have been disappointed to see a number of so called Trump supporters jump ship toward DeSantis which personally I think is about as stupid as one can be. As I said in the rant, there is no guessing with Trump. I’ll stand with him to the bitter end.
Wishing y’all a wonderful thanksgiving. Cath and I are on our own this year so we are going out to our favorite restaurant. We’re actually looking forward to it! Just us, no clean-up. Downside, no turkey sandwiches… We’ll have to work on that. Thanks for jumping in Jan. Have a nice evening.